Yo NT, I'm engaged. Tips/Advice welcome. ***UPDATE*** NEED HONEYMOON SUGGESTIONS!

Did you buy her a moissanite?
That would be a Superb purchase 
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Congrats!..... but that part is idiotic. So you would condemn your entire family to be unhappy instead of separation? There are such things as peaceful divorces too y'know. Just remember that. 

Best of luck.
To each their own man...but I believe in my wife and I keeping our struggles to ourselves and not let our kids see us fight and/or yell at each other. I just don't believe in divorce. Why get married to someone if divorce is a possibility?
Congrats op. Marriage is a great accomplishment. Nothing better than finding that girl and waking up to her everyday.

Sound like you're a church dude. My wife and i did counseling, but it was with our Deacon, not a married couple. We talked to a few married couples that we thought would give valuable advice but all we got from them was how THEY did things. Never really talked about any of the views we had for each other and our soon to be marriage (church, kids, divorce, communication, etc). 

What ever budget you have, go ahead and count on that being doubled. I swore we would stay within budget, but once we calculated everything out, BOOM. Not that it's a bad thing, but it does give you a bit of a shock.

The wedding day will be HER day more than it will be both of yours. She will be the center of attention, get all the oohs and ahhs, and you're just trying to look good next to her. So during planning, make sure she gets what she wants (within reason of course), because she probably has been planning this for a long time. Also, make sure you delegate EVERYTHING to other people that day. The only thing you need to worry about is enjoying and taking your wedding in, because it will go by super fast.

For a honeymoon, i would suggest some tropical island. You guys will want to take a vacation from everything leading up to the wedding, and nothing better than just doing absolutely nothing. All inclusive resorts are awesome.

Just a couple things. Good luck to you and your future wife. Hoping for the best for you two. 
Great advice man. I've heard the budget talk already...starting to save up money as much as I can.

And yes, she's my princess, the wedding day is hers. I'm just apart of it and ready to put in my opinions where she wants them.

Honeymoon wise...I'm all about tropical man. She says Myrtle Beach (I've never been/don't know much about it) ...so if anything knows much about MB I'd like to hear info on that as well.
Been married since I was 17... i'm 46 now. Probably the best 8 years of my life! Can't wait to propose.
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Been married since I was 17... i'm 46 now. Probably the best 8 years of my life! Can't wait to propose.



So you mean, you never has been as far, even as decided to use, even go want to do look more like?

Your girl must've sucked you senseless for you to be typing like this

I got grapefruited.
Must be nice :/
Another good advice:

Surround yourself with people who are happily married and is glad to be married...basically hang out with positive and happy couples.

You know what they say, surround yourself with people that you are either better than you or people that are in position of where you want to be.

I got engaged about 6 months out of college (my wife was in her last year at the time) and have been married for 2.5 years now. Everyone's relationships/situations are different, so some advice may not apply in your case, but here's a few things I think:

The wedding will be her day, and you should give your input when asked like you said....but try to remind her that is about you guys and not impressing other people. Make the wedding "yours" not some perfect Pinterest wedding because it'll just stress her to no end trying to live up to some crazy expectations. It should be a happy day. 

Don't push the wedding day out like 3+ years, because that'll just add to the stress. I have friends that did this and they switched venues like 3 times, their fiancees were changing color schemes and whatnot because styles had changed. Also, if you're paying for it, the final numbers are double/triple what you're budgeting 

Communicate even more than you do now. We went to our pre-cana class and there were people getting married in a month who didn't know their soon-to-be-spouse did/didn't want kids. Discuss how you guys see yourself spending free time, splitting up holidays, doing housework, kids, budgeting, etc. way before the wedding.

Have fun now, especially right out of college. Life gets more rewarding with wife/family, but you have less free time and the ability to just do whatever you want. Take a nice relaxing honeymoon. Do fun things. Find ways to enjoy the little things or have fun at home for cheap/free. But, also have balance. Choosing your battles is important, but that doesn't mean be a pushover. If something is important to you (and maybe not to her) say it now, or else you'll be dealing with it for the rest of your life.

Find married friends that are happy. Life won't be like college anymore, but some of your buddies won't get that (and it gets even worse once you have kids). Have hobbies with her, but still find time for yourself. Take a cooking class with her (or something) but don't be the guy having her join the all-guy fantasy football league.
Alright fellas, trying to plan a honeymoon. Need some suggestions on where to go/stay.

Thinking about Cabo, Key West, Playa, or Dominican Republic...

For those that have been to those places...best All-Inclusive resorts to stay at for a good amount? (Trying not to spend more than 1700ish for flight and hotel)...
Cabo is one of the most beautiful places ive ever been to but as far as price range goes idk about the 1700 for flight and all inclusive hotel. it also depends on how many days your planning on staying. Key west is nice too and prob flights are cheaper but you wont find anything all inclusive. Cancun is a good time as well and ive never been to DR but ive heard nothing but great things. All Inclusive resorts are always so much better! good luck! 
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