E3 Game of Show

  • Forza 7

    Votes: 7 7.1%
  • Anthem

    Votes: 12 12.1%
  • Monster Hunter World

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Marvel Vs. Capcom

    Votes: 9 9.1%
  • State of Decay 2

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Cuphead

    Votes: 8 8.1%
  • Call of Duty 2k18

    Votes: 13 13.1%
  • Battlefront 2

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Crackdown 3

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Far Cry 5

    Votes: 10 10.1%
  • Evil Within 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfenstein 2

    Votes: 6 6.1%
  • Metro Exodus

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Destiny 2

    Votes: 6 6.1%
  • Beyond Good and Evil 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dragon Ball Fighter Z

    Votes: 20 20.2%
  • Code Vein

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Sea of Thieves

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Southpark 2

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Kingdom Hearts 3

    Votes: 10 10.1%

  • Total voters
I understand that, but ALL IM SAYING is IF they decided to do some fan service for early adopters due to the quick price drop, I'm down.

its a different product bundle..

Not a price drop for the product you and I bought.

I'm all for free ish though.. so imma be all over Max or what ever that game is called :lol:
Dude you're sounding like an entitled child. MS made no promises to you. And they didn't even cut the damn price. They're introducing a new SKU

You didn't get played, you didn't get robbed, you didn't lose out really. You're mad because you early adopted. That's the point you are missing. You enjoyed you console for months, now you want MS to compensate you for the enjoyment you had for those months.

YOUR NOT ASKING TO GET THE SAME DEAL AS THE LATER BUYERS. You asking to get a better deal. You want the months of enjoyment the later buyers don't get, plus you want to pay the lower price and get the perks that MS is giving the later buyers to draw them in.

Every says if you are hesitant to jump in to a new console to wait a year and then make your decision. But you couldn't wait.

Not only that. You have the option of getting back your $100 but you're so upset about this, that you don't want to even entertain that option.

Relax B, price cuts happen errday.
Dawg what are you talking about? 

I did not say:

A.Microsoft owes me anything (said it would be NICE if they gave something NOMINAL away)

B. I will no longer purchase Xbox 1 products/games

C. I didn't say I wanted the same deal or anything better or that I wanted the 100 bucks back.

Where is the entitlement?

I'm not mad that I early adopted, I wasn't hesitant AT ALL. Why would I wait to buy the system what would I be waiting for?? It was never about the money to buy it. I knew what month TF was coming out.

M$ probably had SEVERAL meetings on whether to include Kinect or not.  They would have probably have washed Sony in sales had they just offered it on the side. And guess how many XB1 people would have actually purchased Kinect along with the XB1 system MAYBE 30- 35%. 

So yes they presold everyone an item that wasn't all that necessary to enjoy all the other features, now they are learning from it and will be dropping the price and watch the sales go thru the roof. 
Yusuf Mehdi Xbox’s Chief Marketing Officer

Forbes: Can you say how long this unbundling announcement has been in the works?

Mehdi: Over the last couple months we’ve been having discussions about how we can continue to iterate on the program.

Does it have anything specifically to do with the recent change in leadership with Phil Spencer taking over?

Not really, for years now we’ve been trying to be very customer focused, looking to our fans and taking their feedback. You can track all the way back to E3, where after we got out we had a lot of good feedback about how you can play games, used games, and online connectivity. We’ve been very responsive, and this is consistent with that approach.

You do seem a lot more responsive to fan feedback than most. In doing that, how do you balance your own vision for the Xbox One with what fans want, which has proven to be quite different at times? Where do you draw the line?

Yeah, that’s a tough call. I think in general we prioritize listening to our customers and being fan-driven. I think that’s really the key. But look, a lot of times when you’re trying to pioneer a new system or new technology, it’s harder. You have to take some risks, outline your vision for the future and share it with customers. Hopefully when you do, they see [your vision]. The good thing about our fans is that they know their stuff, the games, the system, and they’re good guides as to how to take the system forward.

So now that Kinect is optional and there’s a $399 price point, there are a lot of comparisons to PS4. What do you view as your main differentiator now if someone’s buying a standalone Xbox One system compared to PS4? The consoles are starting to seem pretty similar these days, especially in the wake of this announcement.

I think there are four main areas in terms of how ours system is differentiated. First is that the reason people buy these consoles is to play games. We’ve got the best games line-up. We had the best games line-up this past holiday if you talk to most experts in the games industry. As we go into E3, you’re going to see an incredible games line-up. Knock on wood, I believe we’re going to have a great games line-up for this coming holiday as well.

Second thing is people buy games to play with their friends. We have had the best multiplayer gaming system in this space for many years with Xbox Live Gold. We’ve really set the standard. You get better matchmaking capability with SmartMatch, you get better protection against people who cheat. Xbox Live Gold is the best place to come play with your friends.

Third is the original vision we had for Xbox One, which is an all-in-one entertainment device, and it still is, even with the $399 SKU. You still get Xbox One as an input one device where you can still watch live TV, do two things at once, input switch. A lot of the things you do with entertainment you just can’t even do on other systems. We’re really built for the future.

And finally you can still add on Kinect to create all these additional experiences with voice commands, biometric recognition, recording gameplay and more.

Those four things make it very differentiated, and now that the price points are the same, and people looking at games and entertainment experiences are future-proofing, I feel that we have a very differentiated system.

Both the PS4 and Xbox One have sold very well, but there’s been a bit of a sales gap. Do you view that it’s mostly due to the cost, and now that the price is lower on the unbundled Xbox One, you’ll gain a bit of ground on Sony?

It’s hard to really assess the gap in sales. They’re in many more markets right now than we are. They’re in 40+ markets, we’re in 13. People have been more satisfied with the Xbox 360 than the PS3, so in that respect people have less of a need to upgrade in the short term due to regular updates for the Xbox 360. We could point to any number of things. That said, we’ve heard from a lot of our Xbox fans who say, “Hey look, I want an Xbox One, but at $499, I probably have to wait a little while before I can afford to get one.” I do think we’re going to get people now who move over, and then buy the Kinect later. So I do think the [price point] broadens the appeal and hopefully brings more people to Xbox One sooner.

In the wake of this, now that the price has been lowered and you’ve said people are waiting to buy it, do you think that at launch it was a mistake to bundle the Xbox One with the Kinect at a higher price?

No, I think it was the right call to bundle with Kinect. In the beginning of a new console generation, you’re trying to set the bar for a new experience, and I think we did that with Xbox One. The proof is really in the usage. 80% of people are using Kinect which is remarkable compared to the last generation. We’re doing 120 voice commands on average a month with over a billion commands issued. People who wanted the experience came and bought it. We were sold out all through the holidays. I think it was the right call, and now is a good time to offer more choice for people who haven’t been able to get that experience.

What do you see as the future of Kinect here going forward? Do you think that it’s lived up to its potential or struggled in some ways?

The way I look at it is that you should take a five year vision. I think in five years, we will laugh at any computing device you can’t walk up to and talk to. Voice is going to be there for all devices. We’re a pioneer with Kinect in the living room. And it’s not just voice, and it’s voice and biometric ID. The ability to pioneer that, and with the success we’ve had so far with five million people, it’s remarkable. We feel great about it. And look, we’re going to learn a lot, and our partners are going to learn a lot, and our customers are going to learn a lot, and we’re going to continue to shape it. But I think we’re breaking a lot of new ground and we’re delighted with the progress.

Do you worry that now that the Kinect is optional, there may be less developer support for it as they make games going forward?

One thing I should say is that we made this decision in conjunction with our games publishers and our entertainment partners. As you can imagine, we have really strong relationships. The two of us looked at the problem the same way. We love Kinect, we love the way it’s going and the possibilities. At the same time, we also wanted to have a broadened base of users. Some games are fully Kinect-based, and some are better when you use Kinect, but can also work fine without it. In each of those cases, this is still the right call.

A price cut for the Xbox One was rumored for a while and everyone was wondering how you’d do it. When you were devising ways knock the price down, was removing Kinect the only thing on the table, or were there other options considered?

The way we think about this is that the ability to offer more choice as to how you package these bundles is a no-brainer. This way we’re allowing more people to come and try it, and based on the feedback we’d gotten, that made sense. Certainly, it’s part of the general marketing of Xbox One. We’ve had promotional offers with games included with Xbox One. If you look back to Xbox 360, we’ve done temporary price reductions. We’re going to be doing those throughout the lifecycle of the console. The way I think about this is that you’re repackaging to allow you to have a better opening price.

This interview is cringe worthy.
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Microsoft confirmed that it's not planning to reward Xbox One early adopters following the console's price drop and recently revealed Kinect-less option.

When asked if its most passionate audience could expect any kind of bonus for jumping on board so soon - ala Nintendo's Ambassador's Program when the 3DS dropped its price - a Microsoft spokesperson told Eurogamer: "No. As with many first generation products, the offerings can be expected to change and evolve over time. Kinect remains an integral part of our vision. Xbox One is better with Kinect, making games, TV and entertainment come alive with premium experiences."
Dude you're sounding like an entitled child. MS made no promises to you. And they didn't even cut the damn price. They're introducing a new SKU

You didn't get played, you didn't get robbed, you didn't lose out really. You're mad because you early adopted. That's the point you are missing. You enjoyed you console for months, now you want MS to compensate you for the enjoyment you had for those months.

YOUR NOT ASKING TO GET THE SAME DEAL AS THE LATER BUYERS. You asking to get a better deal. You want the months of enjoyment the later buyers don't get, plus you want to pay the lower price and get the perks that MS is giving the later buyers to draw them in.

Every says if you are hesitant to jump in to a new console to wait a year and then make your decision. But you couldn't wait.

Not only that. You have the option of getting back your $100 but you're so upset about this, that you don't want to even entertain that option.

Relax B, price cuts happen errday.

Dawg what are you talking about? 

I did not say:
A.Microsoft owes me anything (said it would be NICE if they gave something NOMINAL away)
B. I will no longer purchase Xbox 1 products/games
C. I didn't say I wanted the same deal or anything better or that I wanted the 100 bucks back.

Where is the entitlement?

I'm not mad that I early adopted, I wasn't hesitant AT ALL. Why would I wait to buy the system what would I be waiting for?? It was never about the money to buy it. I knew what month TF was coming out.

M$ probably had SEVERAL meetings on whether to include Kinect or not.  They would have probably have washed Sony in sales had they just offered it on the side. And guess how many XB1 people would have actually purchased Kinect along with the XB1 system MAYBE 30- 35%. 

So yes they presold everyone an item that wasn't all that necessary to enjoy all the other features, now they are learning from it and will be dropping the price and watch the sales go thru the roof. 

Brah you have said the following:

"I'm asking for something "free" for supporting Microsoft out da gate. Then getting hit with the okey doke."

"Selling it on ebay is not gonna make me feel any better smh."

-You're making it like you got tricked/played. And you got the option to get you money back but you talking about your feelings.

MS didn't trick you, you made a decision and got months with the console. You got your money's worth that way

Secondly the people who run MS/Xbox now are different than those who ran it when the X1 launch. So you're gonna hold the sins of their predecessors against them?

-You want to get compensation for buying early. You don't deserve it. Period

-You're upset you not getting something for buy early. Deal with it, no one played you. Period
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I signed into my 360 not too long ago.

I saw an interesting advert.

"xb1 now $399"

How you gonna say it made it so much better then bash it? Lol. The only thing it did reliably was sign me on with the face recognition. Everything else was a hit or miss usually ending with me curing out the Xbox and using the controller to do things

Because I said they get old? The kinda do but that don't change the fact that they are cool. And they do add to the system. Yea after awhile you might not use them as much. But it makes the xbox different from other consoles.
Forgot da chrome dpad playa :pimp: I like they did that for day one joints.. Even though there were plenty still available months later :lol: still cool
Dang MS I may be picking up a X1 even faster if I can get it without the kinect. I never cared for it so I really don't mind not having it
So I'm trying to get to Gen 3 on Titanfall.

**** this shotgun! :lol:

I've never used a shotgun on FPS game.
Does anyone know if the gamertag supreme junkiez is an NTer?? I'm trying to figure out where dude got my name from. He keeps inviting me to play Killer Instinct. :lol:
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Heads up to anyone. Gamefly has Forza, NFS, dead rising, zoo tycoon, ryse, and Lego marvel for 25. And there are coupons floating out there probably.
Heads up to anyone. Gamefly has Forza, NFS, dead rising, zoo tycoon, ryse, and Lego marvel for 25. And there are coupons floating out there probably.

Do they come with a case or is it just the disc in the Gamefly sleeve?
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Heads up to anyone. Gamefly has Forza, NFS, dead rising, zoo tycoon, ryse, and Lego marvel for 25. And there are coupons floating out there probably.

Do they come with a case or is it just the disc in the Gamefly sleeve?
I've bought used 360 games from them and they come in the normal game case.

Also titanfall dlc comes out in Thursday
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