Yankee hater thread vol. 27. Really?! 27? Can we just get our 2nd?!

Man ska... you know we cool and all. But *#@+ the Lakers.

Cuz as it's already been said... Lakeshow = Yankees.

Only difference for me is that the Yanks are from NY so I just don't have the same type of hate for them as I do the Lakers.

Gotta support the "home" team.

Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

How could anyone not like Jeter and Mo?

The worse thing I've seen from a Yankee fan is posting a picture of the #27 and you see the Yanks celebrating behind it and his caption on FB reads Thenumber 27: the number of teams we have prevented from winning a world series. Really fool your 23 you've seen like 3 or 4 of those championships, pleasesit down
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

How could anyone not like Jeter and Mo?

Agree, I have no beef with Mo, but best believe I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside when he blows a save, and Jeter? I don't hate him necesarilly but I dohate him for everything he stands for, he might as well be the Yankees mickey mouse. I HATE him.

One thing I will say It seems like were implying that a Yankees fan experience is somehow less valuable the ours, that to me is strange.
Well that goes more towards my point. You're pretty much used to them being a bad team. I'm not saying that one is worse than the other but you make it sound like we as a fan base have absolutely no point at all in calling them hellish years. And I'm sorry but that's totally ridiculous. Maybe we were spoiled to winning. But us as fans got used to winning every year. Yes, we were still in contention each year we didn't win. But as I explained earlier with what happened those years, it got extremely frustrating and hard on the fans to watch this team come up short every postseason when they spent so much money in the offseason and have great regular season with it ended by us falling flat on our faces. So no, that's not a *%@*#%$ vacation. When your team is in contention all season long and then fails miserably in the playoffs it is rough on fans. It's different because your team is finished with it's season by June.

This is just where our opinions differ on the subject.

That makes very little sense. As a sports fan you have a sense of winning and losing, not all my teams blow like the Pirates. I can say as a Steelers fanright now that I know how much more a superbowl would mean to Browns fans next year than another Steelers one to Pittsburgh fans - just because they never windoesn't mean they don't feel the pain of losing just as severely.

Again - sounds like grasping at straws to me, trying to justify something unnecessarily instead of just calling it like it is.
Yeah I was so bummed when my Phils lost last night. The funny thing is, the Yankees are my second favorite team because Jeter has been my favorite player eversince I started liking baseball. The sad thing is though, I'm so heartbroken that the Phils lost, that I don't think I can enjoy this Yankee victory oreven root for the Yankees again. Congrats to the Yankees and all your fans who show CLASS. We'll see you next year
Also, to all the haters, just let them have their peace in celebration. I know what it feels like for people to doubt a championship from your city. We got somuch hate because we beat the Rays last year of all teams. Just let it go and wait till next season. Don't be salty.
I dont understand when people say that the Yankees buy their Championships...they still gotta win their regular season games, and the playoff games just to getto the World Series...
Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

I dont understand when people say that the Yankees buy their Championships...they still gotta win their regular season games, and the playoff games just to get to the World Series...
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Never Seen B4:
Congrats to all classy New York fans, on and off NT.
Like any really exist

Nah, I know this is my thread and everything, but I have to say I have definitely ran into some super cool Yankee fans through the years.

I am pretty sure every one of them is a NikeTalker, that I've met while on here.

*wonders if folks like HTTB and bkmac and briannnnnnnnnnn and all them are jerks in person*

I tip my cap to the other team and/or their fans when warranted.

But if fans of other teams come in acting like idiots, of course I'll have to set them straight.
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

I don't think they're all that sweet for you guys at this point, not like they would be for nearly any other team in the baseball to win.
Yankees fans will never experience that complete fulfillment.

This is probably the only time I will ever see eye to eye with KLJ but I'll be honest: #27 didn't make me feel as excited as I thought itwould.

Was I happy? You bet. Was I as happy as I was when the Yankees won in 1996? Not even close.

It's really hard to describe the joy I had seeing the Yankees win the World Series for the first time in my life. I was happy to the point I couldn'teven sleep.

When the Giants won the Super Bowl in 2008, the joy I had was almost the same as that I had for the Yankees in 1996, though still nowhere close.

Perpetual success does kinda desensitize people and raises expectations to unnecessarily high levels.
EVERY fan base has its good and bad fans. it's always evident once the playoffs roll around. but you just take the good with the bad. that's how i seeit.
"Oh my god, I'm so glad A-Rod finally got a ring his first time in the playoffs!"

"C.C. is so dominant! He was the steal of this year's draft! How come no one else wanted him, though?"

"FINALLY, Pettite gets a ring with the Yankees!"

"Rivera is the MAN! Just cuz he's old and can't start anymore doesn't mean a thing to him! Best closer EVER!! And used to be the best starter back in the day, too.

"I'm glad Jeter gets another ring, but when's he going to get an WS MVP? I That has to suck a little bit for him, having all those championships, but watching other Yankees be the MVP."


What about my Braves though...
Yea NY still has the Knicks, Mets, Jets and I'm sure their Hockey teams suck too
so I guess it's not that bad. I hate the !@$%#$ Yankees tho
$*+% "hating" the yankees.

What Championship have they purchased exactly aside from 2009?

Props to the Pinstripes.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

So props to you bkmac, HTTB, Fanatic, briannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, nyc buk, true blue, the guy with the shrimp avatar, and anyone else who knows that I should be mentioning them right now but I've just forgotten: enjoy your team's 27th.

*back to hoping for my team's 2nd*

You finally remembered, Ska.

You'll get your 2nd.

When our Core 4 retires.
make no mistake about it, im fn bitter as hell. Can we just make it there first? How about one, that's all I ask for baseball gods. One pennant and one WSChampionship, and honest to God, if i bus hits and kills me after the victory parade, I would die a happy man. 9 years? How about 101....that's a f'nlife sentence and a year!

And who in the blue hell is Jerry Hairston and how did he qualify to get a ring. They should've denied him the postgame celebration.

*back to hoping for my team's 1st*

My vent/rant is over.....

Originally Posted by JPZx

*Yankee hater checking in*

Please don't take Joe Mauer

Move Maur into the 3 hole. And we'll slide Tex to the 5th.


Hey to defend it. Posada is going to be done soon!!!!
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