Yo...real talk, who has no friends??

Always gotta have your inner circle of people. Those few people that will have your back no matter what. And family members who are best friends is the bestthing to have
Forget all that friend %!*$@!*# , what's the purpose .

I got a few people I may talk to but becides that ehh .

Having your lover as your bestfriend FTW .
Naw i got a girl, and guy friend and a girl that i work with(
) thatsabout it.

Im cool with it.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Associates. The term friend is used loosely today. Friends today, enemies tomorrow.

But, yeah, I agree. Too many people throw the term "friend" for any person they have a conversation with. Like, how many of these so-called"friends" have you had over the years that you don't even talk to anymore? Not because you two had a falling out, but because you lost touch. To me, a real friend is somebody you keep in touch with, even if you drift apart.
i have no friends . a couple of people who are more then just associates but not close to being friends . i thought i was like the only one .
All my closest friends are ones I've known since at least high school. I didn't create any lasting friendships in college. Yeah, there's probably ahandful of people from college I could carry a conversation with, but nobody I'd actually call up to hang out with. There are only a couple people at workthat I would consider friends. So I mainly hang out with the small core of 3 or 4 people. I should branch out, I guess, but I'm waiting to move away, soI'll be forced to do it then.
I have 6 good friends that I grew up with that has been with me forever.

Everyone else I just associate with but don't consider them real friends.
i have tight circle that i rarely step out of.

4 close male friends and 1 female friend

who has closer friends then they do family members???

*hand raised*
funny cuz some former friends, who really turned on me and my gf, now that we are no longer friends, have only maybe 1 friend and the rest just family members.
Originally Posted by wanksta23

dude said friend recession

you a wanksta.

Originally Posted by mFury


But, yeah, I agree. Too many people throw the term "friend" for any person they have a conversation with. Like, how many of these so-called "friends" have you had over the years that you don't even talk to anymore? Not because you two had a falling out, but because you lost touch. To me, a real friend is somebody you keep in touch with, even if you drift apart.

and mFury is on the right track.

and i'm quoting Crank on this. just close your msn, aim, any online communication tool for a week or two and see who hits you up.
those are your "real" friends.
whats with all the loners on here?? having friends is one of the best things in life.

the best friends are the ones you grew up with and then making friends with their friends.
i saw a sneak peek of a movie called "bromance" it stars paul rudd and jason segal. the story is exactly like your situation. Its about this guyplayed by paul rudd who is getting married, but he has no real friends. so he goes on all these man dates in order to find a best man for his wedding.

you should check it out i think will make you feel a lot better about your situation. i think its coming out late this year or early next year. they said thetitle is a working title so it might be called something else.
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