Yankee hater thread vol. 27. Really?! 27? Can we just get our 2nd?!

The irony of this coming from a Lakers fan is really amusing to me.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Looking like this in here...


Really? A relief? When you had 26 to begin with? More power to you, but it should be like collecting a paycheck now.

Damn, the world will be off my back if ANY of my teams ever win again.
Really? A relief? When you had 26 to begin with? More power to you, but it should be like collecting a paycheck now.

It's been 9 frustrating and heartbreaking years. It's a huge relief.
The irony of this coming from a Lakers fan is really amusing to me.
I know, I know, I know. Ask any of the Yankee fans that know me on here and they'll tell you that I definitely recognize that I'm hatingon their team for many of the same reasons people hate on my beloved Lakers.

When we get to 27 championships, I am a thousand percent positive that the hate will be the same for us at that time as it is right now for The Yankees.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

The irony of this coming from a Lakers fan is really amusing to me.
I know, I know, I know. Ask any of the Yankee fans that know me on here and they'll tell you that I definitely recognize that I'm hating on their team for many of the same reasons people hate on my beloved Lakers.

When we get to 27 championships, I am a thousand percent positive that the hate will be the same for us at that time as it is right now for The Yankees.

That makes me so damn sad, because it really IS inevitable.

While I hope any of my teams have a singular championship in the next 30 years.

The Sharks been close though! The genuine joy of knowing one of your team's is on the top of their respective league for at least one season?

Must be nice, was way too damn young to notice the A's/Niners (1 y/o
), and I was only 6ish when the Niners won, so I don't remember that either.
RyGuy45 wrote:
At Mark Texeria talking about god brought him to NY
what a clown

Ehhhhhh its MLB. It's a system that's as flawed as any in pro sports and congrats to the Yankees for taking advantage of it once again. They paid nearly half a billion for Sabathia, Tex, and Burnett and it obviously put them over.
The only way the system would be flawed is if the Steinbrenners were the only owners that didn't have a salery cap. The Steinbrenners firstpriority are their Yankees, unlike most owners that look at owning a professional sports team as a hobby.
Yankees, Lakers, Steelers, what do these teams have in common other then all being Champions in 09!!!
Great family ownership.
I've been a Yankees fan since the early 80s when we won sh?t, and yes I know there is no salery cap in Baseball, nor are there poor owners. Every MLB teamis playing by the same rules, their are those like in any aspect of business who know how to play the game that much better.
Props to most of the Yankees fans on here. You guys have a solid group. Fun season of going back and forth in the Yanks and Sox threads. The Yankees regularson here are good money.

You Yankees fans that crawled out of a hole in October (you know who you are) can go kick rocks.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Proshares

The Sharks been close though!
LOL the kings of choking in the postseason.

This is their year though.
Yeah, like we haven't heard that all decade,

I was trying to make you feel a little better, your posts were gettingdepressing sounding like a Knick fan and %$!!.
A lot of salt in this thread. I got respect for ska cause I knew he would've been the only one to make a thread like this... all you other guyswould've just continued to cry in a corner. Yankees have been trying to "buy championships" since 2003... obviously its not that simple. Thisyankee team was a great one give it its respect and stop hatin. You people act like the yankee revenue is not almost 3 times as much as the next team. You guyswould kill yourself if your owner just sat on all that money, but then you kill the yankees for putting winning teams on the field? Dudes wanna act like themets, red sox, and the white sox don't spend no money come on man. Its funny cause yall thought we were bad before the amount of revenue we have coming inafter this new stadium and a championship the yankees are gonna have extreme revenue coming in this year and unlike a lot of owners hal is not gonna sit on it.This will be another big offseason for the new york yankees
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

@ the previous two pics

And Fade: are you a Steelers fan and a Yankees fan?

If so... I mean... enh, nevermind.
I'll wait a few days to rain on your parade.
Yeah, I thought about going this route. Figured a thread made now would be better than a thread made in a few days.


You got it. Just like your a Titans, Lakers fan
Here's my deal with Yankees fans...

Just admit that you buy your championships... right or wrong, just admit it. Embrace it. And nobody will have nearly the same problems that we currently do.

I have no true issue with the salary cap thing, it is what it is. But what I do find annoying is how Yanks fans continue talking about how everyone else coulddo what they do, when very few markets could afford to get into bidding wars with the big teams. And don't act like you're team is somehow the chosenones BECAUSE you can spend so much.

I personally think the Yankees spending a ton is good for baseball - it makes a common enemy for the rest of the league, it makes beating them or seeing themlose 100x sweeter. And I find parity boring for the most part in other sports, so somebody has to rise to the top in terms of spending and therefore wins.

I just want them to admit that much. Congrats, you guys won another... but between all the hangers-on bandwagon fairweather fans of the team, having 26 othertitles, and having to always go out and buy those extra pieces to win... I don't think they're all that sweet for you guys at this point, not like theywould be for nearly any other team in the baseball to win.
Fade On You:
Fade: are you a Steelers fan and a Yankees fan?

If so... I mean... enh, nevermind.


You got it. Just like your a Titans, Lakers fan

Hey, I hear you, buddy.

I'm sure I'll get the same cynical remarks from people if ever the Titans/Angels, Titans/Lakers, Wildcats/Angels, or Wildcats/Lakers are champions atthe same time.
You guys would kill yourself if your owner just sat on all that money, but then you kill the yankees for putting winning teams on the field?
The day my team operates like the New York Yankees is the day I walk away.
I don't think they're all that sweet for you guys at this point, not like they would be for nearly any other team in the baseball to win.
Yankees fans will never experience that complete fulfillment.
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

You guys would kill yourself if your owner just sat on all that money, but then you kill the yankees for putting winning teams on the field?
The day my team operates like the New York Yankees is the day I walk away.
I don't think they're all that sweet for you guys at this point, not like they would be for nearly any other team in the baseball to win.
Yankees fans will never experience that complete fulfillment.

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Here's my deal with Yankees fans...

Just admit that you buy your championships... right or wrong, just admit it. Embrace it. And nobody will have nearly the same problems that we currently do.

I have no true issue with the salary cap thing, it is what it is. But what I do find annoying is how Yanks fans continue talking about how everyone else could do what they do, when very few markets could afford to get into bidding wars with the big teams. And don't act like you're team is somehow the chosen ones BECAUSE you can spend so much.

I personally think the Yankees spending a ton is good for baseball - it makes a common enemy for the rest of the league, it makes beating them or seeing them lose 100x sweeter. And I find parity boring for the most part in other sports, so somebody has to rise to the top in terms of spending and therefore wins.

I just want them to admit that much. Congrats, you guys won another... but between all the hangers-on bandwagon fairweather fans of the team, having 26 other titles, and having to always go out and buy those extra pieces to win... I don't think they're all that sweet for you guys at this point, not like they would be for nearly any other team in the baseball to win.
I don't think they're all that sweet for you guys at this point, not like they would be for nearly any other team in the baseball to win.
Yankees fans will never experience that complete fulfillment.

this is what I was getting at with the releif thing..

Personnel wise, I mean for someone like CC, it just can't be as gratifying as winning as an Indian would have been. I bet he was happy as %%%* hedidn't need to take the ball for game 7 and possibly face the backlash, thoguh. Tiexiera same deal.

Cashman's gota feel like the weight of the world is off his shoulders but now even last night post game re-signing Matsui was a topic. Does he get any realfulfillment out of how he constructed the team? Idk.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Here's my deal with Yankees fans...

Just admit that you buy your championships... right or wrong, just admit it. Embrace it. And nobody will have nearly the same problems that we currently do.

I have no true issue with the salary cap thing, it is what it is. But what I do find annoying is how Yanks fans continue talking about how everyone else could do what they do, when very few markets could afford to get into bidding wars with the big teams. And don't act like you're team is somehow the chosen ones BECAUSE you can spend so much.

I personally think the Yankees spending a ton is good for baseball - it makes a common enemy for the rest of the league, it makes beating them or seeing them lose 100x sweeter. And I find parity boring for the most part in other sports, so somebody has to rise to the top in terms of spending and therefore wins.

I just want them to admit that much. Congrats, you guys won another... but between all the hangers-on bandwagon fairweather fans of the team, having 26 other titles, and having to always go out and buy those extra pieces to win... I don't think they're all that sweet for you guys at this point, not like they would be for nearly any other team in the baseball to win.

I'll never get the logic. We spend the most. So what? Someone's going to have to be the biggest spender. Every team pays their players, yet we'rethe only team who "buys championships". A lot of y'all make it seem like every other team in the majors is filled with guys that came up throughtheir respective farms systems. So many teams "steal players from other teams". It's called free-agency. We just sign the most because we'resitting on the most money, and out ownership goes out and spends it.

Could we have won this series without Mariano, Andy Pettitte, Derek Jeter, Robinson Cano, Jorge Posada, Melky Cabrera, Brett Gardner?

Every team pulls in big free agents. Since more are compelled to come to NY because of the pinstripes, the winning mentality and how much money we'rewilling to spend in order to put the best product out there, we're automatically some kind of big bully who doesn't allow other teams to compete. Younever hear this talk about the Mets, Sox, Cubs and countless other teams who spend a lot of money in an attempt to put together the best team possible.
Kiddin Like Jason:
I don't think they're all that sweet for you guys at this point, not like they would be for nearly any other team in the baseball to win.
Yankees fans will never experience that complete fulfillment.
Yeah, it definitely feels a lot better winning it all with guys like Spiezio, Adam Kennedy, Garrett Anderson, Tim Salmon, Darin Erstad, DavidEckstein, Chone Figgins, Jerrod Washburn, and Troy Percival. Those names don't exactly resonate like A-Rod, Teixeira, Jeter, Matsui, Pettite, and MarianoRivera do.

And even since then, spending more money to bring in semi-big names like Bartolo Colon, Vladdy, Jose Guillen, Torii, GMJr... I don't really like it as muchas when we were fielding relative unknowns trying to prove theirselves every single day.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

I don't think they're all that sweet for you guys at this point, not like they would be for nearly any other team in the baseball to win.
Yankees fans will never experience that complete fulfillment.

this is what I was getting at with the releif thing..

Personnel wise, I mean for someone like CC, it just can't be as gratifying as winning as an Indian would have been. I bet he was happy as %%%* he didn't need to take the ball for game 7 and possibly face the backlash, thoguh. Tiexiera same deal.

Cashman's gota feel like the weight of the world is off his shoulders but now even last night post game re-signing Matsui was a topic. Does he get any real fulfillment out of how he constructed the team? Idk.

Maybe not at the way he constructed the team. But he'll feel great that he doesn't have to worry/hear about his job security this offseason or thetalk of "spending does not mean championships."

I get what you're saying w/CC though.

I don't think they're all that sweet for you guys at this point, not like they would be for nearly any other team in the baseball to win.
It may not be as sweet as it was for Red Sox fans or as it would be for Cubs or Indians fans. But after the hellish 9 years of baseball betweenthen and today, all of the disappointment and heartbreaking losses this is a very sweet victory for the fans. Excluding the bangwagoners and those who justrecently became fans. Nothing anyone on Earth could say will take that away from me. Between 2001 9/11 and losing to Arizona, 2002 losing to an unknownAngels team and starting this run of success they have been on, 2003 Boone bringing us that hope and then having an younger team beat us, 2004 w/the Sox, 05-073 straight first round exits and to missing the playoffs altogether last year.

You can't sit there and say this is not a sweet victory for us fans. There's no goddamn way.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Here's my deal with Yankees fans...

Just admit that you buy your championships... right or wrong, just admit it. Embrace it. And nobody will have nearly the same problems that we currently do.

I have no true issue with the salary cap thing, it is what it is. But what I do find annoying is how Yanks fans continue talking about how everyone else could do what they do, when very few markets could afford to get into bidding wars with the big teams. And don't act like you're team is somehow the chosen ones BECAUSE you can spend so much.

I personally think the Yankees spending a ton is good for baseball - it makes a common enemy for the rest of the league, it makes beating them or seeing them lose 100x sweeter. And I find parity boring for the most part in other sports, so somebody has to rise to the top in terms of spending and therefore wins.

I just want them to admit that much. Congrats, you guys won another... but between all the hangers-on bandwagon fairweather fans of the team, having 26 other titles, and having to always go out and buy those extra pieces to win... I don't think they're all that sweet for you guys at this point, not like they would be for nearly any other team in the baseball to win.

I'll never get the logic. We spend the most. So what? Someone's going to have to be the biggest spender. Every team pays their players, yet we're the only team who "buys championships". A lot of y'all make it seem like every other team in the majors is filled with guys that came up through their respective farms systems. So many teams "steal players from other teams". It's called free-agency. We just sign the most because we're sitting on the most money, and out ownership goes out and spends it.

Could we have won this series without Mariano, Andy Pettitte, Derek Jeter, Robinson Cano, Jorge Posada, Melky Cabrera, Brett Gardner?

Every team pulls in big free agents. Since more are compelled to come to NY because of the pinstripes, the winning mentality and how much money we're willing to spend in order to put the best product out there, we're automatically some kind of big bully who doesn't allow other teams to compete. You never hear this talk about the Mets, Sox, Cubs and countless other teams who spend a lot of money in an attempt to put together the best team possible.

Exactly. You don't even have to preach man the salt won't allow them to comprehend what your saying. Everyone wants to talk about free agents but theone constant in the yankees last 5 ships is MARIANO RIVERA the greatest closer ever which along with jeter, posada, and pettite are home grown. U mean to tellme if the yankees ain't have moe we would have won our last 5 championships?
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