Yesterday morning my nightmare came true.

Heart and Prayers go out to you and your Family young lady.. Celebrate his life and take everything he taught you to be yourmotivation to keep him happy while he watches over you all in heaven.. R.I.P.
Nicely written. I sympathize in what you are going through as I am going through something very similar.
Your loss is so sudden that it hits so hard. My prayers go out to your family and may your father R.I.P.
I know that feeling.. I lost my dad too way back in 2002. My deepest prayers to all great dads who have left this world.
...I'm pretty sure he'll be shining down on you... Be your dad...
Wow, I appreciate you sharing this with us, especially with all that you must feel right now.

By what you have written, Mr. Wyatt reminds me of my old man: humble, caring, full of wisdom, and the most unselfish person I probably will ever meet. Ican't say I know how you're feeling or how I'll feel when my parents aren't there.

The only thing I can say is to keep your head up. I'm sure your father would want you to know you'll always have memories of him that will bring youhappiness and will help you get through these tough times.

God Bless you and your family..

May Mr. Wyatt Rest In Peace.
RIP to a great man but his legacy is not over. It seems that he has raised wonderful children who will continue with his good work.
Your relationship with your father is exactly that of me and my mothers. She was also spiritually ready for the journey, god fearing woman. Lived in theservice of others that were less fortunate than our family. She passed at 48 with breast cancer, hardest time of my life.

R.I.P. To your father
Thank you to everyone for your heartfelt sincere comments. Through my pain I will cherish him forever. My grieving starts now but my love for him will neverend. I am thankful for a community such as this. Much love to you all.
Originally Posted by saymoregotsole

I looked down the stairs and saw him lying there. I called my mom and told her to call 911. We had gotten there to late.
aww man thats a horrible thing to witness. Im assumin he wasnt showin any signs of illness or anything so for somthing like that to happen out theblue is
. I feel for you im close to my dad too so i can only imagine

sorry for ya loss
my prayers and condolensces to you and your family. your pops sound like a good man. it is beautiful that you had a strong faithful family and a lovingrelationship with your dad. I know its tough but you already know God will give you strength and bring you through this time. have a blessed day!
Originally Posted by jordanhead7792

damn i wont know how to take it when any of my parents leave

still RIP to your pops and keep your head up fam GOD BLESS
i could only read the beginning of your story cuz i didn'twanna tear up at the thought of losing my parents man R.I.P.
Thats 2 NTers in a row who's pops have passed away.
I'll prayfor both of ya'll. Keep your heads up.
Man, I couldn't believe the story I couldn't read it all man.

You will be blessed from this just stay up man.
Originally Posted by newkidtadagame

RIP Lee Wyatt..may he rest in peace and your family find strength in this rough time. It seems like he really loved you and the rest of your family, remember his dedication to you when things get rough..
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