Yankee hater thread vol. 27. Really?! 27? Can we just get our 2nd?!

Originally Posted by Biggie62


Move Mauer into the 3 hole. And we'll slide Tex to the 5th.


Hey to defend it. Posada is going to be done soon!!!!
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

The Angels won the World Series in 2002.
And I still hate the Angels guts for that. Everyone associated with that team, past, present and future, can eat a whale sized d. (Yes SF Giantsfan)

But, ska, I hate the Yankees more, so the thread is appreciated.
I never understood the term "bandwagon"...Am I supposed to continue rooting for my team once we fail to make the playoffs?
my idea of bandwagon is being there when the team is of a champion-caliber, or wins a meaningful game and doesn't care or be bothered with, when the teamis horrible or lose.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

I never understood the term "bandwagon"...Am I supposed to continue rooting for my team once we fail to make the playoffs?

no, you're supposed to kill yourself.
I was watching Mike and Mike yesterday morning and they pretty much brought up this same argument. I'm not a Yankees fan either; I'm a Phillies fan..

But Mike Golic made a good argument about people hating the Yankees for "buying" their championships. What he said was that it is baseball'sproblem not the Yankees problem since they are technically not abusing the rules of the game from a free agency standpoint.

You can't blame the Yankees that other teams owners won't pony up the money to bring in some higher caliber players and the Yankees do pay a luxury taxso it's not as if the Yanks are pulling any additional strings other than being very opportunistic.

Mike Greenberg also made the point that other teams fans would absolutely love if their teams owners would go after highly coveted stars like the Yankees dobut unfortunately most clubs don't and it does hurt the league in the long run...but again that is totally the owners omission.

I know it doesn't seem feasible to see the Yankees win their 27th World Series but until the league changes and league owners really start making someserious moves to try and change some of the free agency rules of baseball this is going to happen year after year after year....

Blame Bud Selig. Blame stingy baseball owners from other teams...because the MLB players aren't stupid. They know the Yankees are run like a corporationand if you're a star player at some point in time....you're thinking of grandeur, money, and championships. It's the way Steinbrenner has alwaysdone business and until others start spending the $...teams like the Royals, Cubs, Brewers, Blue Jays, etc. are going to come up on the short end of thestick...
Living in the NYC area and not really a Yankee is unappreciated. Then again Im not big on baseball. I would be nice to see some parity in the league though.Other MLB would def. go after bigger names in FA but they dont have money the Yankees do. Nor do they have fan base the Yankees have built over the pastdecades.
Defensive Yankees fans should really just not be in this thread. Don't they have better things to do?
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Living in the NYC area and not really a Yankee is unappreciated. Then again Im not big on baseball. I would be nice to see some parity in the league though. Other MLB would def. go after bigger names in FA but they dont have money the Yankees do. Nor do they have fan base the Yankees have built over the past decades.
i still rooted and watched them though.
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Defensive Yankees fans should really just not be in this thread. Don't they have better things to do?
You expect to have a bitter hate fest without people coming in with dissenting opinions?

I mean, this thread is meant for discussion, isn't it? Why can't Yankees fans voice their opinion?
im checking in.

i CANT STAND the yankees. they beat the royals so many times in the ALCS it makes me sick thinking about it. the royals would be in the yankees spot if we beatthem in the ALCS all those times.
Originally Posted by taimaishu123

the royals would be in the yankees spot if we beat them in the ALCS all those times.
Well that is easier said then done, clearly
unfortunately, i was not alive when the royals went to the ALCS 4-5 years in a row.

but sometimes i sit here and think about how crazy it would of been growing up in the 90s with a team like the yankees. then i realize i could of lived thatlife if it wasn't for the dammed yankees.
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