
Clyde Frog

formerly jay02
Jan 8, 2011
Just went and got to the red box. All I can say is It scared the **** out of me.

I would usually take a documentary like this as a grain of salt because typically whoever made it is trying to impose their views on you with crazy accusations. This isn't like that. He backs his stuff up, it makes sense, and its scary.

We knew Obama came out of no where which was unusual. We knew his past was unlike any other Presidents. Now I know how and why or at least have an idea.

I can see why people are turned off to something like this especially when it comes to politics but just try it out. It's at the red box.
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Oh yes, I forgot Obama will make himself dictator and be able to change the entire government without needing congressional approval. This guy...
this is utter garbage; there is a reason it's been getting crushed in reviews

NTers and their conspiracy theories :lol:

I heard Obama is really Hitler who was frozen and painted black
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it actually did pretty good in da theaters for a complete indie flick.

i been meaning to watch it, im always watching da moore flicks, might as well try this one on for size.
^^^ Maher came through with his pretentious b.s as usual but totally ethered dude.

Fear mongering at its finest
I didnt vote for Obama in 2008 but after watching the film I was like "obama is the man". He essentialy said Obama was anti imperialist because of his pops influence and he had more of a global view. He is not this narrow minded Go USA put a boot in their ***** type of guy.

I voted early for Obama this year!
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It's sad though because this is what I expected for responses. And I technically don't blame you, like I said its politics. Politics are as grimey as it gets.

The worst part is that everyone will criticize it without seeing it. I'm assuming those bashing it haven't seen it. Why not see it just to say told you so.

It didn't take a genius to see that Obama got voted in due to slogans and a racially motivated election. I knew that when he got in. No one gave a **** about what his plan was. He was voted in by those because either they were already liberal which is the majority, the people who voted cause he's black, and the people who thought the saying "Yes we can" made them feel good.

I'm not going to sit here and recite the doc but you cant argue his past. His dad was Muslim, anti-west, and for anti-colonialism. Has this been proven false?That's just ok? They talked to Obamas brother for Christs sake.
Just went and got to the red box. All I can say is It scared the **** out of me.
I would usually take a documentary like this as a grain of salt because typically whoever made it is trying to impose their views on you with crazy accusations. This isn't like that. He backs his stuff up, it makes sense, and its scary.
We knew Obama came out of no where which was unusual. We knew his past was unlike any other Presidents. Now I know how and why or at least have an idea.
I can see why people are turned off to something like this especially when it comes to politics but just try it out. It's at the red box.

you sound like one of those backwoods republicans
they would glad to have you
It's sad though because this is what I expected for responses. And I technically don't blame you, like I said its politics. Politics are as grimey as it gets.
The worst part is that everyone will criticize it without seeing it. I'm assuming those bashing it haven't seen it. Why not see it just to say told you so.
It didn't take a genius to see that Obama got voted in due to slogans and a racially motivated election. I knew that when he got in. No one gave a **** about what his plan was. He was voted in by those because either they were already liberal which is the majority, the people who voted cause he's black, and the people who thought the saying "Yes we can" made them feel good.
I'm not going to sit here and recite the doc but you cant argue his past. His dad was Muslim, anti-west, and for anti-colonialism. Has this been proven false?That's just ok? They talked to Obamas brother for Christs sake.

and this is why that little cupcake is rich off this craptastic documentary

1) Obama was going to get elected the first time almost solely because of George Bush being a Republican with an abysmal approval rating
2) Obama took advantage of the situation to win an election; my gosh I would think we were discussing politics if I didn't know any better
3) It's clear you have done little research on Barack Obama because you are just basing all your thoughts off this 2 hour informercial

came in here to post this

"a 500 page book called dreams from my father by the way NOT dreams of my father. not his father's dreams. dreams from my father. means here are the dreams that i, obama, got from my dad."

he pointed it out like it was a big deal

beat me to it, 99% are criticizing yet never watched the movie, just immediately on the defensive
It's sad though because this is what I expected for responses. And I technically don't blame you, like I said its politics. Politics are as grimey as it gets.
The worst part is that everyone will criticize it without seeing it. I'm assuming those bashing it haven't seen it. Why not see it just to say told you so.
It didn't take a genius to see that Obama got voted in due to slogans and a racially motivated election. I knew that when he got in. No one gave a **** about what his plan was. He was voted in by those because either they were already liberal which is the majority, the people who voted cause he's black, and the people who thought the saying "Yes we can" made them feel good.
I'm not going to sit here and recite the doc but you cant argue his past. His dad was Muslim, anti-west, and for anti-colonialism. Has this been proven false?That's just ok? They talked to Obamas brother for Christs sake.

I don't see anything wrong with being muslim and anti-colonization. What exactly is being anti-west? You can not be serious.
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