Yo! They're going nuts in Vancouver right now.

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

those kids hitting the car were a bunch of punk **@%@+$. They had no reason to be doing what they were doing. none. They weren't even mad about the lost.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Does Vancouver really have this many stupid young people? Most of these folks look like they're mentally handicapped. 
What's in the water down there? 

Down there? You from the Yukon shun?

VANCOUVER — Vancouver woke up to smashed storefronts, broken bottles and garbage-strewn streets Thursday morning, as cleanup crews continued working to clear the rubble from the mayhem that followed the Canucks' Stanley Cup loss.

A trail of bloody footprints outside a coffee shop marked the pavement next to heaps of broken glass, while over-turned perfume counters and mannequin limbs lay on the first floors of Sears and the Bay.

"It's devastating. It's disgusting," said Mekaela Brion, a Yaletown-area resident whose apartment became a haven for 16 of her friends who were trapped downtown last night.

"It's on Facebook and YouTube all over the world. People think this is Vancouver, but it's not. It's just a small group of idiots."

Plywood covered windows of many stores along Seymour, Georgia and Granville and police tape lined the sidewalk. The streets, except Granville, were open to traffic and already filled with morning commuters.

Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson's office said he would be conducting a tour of the areas most heavily damaged in the riots, which saw cars overturned and set ablaze vehicles, business windows smashed and fights in the streets, as police in riot gear struggled to contain the violence.

Wynne Powell, president and CEO of London Drugs, which had an outlet closed Thursday after suffering significant damage in the riot, said it's difficult to put a dollar amount on the losses at this time. He expressed gratitude his staff had escaped unharmed.

"This is a sad moment in the history of Vancouver," Powell said.

The company had eight additional security officers on staff and the same resistant glass and secure metal grill barriers that were in place for the 2010 Olympics, but "the sheer number and force of the rioters far exceeded the Georgia/Granville corridor's barrier capabilities," he added.

"We are thankful the Vancouver Police Department were able to protect our staff — that is our No. 1 priority."

Dazed fans still in Canucks jerseys and face paint walked among the mess as many left their hotels early this morning to catch ferries or transit back home.

Courtney Colcough, 20, travelled from Port Alberni, B.C., for the final game. The temporary Canucks tattoos on her cheeks were smeared and she admitted she hadn't got much sleep.

"We couldn't even get back to the hotel," she said. "Police were holding the crowd back, and I guess that was the only way to control them."

She said she saw fires break out on Georgia Street only minutes after the game ended. She and her friends stayed until the scene got ugly, but then became trapped in the crowd and couldn't get back to their downtown hotel until late that night.

Longtime Vancouver residents voiced their horror at seeing the city in shambles, again, reminiscent according to some of the riots that followed the team's loss in the Stanley Cup final in 1994.

"I can remember the riot 17 years ago, and I think it shows society that there's always a group that causes civil unrest," said Peter Wong, who carried a camera on his way to work, to capture what he called an "artistic sadness."

"Most citizens are good, but there's always this underlying element."

Read more: http://www.timescolonist....story.html#ixzz1PVFC36de
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh


Dude thought he was $$%!%+% dudley doright at 3:00, turns out the crowd wasn't having it.
hahah they was like alright fat man come on over here wit that pipe... dudes was eagerrr to stomp him out

"Vancouverites woke up from Wednesday's nightmare, grabbed a broom and headed downtown to begin the cleanup of the shattered city. Here's how they used social media to remind the world what Vancouver really is all about."

There's been a really big effort today to clean up the mess that was the 2011 Vancouver riots...

A facebook group has been made to post pictures and tag those responsible for the authorities

There was also a huge Riot clean up that assembled through twitter ad facebook that helped sweep up the mess


Please don't let a couple of idiots ruin your perception of my city.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Does Vancouver really have this many stupid young people? Most of these folks look like they're mentally handicapped. 
What's in the water down there? 

Down there? You from the Yukon shun?
Most of the rioters looked like inbred hillbillies whose mothers should have been kicked in the stomach repeatedly while they were pregnant with them, majority of people in Vancouver do not look/act like that. 

Around a thousand good samaritans took upon the street to clean the mess up, good on them
I don't get why people run their OWN city over a hockey game. What's the point?
Most of the hooligans were probably ******s from northern Washington State who wanted to cause a scene. It's like the WTO protests in Seattle in '99, all the mayhem was from out of state anarchists, and everyone thought it was Seattle.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

It was only a matter of time before people started crying racism...

... even though it appears that most of the rioters are white.

that's niketalk for you though. some dudes are overly sensitive on here and feel the need to reach, cry and boo hoo hoo over something they seen that they didn't like or hurt their feelings, or just because they want attention.

i would see the A word would be fitting towards these mostly white canadian rioters because that's what their acting like,  but a certain member on here wanted to cry racism over the world animals while he himself made negative remarks towards asians.


Dude just pointed out the double standard in one post but hes whining?
Originally Posted by yanky

I don't get why people run their OWN city over a hockey game. What's the point?

so i guess it's ok for LA to do this to their own city over a basketball game?
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

You see, their morals, their code, it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you. When the chips are down, these... these civilized people, they'll eat each other.


Originally Posted by Pmighty

Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

Originally Posted by LanZeR23

This is crazy! I never saw the riot pictures until now.
No class right there Vancouver.
they riot everywhere after a big hockey game.
i dont remember pgh riots when the pens lost to or beat detroit those two years

not everywhere, but it happens.  gophers won here a while back and they burned the u of m down.
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

Allow me to paint the REAL picture of Vancouver. This morning, hundreds of volunteering citizens gathered downtown to tidy up in the aftermath of the riot. The boards that covered broken windows had messages from citizens and Canucks fans saying they are disgusted and still love their city. My favourite picture, a Bruins fan in his jersey helping with clean up. People in Canucks shirts, including me, stopped to shake his hand and congratulate him. He congratulated the Canucks in return. THAT is the real Vancouver.


Does he have a cane... and a skateboard???
Vancouver's on about a 3 star wanted level right now. I haven't seen any FIB cars or army tanks yet.
EDIT: Flashbang to the groin is easily one of the top 5 Youtube vids of all time 
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

Originally Posted by damnitzdom

Allow me to paint the REAL picture of Vancouver. This morning, hundreds of volunteering citizens gathered downtown to tidy up in the aftermath of the riot. The boards that covered broken windows had messages from citizens and Canucks fans saying they are disgusted and still love their city. My favourite picture, a Bruins fan in his jersey helping with clean up. People in Canucks shirts, including me, stopped to shake his hand and congratulate him. He congratulated the Canucks in return. THAT is the real Vancouver.


Does he have a cane... and a skateboard???
na looks like 

plus I'm afraid to see what would happen here in DC if any of our core teams made it to a championship and won/lost......It would be epic chaos. 
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by whiterails


these people are crazy. and he's just a hipster.
most of thes hoodlums will get off scott free... this guy however they will find...

hope that night was worth a decade of his life

what is he doing?
and why would he get ten years?
Originally Posted by Tizzleman

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

these people are crazy. and he's just a hipster.
most of thes hoodlums will get off scott free... this guy however they will find...

hope that night was worth a decade of his life

what is he doing?
and why would he get ten years?
Really dude? You can't see the cloth hanging out of the gas tank of the police car that he's about to set on fire? Really?
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