Yesterday morning my nightmare came true.

Took alot of guts to write this. Well done. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
You're father seemed like a wonderful man. I am sorry for you and your family's loss. I can't imagine what you are going though. Stay strong anduse everyday to honor your father and his morals. Sorry again maam.
Everyone sayin' "man" and "bro" and "son" obviously didn't even read HER damn post...

That must have taken a lot to type all that out. I can't even imagine discovering a loved one like that on a regular day.

Keep your head up and be strong. I'm sure he's watching over you from heaven, still proud as ever. God bless.
I damn near cried reading that. I can't imagine the pain that you're in right now.

I'm sorry for your loss, may he rest in peace.

- Tical.
God bless his soul. My deepest condolences to you & your family for losing an irreplaceable person. know what...props to you for sharing...but i HATE reading these posts because then i think about if i wa sin that situation, or how i will feel ifthat happened to my dad...i just cant imagine how you feel right now..i bet you were close to your dad, and thats how i am with mine.....keep your head up, heswatching over you and is in a better place..

RIP to your father and i will pray for you and for you family..
It was hard reading that. I can't even imagine what it was like...


Your family is in my prayers.
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