yo nt some help here

Originally Posted by yao11ming4mvp

okay i guess i'll spill some
-we're both seniors in hs, i go to a public school, she goes to an all girls skool
-known each other through our parents work, ~8 years(?) (she's the bosses niece)
-she's REALLY outgoing
-had past trouble
-we've recently been talking, she tells me everything about her and her life
-we've been to my school dance, been out to dinner a week after

any help ?

Originally Posted by yao11ming4mvp

just thinking and reading about this makes me want to just forget about it lol

Man Listen...Just tell her how you feel about her..Do it with confidence though..If she rejects, who cares?....Theres Billions of women on thisearth....
Take adavntage of the word "options"
thx for the input KayCurrency, would anyone else like to help a brotha out and stop laughing at me even though i'm kinda laughin at myself lol
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