Yankee hater thread vol. 27. Really?! 27? Can we just get our 2nd?!

hellish 9 years of baseball
I'd kill for that 9 year stretch
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Never Seen B4:
Congrats to all classy New York fans, on and off NT.
Like any really exist

Nah, I know this is my thread and everything, but I have to say I have definitely ran into some super cool Yankee fans through the years.

I am pretty sure every one of them is a NikeTalker, that I've met while on here.

*wonders if folks like HTTB and bkmac and briannnnnnnnnnn and all them are jerks in person*

I'm a super cool die-hard Yankees fan. I actuallyhad to curse a few disrespectful/bandwagoners out yesterday for giving me !**! about my Giants cap.
this is what i hate about yankee fans
they feel they are entitled to win every year when in fact with the talent and money they are spending, THEY SHOULD WIN EVERY YEAR.
and 9/10 yankee fans cant even name 5 yankees.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

hellish 9 years of baseball
I'd kill for that 9 year stretch

you know I mean the postseason play allen come on now...

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Kiddin Like Jason:
I don't think they're all that sweet for you guys at this point, not like they would be for nearly any other team in the baseball to win.
Yankees fans will never experience that complete fulfillment.
Yeah, it definitely feels a lot better winning it all with guys like Spiezio, Adam Kennedy, Garrett Anderson, Tim Salmon, Darin Erstad, David Eckstein, Chone Figgins, Jerrod Washburn, and Troy Percival. Those names don't exactly resonate like A-Rod, Teixeira, Jeter, Matsui, Pettite, and Mariano Rivera do.

And even since then, spending more money to bring in semi-big names like Bartolo Colon, Vladdy, Jose Guillen, Torii, GMJr... I don't really like it as much as when we were fielding relative unknowns trying to prove theirselves every single day.

So do those names you fail to mention most our homegrown products who were just as important? Aceves, Hughes, Cano, Joba, Robertson, Gardner, Pena, Melky?

I mean I'm not saying you, Craftsy and KLJ and entirely wrong. But we have our fair share of homegrown players who played big roles in this season.
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

this is what i hate about yankee fans
they feel they are entitled to win every year when in fact with the talent and money they are spending, THEY SHOULD WIN EVERY YEAR.
and 9/10 yankee fans cant even name 5 yankees.
Sounds like you're talking about the bandwagoners. I'm willing to bet 98% of the Yankee fans that were here all year can name 10 Yankees.

You shouldn't allow the douche fans to give you this skewed perspective of all Yankees fans. I don't know any Yankee fan that feels entitled everyyear.
I don't think they're all that sweet for you guys at this point, not like they would be for nearly any other team in the baseball to win.
It may not be as sweet as it was for Red Sox fans or as it would be for Cubs or Indians fans. But after the hellish 9 years of baseball between then and today, all of the disappointment and heartbreaking losses this is a very sweet victory for the fans. Excluding the bangwagoners and those who just recently became fans. Nothing anyone on Earth could say will take that away from me. Between 2001 9/11 and losing to Arizona, 2002 losing to an unknown Angels team and starting this run of success they have been on, 2003 Boone bringing us that hope and then having an younger team beat us, 2004 w/the Sox, 05-07 3 straight first round exits and to missing the playoffs altogether last year.

You can't sit there and say this is not a sweet victory for us fans. There's no goddamn way.
No, I don't think anyone is saying 'This is not sweet for you fans.'

I think people are saying (and they're absolutely right) 'Going through a decade of collecting titles and then going through 9 years of heartbreak anddisappointment is nowhere near as sweet as hearing your parents talk about the last time your team was a contender as you all sit and celebrate a World Seriestitle as fans of that team.'
Only a Royals or Pirates fan knows what a hellish 9 years of baseball really is.

Haterz everywere we go!

Makes it even sweeter everytime we win!
You really showed those haterz!
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

No, I don't think anyone is saying 'This is not sweet for you fans.'

I think people are saying (and they're absolutely right) 'Going through a decade of collecting titles and then going through 9 years of heartbreak and disappointment is nowhere near as sweet as hearing your parents talk about the last time your team was a contender as you all sit and celebrate a World Series title as fans of that team.'

I have to admit, living in Boston the year the Sox snapped the curse was a nuts feeling. I actually feared for my life in those riots.

The closest I've come to experiencing that was living in Boston when the Giants won. But I'm more of a Jets fan, so even that was diluted.
That just sounds like a whole lot of salt though, ska. What's the point of saying "yeah, but you would have enjoyed it more if your team was filledwith minor leaguers."
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

this is what i hate about yankee fans
they feel they are entitled to win every year when in fact with the talent and money they are spending, THEY SHOULD WIN EVERY YEAR.
and 9/10 yankee fans cant even name 5 yankees.
Sounds like you're talking about the bandwagoners. I'm willing to bet 98% of the Yankee fans that were here all year can name 10 Yankees.

You shouldn't allow the douche fans to give you this skewed perspective of all Yankees fans. I don't know any Yankee fan that feels entitled every year.
co-sign...there are bandwagon fans for every team that wins.....
Everyone wants to talk about free agents but the one constant in the yankees last 5 ships is MARIANO RIVERA the greatest closer ever which along with jeter, posada, and pettite are home grown.
Let me say, Mo is one of the most unique and dominant athletes in our life time.

But, Did you ever think of why he has been in pinstripes for 15 years? Because you can pay him. Ditto to Jeter. If Cano was in Kansas City he'dhave been traded last year for prospects.
"But they're home grown", well..how do you think it felt to watch CC and Cliff square off being 'home grown' once upon a time?

proshares, i hear you...I guess an outsider can't really put themselves in to those shoes. Some of yall do watch 150 games a year and do see some of thegrowth.
Though Yankees fans can be bad. Red Sox have to be the Worst Loser and winners. Ive heard more hate from sox fans than yankees fan being happy
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

No, I don't think anyone is saying 'This is not sweet for you fans.'

I think people are saying (and they're absolutely right) 'Going through a decade of collecting titles and then going through 9 years of heartbreak and disappointment is nowhere near as sweet as hearing your parents talk about the last time your team was a contender as you all sit and celebrate a World Series title as fans of that team.'

Ok, I can see that and that makes sense. And it wasn't a decade it was only 4 in 5 years. So take that

But (in my case) I was 13 the last time they won. I paid high attention to baseball when I was younger but not nearly as much as I started to once 2000 camearound up until now if you understand what I'm saying (trying to word it out is more difficult than I thought it would be
). I enjoyed the older wins but this one was more satisfying to me IMO.
Once again...all that needs to happen is a true salary cap. Then perhaps MLB will be a sport again. Franchises wont be feeders for the same teams, "smallmarket" will be a thing of the past, and FA's wont leave their own teams for $150 million.

The Yankees winning this week didnt add or reduce anything....it was just the icing on the cake. Congrats to them though....because the playoffs ARE acrapshoot we know that.
Originally Posted by RetroBaller

Though Yankees fans can be bad. Red Sox have to be the Worst Loser and winners. Ive heard more hate from sox fans than yankees fan being happy

This, when I visited my friend who went to school in MA for the past 2 years all I heard was the Sox. How great they were, how much better they are than theYankees. Like seriously I could care less, I don't live my life through how well my sports teams do. I'll be a fan of the Yankees, Jets, Knicks, andRangers. But I won't rub it into another person's face when we win. And I'm not a front runner. I can probably name atleast 23/25 of the playerson the postseason roster. Not to mention most of the players that came up and down throughout the whole season during callups and DL stints.
9/10 yankee fans cant even name 5 yankees.
Sounds like you're talking about the bandwagoners. I'm willing to bet 98% of the Yankee fans that were here all year can name 10 Yankees.
Nah, I'm'a take it a step further. A true Yankee fan better be able to name 10 Yankees; that should be a minimum requirement.

Hell, I can name 10 Yankees.

Hairston, Molina, Swisher, Cano, Pettite, Joba, Damon, Burnett, Hughes, Cabrera

And that's without mentioning A-Rod, Posada, Teix, Jeter, CC, Rivera, or Matsui.

Nah, a Yankee fan mentioning 10 Yankees is too easy. I'd be impressed with something like naming the starting fielders, or the bullpen, something likethat. Tell me the homegrown Yankees, like Jeter and Posada and Rivera and Joba.

P.S. On everything, this bandwagon stuff is the least important of all sports pets peeves to me. I couldn't care less, and I really wouldn't ACTUALLYgrill a guy like 'Oh yeah? Yankees fan, huh? Name the Yankees current bullpen.'
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02


9/10 yankee fans cant even name 5 yankees.
Sounds like you're talking about the bandwagoners. I'm willing to bet 98% of the Yankee fans that were here all year can name 10 Yankees.
Nah, I'm'a take it a step further. A true Yankee fan better be able to name 10 Yankees; that should be a minimum requirement.

Hell, I can name 10 Yankees.

Hairston, Molina, Swisher, Cano, Pettite, Joba, Damon, Burnett, Hughes, Cabrera

And that's without mentioning A-Rod, Posada, Teix, Jeter, CC, Rivera, or Matsui.

Nah, a Yankee fan mentioning 10 Yankees is too easy. I'd be impressed with something like naming the starting fielders, or the bullpen, something like that. Tell me the homegrown Yankees, like Jeter and Posada and Rivera and Joba.

P.S. On everything, this bandwagon stuff is the least important of all sports pets peeves to me. I couldn't care less, and I really wouldn't ACTUALLY grill a guy like 'Oh yeah? Yankees fan, huh? Name the Yankees current bullpen.'

Anyone can go online and look at the rosters...

Ska you my dude though
People who say MLB should institute a salary cap are just plain stupid. Do u guys know what luxury tax is? The yankees, red sox, cubs, and mets are the reasonwhy teams like the padres, twins, and pirates aren't a 3rd team in New York, Chicago, or L.A ( I don't know if the Angels count but ill add them)
luxury tax are keeping these losers alive and money in their ownerships pockets
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

P.S. On everything, this bandwagon stuff is the least important of all sports pets peeves to me. I couldn't care less, and I really wouldn't ACTUALLY grill a guy like 'Oh yeah? Yankees fan, huh? Name the Yankees current bullpen.'

Onewearz still thinking Jeff Nelson about to come out and relieve Irabu.

My lame attempt of the day to make fun of his age
I know my dude waschilling with Long Island Ice Tea's last night and probably woke up his kids
I'm willing to bet 98% of the Yankee fans that were here all year can name 10 Yankees.
Nah, I'm'a take it a step further. A true Yankee fan better be able to name 10 Yankees; that should be a minimum requirement.

Hell, I can name 10 Yankees.

Hairston, Molina, Swisher, Cano, Pettite, Joba, Damon, Burnett, Hughes, Cabrera

And that's without mentioning A-Rod, Posada, Teix, Jeter, CC, Rivera, or Matsui.
Anyone can go online and look at the rosters...
C'mon, man... I'm better than that. That was most definitely off the top, my dude.
I mean, the World Series JUST ended, the Yankees and Angels have begun a littlebit of a rivalry, and I hate the Yankees (meaning... I follow the Yankees.
... ... ...
Hahaha I'm playing my dude

but seriously, stop looking at rosters online.
They were bound to win eventually. They spend too much to be losers for a overly long period of time. Im not saying its bad because they arent doing anythingagainst the MLB rules. In all honesty I dont hate the Yankees just the fans that get in your face when they win and are no where to be found when they arelosing.

Sure I dont wanna see them win because they are rivals. But it wouldnt be as bad if every girl on my facebook was updating their status about how hotJeter/Cano/A Rod are and that they are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy that the Yankees won. Common. You prolly have no idea who half of these dudes are and you justhoped on the banwagon in the WS because I didnt see any of these status updates during the Division series or the ALCS.

But its w/e they get to enjoy this one. Because I sure as hell enjoyed 2004/2007 and no1 was gonna tell me not to celebrate. Especially 04'. So Yankee fansdo them, and worry about the haters in a Month or so when Winter meetings start up.

O and the "Dynasty" wont be together for much longer. So the 9 year hiatus may be eclipsed soon. When Mo and Jeter go the Yankees wont even be theYankees to me anymore. IDK if it will be like that for everyone. But with the aging players leaving in the next few years things may get rocky. Or they couldjust spend for the best as usual, we will see. But it just wont be the same when Mo and Jeter are no longer there. I know Jeters got a ways, but Mo I think maybe gone next year. I know he still has it, but hes gettin old you gotta wonder how much longer he wants to go out there every night.
Originally Posted by Proshares

23ska909red02 wrote:

P.S. On everything, this bandwagon stuff is the least important of all sports pets peeves to me. I couldn't care less, and I really wouldn't ACTUALLY grill a guy like 'Oh yeah? Yankees fan, huh? Name the Yankees current bullpen.'

Onewearz still thinking Jeff Nelson about to come out and relieve Irabu.

My lame attempt of the day to make fun of his age
I know my dude was chilling with Long Island Ice Tea's last night and probably woke up his kids


all i can say is this thread makes me smile

can't wait till girardi is the manager of the all star game next year and seeing everyone cry about the yanks having 10 all stars
Well, we'll really be hated by Ska if we sign Chone Figgins in the offseason like the rumor said earlier in the summer.
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