Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH
At the end of the day this like like arguing over how you are going to die. Ultimately you don't know but does that prevent you from taking risk and living? Will you not cross the street or but that cig or blunt down? NO! The same principle should be applied to love and relationships, yea you can get cheated on just like someone could slide threw your window and slit your throat. You can take preventive and precautionary measures in choosing a spouse and you can but an alarm system on your house but at the end of the day @@!% happens! That's the beauty of life! NOTHING is beyond happening and the possiblities are endless, if a lover cheats on you then you take it on the chin, handle it however you handle it and YOU move on. You are an individual whether you are married or not. Part of the issue we have in the male female "intimate" relationship paradigm is that we have a sense of ownership over our spouse but in reality ALL attraction based relationships are CIRCUMSTANTIAL! If you didn't do certain things a certain way that male or female wouldn't even care about you. Love in the "relationship" sense is a grandiose ballet of emotions,passion, and chemicals that triggers conscious and subconscious artificial pockets of comfort and attraction. "True Love" is beyond sex and sexual preference and is hard to have in relationships because of obvious bias the ego has in the attraction ownership paradigm.................on my phone texting this at a get together I apologize for the wall of text.