You are being lied to about Somali Pirates.

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by KICKINHEADZ1010

Hey you guys are knowledgeable.....should we invade Somalia and burn all the pirates' boats?
If America invades Africa....she will suffer the same fate as the Roman Empire.

Thats why all of our forays on the continent have been veiled and incremental.

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by KICKINHEADZ1010

Hey you guys are knowledgeable.....should we invade Somalia and burn all the pirates' boats?
If America invades Africa....she will suffer the same fate as the Roman Empire.

Thats why all of our forays on the continent have been veiled and incremental.

Yes: nuclear waste. As soon as the government was gone, mysterious European ships started appearing off the coastof Somalia, dumping vast barrels into the ocean. The coastal population began to sicken. At first they suffered strange rashes, nausea and malformed babies.Then, after the 2005 tsunami, hundreds of the dumped and leaking barrels washed up on shore. People began to suffer from radiation sickness, and more than 300died. Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, the UN envoy to Somalia, tells me: "Somebody is dumping nuclear material here. There is also lead, and heavy metals such ascadmium and mercury - you name it." Much of it can be traced back to European hospitals andfactories, who seem to be passing it on to the Italian mafia to "dispose" of cheaply. When I asked Ould-Abdallah what European governmentswere doing about it, he said with a sigh: "Nothing. There has been no clean-up, no compensation, and no prevention." (empasis added)
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Somalia and Ethiopia have some of the most beautiful women in the world...see Sade.
Huh? Was that just a reference to her looks? Cause she's Nigerian/British.
On page 8 I mistakenly labeled her as Ethiopian before correcting myself.

She does look like women of certain Somalian and Ethiopian ethnicities though.
a haze what are those pictures of jesus supposed to represent i kind of dont understand.

are they supposed to represent where he was at during those missing years in the bible.
Sorry, but these were just pirates. If they had some grand purpose to right the wrongs of the Western world, then they would not have demanded money when theyhijacked the ships. And dont believe for a second that the money would be used to clean up the mess. All it would have done was line the wrong people'spockets.
Im waiting for the WAR between Somalia. These pirates have been doing this for years. Its funny how all of a sudden its becoming such a major issue
Originally Posted by M16

How about the ship carrying humanitarian aid to Kenya that was seized by these scum ? Good thing the U.S Navy snipers did a great job and got the hostages home safely.

people like you scare the @!!# out of me. named after a gun, avy is a gun, and how pumped you are about wasting "scum" (**@ is this a 90's actionfilm?) with sniper shots. the type who love to talk about killing and always looking for a reason to kill someone. funny thing is id bet my left nut you'renot in any kind of military and would be the last to actually fight for anything. id also bet you have a kick $%@ zombie preparedness kit with lots ofMRE's and ammo.
There was a somali rapper explaining this a day after this hit MSM... he was on infowars but if he's associated with Alex Jones most cats tend to shyaway.... This started as a protection mission and consequently turned into survival mission once the WEST started messing with their food and livelyhood... Idont feel no sympathy for US or British boats that get jacked over there....
Originally Posted by Juice2352

This is what happens when we live in a country that is powerful enough to cover up injustices. Granted, taking a hostage is inexcusable, but the reasoning for committing such an act is understandable. Somalia as an underdeveloped country and certainly doesn't have a unified, organized militia that can actually defend itself. Even more, is it even plausible for them to wage war on European countries or the U.S.? No. The fact is powerful, influential governments are more than capable of taking advantage of situations like the one presented on the shores of Somalia. This happens with a stunning regularity, but is never publicized to the ignorant masses (myself included) because governments would never want to be portrayed in a negative light. I accept the fact that the world we live in is a zero-sum game, but this is ridiculous. Exploiting a defenseless country and kicking them when they're down is pathetic. It's unfortunate that this will continue to happen because few will know this truth, even fewer will attempt to do anything about it, and governments/countries will do everything in their power to silence the knowledgeable.

We as a society have been dumbed down. We don't care to understand or look at the rest of the world.
ILLEGALLY stealing seafood?

Somalia basically an Anarchy Gov't, there are no rules or laws.
^It might seem funny to you but for a country in which they face death by starvation as a reality every day of their lives it isn't so hilarious, and youcan bet that European ships stealing seafood is a contributing factor. If the figure the article sites (300 million dollars worth) is anywhere close toaccurate you're talking about a vast amount of food, and of course, capital.

We will never understand what the Somali people have to face on a daily basis. So to act as though we can judge them is ignorant. Especially as we sit in frontof our computer monitors.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

ILLEGALLY stealing seafood?

Somalia basically an Anarchy Gov't, there are no rules or laws.

You can't be serious. Have you heard of territoral waters and exclusive economic zones.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

^It might seem funny to you but for a country in which they face death by starvation as a reality every day of their lives it isn't so hilarious, and you can bet that European ships stealing seafood is a contributing factor. If the figure the article sites (300 million dollars worth) is anywhere close to accurate you're talking about a vast amount of food, and of course, capital.

We will never understand what the Somali people have to face on a daily basis. So to act as though we can judge them is ignorant. Especially as we sit in front of our computer monitors.

What are you talking about? Dont you know we already give them food and aid that is contiunually stolen by this "Gov't"?

You can't be serious. Have you heard of territoral waters and exclusive economic zones.

Yes I do. If you knew the law, you would know that Somalia cant regulate or prohibit passage above, on, or under the surface of the sea.
What are you talking about? Dont you know we already give them food and aid that is contiunually stolen by this "Gov't"?

I know we give them food. It was that entire humanitarian crisis when Bush Senior was in charge. That doesn't mean that people still aren't dying fromstarvation there.

That also doesn't mean that it gives anyone the right to do as the please with the region; specifically, dump nuclear waste and steal their naturalresources.
What do you guys, who sympathize with the pirates, think should be done to stop this situation? I think we can all agree that the hijacking of these shipscan't continue. It's not only foreign aid that's being stopped, there's also a lot of money tied into the cargo of some of these other ships. Idon't even care anymore about why these attacks are taking place or who's right/wrong. Believe what you want to believe. I'm just interested in asolution. We can't exactly go about this in a diplomatic way seeing as how Somalia has no real government to represent the people. Obviously, we can'ttry to fight our way out of this problem either. Also, we can't just sit back and be like
"It's a damn shame but I understand why."

What should be done?
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

^It might seem funny to you but for a country in which they face death by starvation as a reality every day of their lives it isn't so hilarious, and you can bet that European ships stealing seafood is a contributing factor. If the figure the article sites (300 million dollars worth) is anywhere close to accurate you're talking about a vast amount of food, and of course, capital.

We will never understand what the Somali people have to face on a daily basis. So to act as though we can judge them is ignorant. Especially as we sit in front of our computer monitors.

What are you talking about? Dont you know we already give them food and aid that is contiunually stolen by this "Gov't"?

You can't be serious. Have you heard of territoral waters and exclusive economic zones.

Yes I do. If you knew the law, you would know that Somalia cant regulate or prohibit passage above, on, or under the surface of the sea.

But they have exclusive rights up to 200 miles off their coast. Any and all resources that are under those waters belong to them and not those European, Asianand Arab countries that illegally fish.

A real plan should be decided by the powers that be.

But I think a successful plan begins with stopping the nuclear waste dumping and the seafood stealing.

From there the fisherman will be able to get back to their own work and I think this will significantly cut down the amount of piracy we see in Somali waters.

We will still see pirates. And from here I think it's up to beefing up security and making it difficult for them.

But I'm no expert, my opinion is just as good or bad as any.

It's really up to an expert to decide on what we do AFTER we stop the injustices.
Originally Posted by KING OF ERV

a haze what are those pictures of jesus supposed to represent i kind of dont understand.

are they supposed to represent where he was at during those missing years in the bible.

Ethiopians believe they hold the Ark of the Covenant on their land...i THINK its the OG copy of the ten commandments...
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