Yankee hater thread vol. 27. Really?! 27? Can we just get our 2nd?!


Staff member
Apr 30, 2004
Now first off, Yankee fans, you might roll your eyes and say 'Really?"

But think about it: whenever some dude comes through your season thread hatin', or comes through the World Series thread hatin', you can redirecthim... here.

Now then...



Congrats to all classy New York fans, on and off NT.

But the classless fans, and the New York Yankees themselves celebrating a championship makes me... ill.

What's classless?
"I've been a fan since way back in the Randy Johnson days, son. Trust me, I've put my time in. I grew up onthe Yankees. I still remember when we signed A-Rod."
Wow? You can remember that far back, to just a few years ago? Good for you.

"Man, it's been soooo long!! Nine years of waiting was just too much!!"
Nine years? NINE YEARS?! The Angels won the World Series in 2002. I was LITERALLY born an Angel fan (my dad's assignment as a police officer when I wasborn was the dugout police officer for the California Angels). I was born in 1977. If nine years was this HUUUUGE eternity for you, imagine the emotionaldisarray you'd be in after TWENTY-FIVE YEARS! And some teams have gone longer than THAT, and they're STILL waiting. Nine years?!

"Oh my god, I'm so glad A-Rod finally got a ring his first time in the playoffs!"

"C.C. is so dominant! He was the steal of this year's draft! How come no one else wanted him, though?"

"FINALLY, Pettite gets a ring with the Yankees!"

"Rivera is the MAN! Just cuz he's old and can't start anymore doesn't mean a thing to him! Best closerEVER!! And used to be the best starter back in the day, too.

"I'm glad Jeter gets another ring, but when's he going to get an WS MVP? I That has to suck a little bitfor him, having all those championships, but watching other Yankees be the MVP."

"Look, pal, my grandfather's grandfather came over from Scotland... JUST to be a Yankees fan. Say one more wordand I swear on his Yankee grave I'll beat your face in."

"Yeah, I've waited nine years for this. It's not my fault your team sucks, you candy-a__ chump. You want tomake some' of it?"

"Hell yeah I remember when we traded Clemens and Giambi for Matsui. You callin' me a liar?! I'll bust yourdamn head, wiseguy."

Do bandwagonners, fakes, elitists, and disrespectful idiots exist among other fanbases? Oh GOD yes. I'd say some teams have more of the disrespectful fansthan other teams, but they still exist in all team's fanbases.

And I hate that THOSE guys ever get to experience a championship, regardless of who the team is.

But I especially hate when that team is... the Yankees. As long as I've been alive, they've notoriously grabbed other team's All Stars inmultiples. So what if it hasn't worked out to a World Series title every year, every other year, or even every 3rd year? The point is... from Boggs toTeix... so many stars from other teams have been Yankees, and it's not fair that other team's can't spend the same way. You put A-Rod, Teix, Jeter,CC, Pettite, Matsui, and Rivera on ANY team, and that team makes a deep playoff run. But not every team can afford that kind of payroll.

So props to you bkmac, HTTB, Fanatic, briannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, nyc buk, true blue, the guy with the shrimp avatar, and anyone else who knowsthat I should be mentioning them right now but I've just forgotten: enjoy your team's 27th.

*back to hoping for my team's 2nd*
Yankee fans complaining they haven't won since 2000 or whatever,seriously, how did you guys survive all those years (peep the sig)

At Mark Texeria talking about god brought him to NY, no it was848797641646749 trillion dollars that brought you to NY
I'm glad that the Yanks won and brought the chip to NY but some of the comments reek of elitism. Cut it out and act like you've been there before.
Never Seen B4:
Congrats to all classy New York fans, on and off NT.

Like any really exist

Nah, I know this is my thread and everything, but I have to say I have definitely ran into some super cool Yankee fans through the years.

I am pretty sure every one of them is a NikeTalker, that I've met while on here.

*wonders if folks like HTTB and bkmac and briannnnnnnnnnn and all them are jerks in person*
Props, ska. I can't disagree with 80% of what you had to say there.

Yankees fans are some spoiled bastards. I feel like it just balances out how horrible the Knicks have been.
HTTB is right, the Yankees only win so much to counteract the Knicks failures

But you make a lot of good points Ska, I agree with a lot of it and no one likes how the bad "fans" paint your entire fanbase in a negative light,even if you happen to be a fan of the Evil Empire

Here's to seeing the Angels again next year... with similar results hopefully
This is what is supposed to happen when you spend $65 million more than anybody else.

The Yankees are exactly what is wrong with baseball and why I pretty much don't care anymore.
So go hide under a rock King James, 'cause the Steinbrenner's don't plan on cutting back on payroll any time soon.
I honestly think for the franchise and players it was a relief they won.

I think some fans share that sentiment whether they admit it or not.
Originally Posted by thekillerj23

Yankee fans complaining they haven't won since 2000 or whatever, seriously, how did you guys survive all those years (peep the sig)
i can explain how fans of a team that wins so much can get agitated only after a minor drought...... when you are accustomed to winning, youdevelop a sense of ownership over such championship and when it is taken away from you, it does not sit well.....
After those three horrible postseason performances, and then not even making the playoffs last year, it's definitely a relief. Glad to finally see guyslike A-Rod, Matsui, Cano, Melky get their first. Especially A-Rod. There were times where even I questioned if he'd be able to turn things around. I'mglad he got it figured out. The steroid thing mixed with his divorce seemed to give him a new lease on life.
At Mark Texeria talking about god brought him to NY
what a clown

Ehhhhhh its MLB. It's a system that's as flawed as any in pro sports and congrats to the Yankees for taking advantage of it once again. They paidnearly half a billion for Sabathia, Tex, and Burnett and it obviously put them over.
Originally Posted by RyGuy45

At Mark Texeria talking about god brought him to NY
what a clown

Ehhhhhh its MLB. It's a system that's as flawed as any in pro sports and congrats to the Yankees for taking advantage of it once again. They paid nearly half a billion for Sabathia, Tex, and Burnett and it obviously put them over.
hey, alot of people in this world believe that God and Money are one and the same......
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

So go hide under a rock King James, 'cause the Steinbrenner's don't plan on cutting back on payroll any time soon.

They shouldn't. I hate the Yankees a lot but I hate MLB more.

The structure of the game is flawed beyond belief and the Yankees are the poster boy for that.
@ the previous two pics

And Fade: are you a Steelers fan and a Yankees fan?

If so... I mean... enh, nevermind.
I'll wait a few days to rain on your parade.
Yeah, I thought about going this route. Figured a thread made now would be better than a thread made in a few days.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

I honestly think for the franchise and players it was a relief they won.

I think some fans share that sentiment whether they admit it or not.

It definitely is.

I see Ska forgot me again.

Thanks pal.

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