Yo mama's so fat she jumped in the air and got stuck.. Yo mama's so bald you can read her mind..Yo mama's so old she drove a chariot to highschool..Yo mama's so old I asked her to act her age and the %%@#$ dropped dead..Yo mama's got three teeth, one in her mouth and two in her pocket..Yomama's got no arms and went on Wheel of Fortune, "Big money! Big money!" Yo mama's got one leg and rides a skateboard to work..Yo mama so fatwhen she sits around the house, SHE SITS AROUND THE HOUSE!..Yo mama'sso dumb she thought a quarterback was a refund..Yo mama's breath is so bad, whenshe exhales her teeth duck.. I was the king of mama snaps back in the day..sorry to gush.. PEACE!