E3 Game of Show

  • Forza 7

    Votes: 7 7.1%
  • Anthem

    Votes: 12 12.1%
  • Monster Hunter World

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Marvel Vs. Capcom

    Votes: 9 9.1%
  • State of Decay 2

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Cuphead

    Votes: 8 8.1%
  • Call of Duty 2k18

    Votes: 13 13.1%
  • Battlefront 2

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Crackdown 3

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Far Cry 5

    Votes: 10 10.1%
  • Evil Within 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfenstein 2

    Votes: 6 6.1%
  • Metro Exodus

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Destiny 2

    Votes: 6 6.1%
  • Beyond Good and Evil 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dragon Ball Fighter Z

    Votes: 20 20.2%
  • Code Vein

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Sea of Thieves

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Southpark 2

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Kingdom Hearts 3

    Votes: 10 10.1%

  • Total voters
I love the realism argument about a game with 7ft tall super splicers who flip tanks with their hands fighting an alien invasion.

It's about what plays better.
I love the realism argument about a game with 7ft tall super splicers who flip tanks with their hands fighting an alien invasion.

It's about what plays better.

Sprint plays better in the campaign though

It allows you to be more aggressive and flank easier, and greatly reduces the amount of cheap deaths


-BTW, it is not even about a "realism" argument. MC not being able to do things like sprint doesn't make sense within the context of Halo

Especially when he is shown sprinting all the damb time in cut scenes and commercials
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I love the realism argument about a game with 7ft tall super splicers who flip tanks with their hands fighting an alien invasion.

It's about what plays better.

Oh so it's a realism argument?

Does he have legs? Check.

Does he walk? Check.

These two things basically mean he can perform the basic function of.... RUNNING.

No argument for this. Your fighting an alien invasion and your suppose to power walk everywhere?
RB6 has no campaign, so unless you got a group of buddies to run with consistently you're screwed.

This might be Titanfall 2.0

Def not copping.
lol who the hell plays it for the campaign tho? no one, that's why it isn't in there. plus did you know only like 30% of people fully beat COD campaigns?
pointless, b
343 coulda made halo 3.5 and would have russtled jimmies...

even bugnie didnt wanna do that :rofl:

they're not going to make everyone happy.

an area of their fanbase is going to be left salty no matter what direction they run, power walk or sprint towards..
He doesn't actually need to perform the action of sprinting just up base movement speed and we don't even have this problem. That would solve all your problems while not placing saton of problems into the mix lie the sprint button does. Go look at unreal tournament for example. No sprint base movement speed through the roof. n
He doesn't actually need to perform the action of sprinting just up base movement speed and we don't even have this problem. That would solve all your problems while not placing saton of problems into the mix lie the sprint button does. Go look at unreal tournament for example. No sprint base movement speed through the roof. n

Bull ******* ****

Then people like you would complain he is moving to fast if the upped the speed that much.

And that it feels like the Spartans are "skating" around the map

-Matter of fact, didn't that already happen with Reach?

Yep! Dudes would have no problem landing headshots with the BR at these speeds. I'm sure no one would complain too :rolleyes :lol:

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That happened with Reach cause of ZBNS. When they patched it and upped base movement speed to 120 for MLG you slid everywhere.

I hated that. But that's a product of that being saband aid and not a fundamental part of game design. Do it from jump and we have no issues.

Of course you wouldn't up it that much.... It was an example of how a game can have high base movement speed and still play well. H3 sliding didn't start until 150 if I remember right and 150 base H3 still played fine. They could just tweak around that. i
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That happened with Reach cause of ZBNS. When they patched it and upped base movement speed to 120 for MLG you slid everywhere. I hated that. But that's a product of that being saband aid and not a fundamental part of game design. Do it from jump and we have no issues.

I still have an issue because I still have to play hide and seek from distance for a good part of the campaign

What part of that are you not understanding
That happened with Reach cause of ZBNS. When they patched it and upped base movement speed to 120 for MLG you slid everywhere. I hated that. But that's a product of that being saband aid and not a fundamental part of game design. Do it from jump and we have no issues.

I still have an issue because I still have to play hide and seek from distance for a good part of the campaign

What part of that are you not understanding
Where did dismiss any post you made man. I know you're talking about campaign.
That happened with Reach cause of ZBNS. When they patched it and upped base movement speed to 120 for MLG you slid everywhere. I hated that. But that's a product of that being saband aid and not a fundamental part of game design. Do it from jump and we have no issues.

I still have an issue because I still have to play hide and seek from distance for a good part of the campaign

What part of that are you not understanding
Where did dismiss any post you made man. I know you're talking about campaign.

Upping the movement speed by that much is not as good as having sprint though. That's my point. It is not a fair compromise/fix

It it getting what you want, throwing me a crumb, and expecting me to live with it. Nah pa :lol:

Why can't the compromise just be there is a barbones mode with properly scaled maps?
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I'll believe it when iIsee it. We'd end up with a world of gray in terms of the maps but whatever. H5s jump height is horrible though it feels worse than Reach so I'd be curious to see if they can up that without the game being floaty.
Yall can play custom game on halo with no sprint.

So people who don't think running should be in a function in video games rejoice.
Custom games have ranks? I can get on and play a custom at my discretion without another 7 people?

That's a poor solution that's the same thing they said about the MLG playlist before it was added to H3
Speaking of Destiny I just made max level of 40 :D

But a lot of things are still locked and now it's saying my light has to be 240+

Going to hop my behind back on Halo 3.
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