Yankee hater thread vol. 27. Really?! 27? Can we just get our 2nd?!

Ska you're a mod and all but seriously I CAN'T STAND THE ANGLES, Im a Dodgers fan all the way I support no on but the Dodgers so I'm happy theAngles didn't make it and your complaining that your team hasn't won since 2002 Dodgers haven't won since 88
Clearly he was talking about myspace/facebook angles.

I can't stand those either, EBAY 23. Sooooo aggravating!!!

Like, the girl has to know that she's going to be meeting some of us internet clowns in person, and then it'a wrap for her when we see her from head oninstead of from a 12 foot angle looking down at her.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Clearly he was talking about myspace/facebook angles.

I can't stand those either, EBAY 23. Sooooo aggravating!!!


(Mets fan) The Yankees don't buy championships. They just know which players to invest in unlike most other teams in baseball. Saying they buy chips meansthat you could throw any other high paid player in the positions of recent yankees and get the same production which is just not true.. Could Zambrano or Zitodo what CC has done during the entire reg season/playoffs? NO. They get paid 18+ mill a year...why arent the cubs or giants buying championships? The Metsdecided to pick up the option on 37 year old Carlos Delgado for $12M 2 months before the Yanks shelled out 180 for Tex...Now I know hes getting 10 mill moreper than delgado was but for his production, which to me was the difference maker along with CC in turning this year into rings for the nyy, he wouldve beenwell worth that price in the long run...Its not a matter of who spends the most money, its a matter of who spends the wisest. This year the Yankees happened todo both and it paid off for them. They havent won anything since 2000 and theyve been spending huge throughout the 2000s to no avail. People screaming aboutparity but theres been 7 different World Series winners over the last 8 years..This is NY and they'll never be broke. Ever. If your team can't competemaybe your current owner should sell the team to someone who can make it happen. (Mine included)
Originally Posted by Rudemiester

(Mets fan) The Yankees don't buy championships. They just know which players to invest in unlike most other teams in baseball. Saying they buy chips means that you could throw any other high paid player in the positions of recent yankees and get the same production which is just not true.. Could Zambrano or Zito do what CC has done during the entire reg season/playoffs? NO. They get paid 18+ mill a year...why arent the cubs or giants buying championships? The Mets decided to pick up the option on 37 year old Carlos Delgado for $12M 2 months before the Yanks shelled out 180 for Tex...Now I know hes getting 10 mill more per than delgado was but for his production, which to me was the difference maker along with CC in turning this year into rings for the nyy, he wouldve been well worth that price in the long run...Its not a matter of who spends the most money, its a matter of who spends the wisest. This year the Yankees happened to do both and it paid off for them. They havent won anything since 2000 and theyve been spending huge throughout the 2000s to no avail. People screaming about parity but theres been 7 different World Series winners over the last 8 years..This is NY and they'll never be broke. Ever. If your team can't compete maybe your current owner should sell the team to someone who can make it happen. (Mine included)
Good post.
It really did feel wrong when the yankees were celebrating. Coming from a fan of a team that hasn't EVER won a championship (san francisco days are all Icare about) I just don't see how they can get excited for a championship that was bought. There was no destiny, no underdog story, nothing that could makeme say "I'm really happy these guys won." It makes me wonder, can the fans TRULY feel the same excitement I would feel if my Giants won? I findit hard to believe that they do.
Originally Posted by BirdsIView

Coming from a fan of a team that hasn't EVER won a championship, I just don't see how they can get excited for a championship that was bought. There was no destiny, no underdog story, nothing that could make me say "I'm really happy these guys won."
. If the yankees having the highest payroll in the leaguemeant that theyre buying championships, they'd be champions every year, forever and ever. Winning the championship IS the destiny and F an underdogstory..that doesn't happen in real life. This is Major League Baseball where EVERY team is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, the yankees being theonly team topping a billion.

Your team, (the San Francisco Giants) is worth just under $500 Million with a shift in ownership taking place right now. Your payroll is almost smack dab inthe middle of the league at $82M....The Giants are paying former Cy-Young winner Barry Zito $18M/year (22% of the payroll,
) and have gotten below .500 winning percentages from him every year sincesigning him to a 7year/$126 Million dollar contract (Highest paying contract for a pitcher at that time; His last year with the A's his record wasonly 16-10).....Meanwhile, before the start of the 2009 season the Giants resigned their Ace Timothy Leroy Lincecum toa one year, six hundred and fifty thousand dollar contract ( .8% of their 2009 payroll.
) Now, with all that being said..wouldnt you say that the Giants tried to buyalot more than they got with Zito and theyre underpaying Lincecum by leaps and bounds? Will you be mad at the Giants for not making the correct moves to builda championship caliber franchise when the Yankees offer him billions to play in the Bronx in a few years? Or will you be mad at the Yankees again for doingwhat a winning franchise is supposed to do?
F an underdog story..that doesn't happen in real life.

I'm not saying that the franchise wasn't worth millions, because all professional sports franchises are worth millions.

But I'd like you to argue how we weren't an underdog in all 3 rounds, and argue that we bought that championship.
Originally Posted by BirdsIView

It really did feel wrong when the yankees were celebrating. Coming from a fan of a team that hasn't EVER won a championship (san francisco days are all I care about) I just don't see how they can get excited for a championship that was bought. There was no destiny, no underdog story, nothing that could make me say "I'm really happy these guys won." It makes me wonder, can the fans TRULY feel the same excitement I would feel if my Giants won? I find it hard to believe that they do.
ok so you have a problem with a team being dominant the whole year and then winning the championship. interesting.

i just hope when San Fran has a great year some year with a 100+ mil payroll with free agent signings and all that (which they definitely can), that you'resaying the same thing
The bought championship line is getting old. The only player they really "bought" was AJ. CC and Tex were being highly pursued by a bunch of teamsthe Yankees were just so hell bent on that title that they went the extra mile to make the player happy. You can say they bought it, but in reality they werejust the more aggressive. I mean can you really hate on an owner who will do whatever it takes to get the title when its all said and done.

I dislike the Yankees only because of their cocky fanbase, not the whole fanbase. And yes I know Boston has "those fans" too. But as far as the teamoutside of them being our rivals I respect that fact that they want to win and will do whatever it takes inside the rules of the game to do that. Dont blamethe Yankees for "buying" titles. If you are going to blame anyone blame MLB. The Yankees put out the best product this year and it showed in everyseries they played. Being so intimidating forced good teams to make mistakes they dont usually make and no1 was gonna beat them while making mistakes outthere. They earned that title. Because at the end of the day they still had to go out and play the games.

But either way, I see you NY. We comin for that title next year.
Originally Posted by Rudemiester

(Mets fan) The Yankees don't buy championships. They just know which players to invest in unlike most other teams in baseball.

Would you like the list of awful FA signings the Yankees have made in recent years? Some of these contracts would have crippled smaller teams but the Yankeescan eat them and buy more players. Look at A-Rod in Texas same contract but it crippled that team and they couldn't do anything else but the Yankees cantake on that contract. Because the Yankees can spend money on established big time players that makes them smart? Come on man. If they ID young players the waythe Marlins, A's, and Twins did that'd be different.

Everybody knew that Tex and CC were good but nobody could give them Yankee money. It doesn't take a baseball genius to know CC was good (ballin year lastyear and a CY Young before that) and Tex has been great for years and plays gold glove first base. Not that difficult.
Yanks do not buy chips. They buy the right to typically be there at the end (playoffs) and then once in playoffs it's a crapshoot based on many variables.

You cannot question that and that is what most "Yankee-haters" are meaning to say. Then it eventually gets distorted and twisted that you "buyRINGS" and it blows up when the real point is missed.

Does one think the fact that the Yankees have made the playoffs 14 of the last 15 seasons is due to stellar GM-ing or having such a great baseballorganization?

Let's see though...let's go back to the decade before that streak when MLB had payroll numbers more evenly among all teams:

1994 - Missed playoffs
1993 - Missed playoffs
1992 - Missed playoffs
1991 - Missed playoffs
1990 - Missed playoffs
1989 - Missed playoffs
1988 - Missed playoffs
1987 - Missed playoffs
1986 - Missed playoffs
1985 - Missed playoffs
1984 - Missed playoffs
1983 - Missed playoffs
1982 - Missed playoffs

Many factors come into play. But yes, the Yankees do buy at least part of their success. For the millionth time, is that wrong? Hell no. Is MLB itself a joke?Hell yes.
My argument against that guy was that its impossible to buy championships..you can however invest in players that you believe will take you to championshipglory..The Yankees have done this forever and thats why they are where they are. It doesnt always work but just the fact that theyre spending money..makes themmore money......

I've always been of the belief that the Angels are one of the few exceptional teams that dont have to spend top dollar to be successful because theirrecruiting/drafting/scouting is superior to other teams..They breed talent and can let them go without blinking because they know they have someone to replacewhoever..They are apart of an elite group (imo) along with the Marlins that can pull it off during any given year without you expecting it because theirscouting is that good..I believe in the Pirates system as well..they just cant seem to pull in pitching. If they ever did though theyd be an unexpected problemjust like the aforementioned. These types of teams will never be underdogs in my eyes because even though they may not have the outward strength that you cansee of a Goliath they possess the knowledge, quick witted-ness, and hunger of a David and you may not know when that rock is coming to take down the usualsuspects but you know theyre gathering them for the future. (btw Washburn @ 18-6, and Lackey @ 9-4 > Wells , Mussina and whoever else Minny & SanFranthrew out there on anyday. How could you have even considered losing to the likes of them?
Y'all act like George Steinbrenner (or the steinbrenner family) is the richest owner in baseball. A lot of owners have more money to spend on players butthey just dont. The key is the yankee revenue which is at least 2x more than the #2 team that's why the yankees continue to bring in big names year afteryear. Would u guys rather the yankee organization put all the money back in their pockets? These bastards better put great players on the field if they wannacharge people $1,000 for a seat.
Originally Posted by BirdsIView

It really did feel wrong when the yankees were celebrating. Coming from a fan of a team that hasn't EVER won a championship (san francisco days are all I care about) I just don't see how they can get excited for a championship that was bought. There was no destiny, no underdog story, nothing that could make me say "I'm really happy these guys won." It makes me wonder, can the fans TRULY feel the same excitement I would feel if my Giants won? I find it hard to believe that they do.
Most players on this year's team experienced a WS win for the first time (just a handful of examples) :

Relief pitchers not named Mariano Rivera

Pettitte, Jeter, Posada, and Rivera won a few before but you can't really discredit the happiness displayed by the other guys on the team who've neverexperienced postseason baseball in NY.
My argument against that guy was that its impossible to buy championships..you can however invest in players that you believe will take you to championship glory..The Yankees have done this forever and thats why they are where they are. It doesnt always work but just the fact that theyre spending money..makes them more money......

I've always been of the belief that the Angels are one of the few exceptional teams that dont have to spend top dollar to be successful because their recruiting/drafting/scouting is superior to other teams..They breed talent and can let them go without blinking because they know they have someone to replace whoever..They are apart of an elite group (imo) along with the Marlins that can pull it off during any given year without you expecting it because their scouting is that good..I believe in the Pirates system as well..they just cant seem to pull in pitching. If they ever did though theyd be an unexpected problem just like the aforementioned. These types of teams will never be underdogs in my eyes because even though they may not have the outward strength that you can see of a Goliath they possess the knowledge, quick witted-ness, and hunger of a David and you may not know when that rock is coming to take down the usual suspects but you know theyre gathering them for the future. (btw Washburn @ 18-6, and Lackey @ 9-4 > Wells , Mussina and whoever else Minny & SanFran threw out there on anyday. How could you have even considered losing to the likes of them?
Solid argument, man.

I know you've got 500-something posts, but are you new to the forum, or have you had a previous name?

I always appreciate people that bring facts to their points and opinions, even if what they're saying disagrees with what I say.

Onto your point, I would still call the 2002 Angels underdogs in every round because even though our farm system has been top notch the last 15 years or so,that team had still had virtually no playoff success (or even EXPERIENCE). No names like Eckstein and Spiezio and Kennedy and a hobbling Salmon and upstartsGlaus and Lackey and team veterans Garrett and Percival virtually unknown outside of Anaheim... facing Barry Bonds and Johan Santana and Torii and Jeter andRocket and Papi? Nah, we were definitely underdogs.
[h1]It's Derek Jeter![/h1]
Posted Nov 13th 2009 12:29AM by TMZ Staff
The 35-year-oldwannabe funnyman went incognito while on the Coney Island set of a new Will Ferrell movie.


Jeter should stick to his day job's uniform.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Solid argument, man.

I know you've got 500-something posts, but are you new to the forum, or have you had a previous name?

I always appreciate people that bring facts to their points and opinions, even if what they're saying disagrees with what I say.

Onto your point, I would still call the 2002 Angels underdogs in every round because even though our farm system has been top notch the last 15 years or so, that team had still had virtually no playoff success (or even EXPERIENCE). No names like Eckstein and Spiezio and Kennedy and a hobbling Salmon and upstarts Glaus and Lackey and team veterans Garrett and Percival virtually unknown outside of Anaheim... facing Barry Bonds and Johan Santana and Torii and Jeter and Rocket and Papi? Nah, we were definitely underdogs.

Thanks. Ive always used this name (joined in early '05) ...at one point I had 2400+ posts but I got banned for being clumsy and posting pics I didnt hostmyself. I thought I could get around it by deleting the account and reapplying but it just erased the post count and I was still banned (
) Post count didnt matter to me anyway so I was just happy to have my name backwhen I was reinstated months later.

But back to baseball. The thing with the Angels is, theyre not about names, theyre about solid players which to me is why theyre always in the mix. So eventhough they might not be the big contract faces of the league theyre there to play ball. The big names like Papi, Santana, Rocket, Bonds and Jeter are just thebiggest names on other teams during those times..Id take a below the radar talented team ready to play anyday over one or two big names any day..Thats why theYankees failed post 2000 all the way up till now imo..yea all of their guys were paid but you can't buy hunger and they were consistently beaten by lesspaid and hungrier teams...01/Dbacks, 02/Angels, 03/Marlins, 04/Sox, 05/Angels, 06/Tigers, 07/Indians, 08/Rays..
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