You Can SAY There Isn't A Cultural Difference; But Why Is It.........

Medium or medium rare. Honestly, it's pointless to pay $$ for a nice steak and then order it well done. There's a reason chef's often refuse to cook it like that.
Originally Posted by Kobefan23

Medium or medium rare. Honestly, it's pointless to pay $$ for a nice steak and then order it well done. There's a reason chef's often refuse to cook it like that.
I just can't get away from this kid. 
rare for me. tried raw beef in a vietnamese place before and it wasn't too bad.
i was told once that as long as the outer portion of the cut of beef is cooked, there is no bacteria to be had. never looked into it.
Originally Posted by Nash

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

you dudes should try steak tartare
I had the best beef tartare when I visited Paris this past Winter break. These well-done steak eating folk are so laughably ignorant to the fact that a good piece of beef has little to no blood. Maybe one day you guys will shake off these completely backwards notions about raw/rare beef and enjoy the true taste of it.
yeah theyre just so hilariously foolish right

Not foolish, just ignorant. People in this thread honestly think that when a steak is cooked rare that all that red is blood and that, somehow, it's less clean than a well cooked piece. That's just simply not true and if that's not ignorance, I don't know what is.
Originally Posted by AyoKamikaze

i was told once that as long as the outer portion of the cut of beef is cooked, there is no bacteria to be had. never looked into it.

that or if its extremely fresh then raw is ok too.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by bballah3

Do people that like their steaks well done really go to a place such as Mortons and request their steak that way?

The only thing I like pink is {()}

this, i need my steak and burgers well done or im not eating them.  any pink that i eat thats not vag is unacceptable
medium or medium well. but if youre eating ground beef like burgers, i hope ur getting that !++! well done.
Seriously? You guys are making it like eating medium rare steak is some sort of elite club. Although I can agree that the only way to enjoy a prime cut of beef is medium/medium-rare, calling people foolish and ignorant because they may not feel the same way is foolish and ignorant.

If anything, educating one to the "standards" of enjoying steak would be the best thing to do.

With that being said...You're a dummy if you eat steak well done. Lol
Originally Posted by Ouch my feet

Seriously? You guys are making it like eating medium rare steak is some sort of elite club. Although I can agree that the only way to enjoy a prime cut of beef is medium/medium-rare, calling people foolish and ignorant because they may not feel the same way is foolish and ignorant.

If anything, educating one to the "standards" of enjoying steak would be the best thing to do.

With that being said...You're a dummy if you eat steak well done. Lol
Man, do you even know what the word ignorant means?
People that don't eat their steak medium rare or (even rarer) because of falsely held beliefs that a rare piece of quality beef is somehow unclean or "bloody" are, in fact, ignorant.
shabooyah1124 wrote:
I dunno, but I just grew up liking my steak medium rare. I dunno how people can eat a nice quality steak and not eat it tender.

I prefer well done, If I see pink I don't want it.

trying valiantly to change the direction of this thread
Why did I think this thread was about dark skinned and light skinned people because it was a DC thread ?

Anyway, I like my steak rare.
I dont want to get sick again.

I had e-coli before and its the WORST to get rid of. Therefore, I get steak well done.

So what if it takes the flavor, that is what steak sauce is for
last time this post came up people said its pretty much a waste of steak to cook it well done


im more of a rib dude myself...

%%+! a steak
Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

I dont want to get sick again.

I had e-coli before and its the WORST to get rid of. Therefore, I get steak well done.

So what if it takes the flavor, that is what steak sauce is for
[h1]Rare steak 'is safe to eat'[/h1]

Meat can become contaminated during the butchery process
Eating rare steak will not cause food poisoning if kitchen utensils used to cook it are kept clean, it is claimed.

University of Nottingham scientists spiked steak samples with E.coli bacteria, then cooked them rare.

The bacteria only survived where the steaks were touched by utensilsthat were not cleaned after being used to handle raw meat, researchersfound.

The study dispels the myth that eating rare steak is in itself unsafe, the Meat and Livestock Commission said.

The BBC's Nicola Carslaw


The tests, carried out on behalf ofthe commission, were designed to establish once and for all whetherserving rare steak posed a health risk.

To determine whetherfood poisoning bacteria could survive the cooking process, steaksamples taken from separate fillets were spiked with E.coli.

The bacteria, which are known to die at high temperatures, were still present in the samples even after cooking.

But it was found that the cells' survival was caused by recontaminationof the steaks during cooking, via the tongs used to turn them.

Bacteria such as E.coli can cause food poisoning
Scientists then spiked more steaks and cooked them - but sterilisedthe tongs in ethanol between turns to ensure that the tongs could notrecontaminate the meat.

This time, no E.coli was detected.

The study concluded that rare steak can be produced safely providedthat food poisoning bacteria are not reintroduced by contaminatedutensils.

The Meat and Livestock Commission said there shouldno longer be any doubt over the safety of rare steak - a claimsupported by advice issued by the Food Standards Agency.

Itsguidelines state that whole cuts of meat, such as steaks, cutlets andjoints, are only ever contaminated by bacteria on the outside of themeat, which are destroyed during cooking even if the middle of the meatis pink, or rare.

In the case of minced-meat products such asburgers and sausages, bacteria are spread throughout the product duringmanufacture.

These products should be cooked until they arepiping hot throughout, with no pink meat left and any juices runningclear, it says.
The agency also stresses the importance ofkeeping utensils clean while cooking any type of meat, to ensure thatbacteria are not spread from raw to cooked foods.
Via BBC NEWS. (IMO more credible than any American outlet.)

Ive eaten my steak Rare to Mid Rare probably hundreds of times in my life and ive never been sick from it... I wont eat a steak from a place that has any sort of rep as being "unclean".

Well done steak is DRY, loses flavor, chewy etc... All around wasting a good cut of meat if you ask me.
I like medium, but I don't like it to pink so I usually get medium well. Which isn't that juicy, but I would rather have it a little dry then all pink. Steaks cooked at home>
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

I dont want to get sick again.

I had e-coli before and its the WORST to get rid of. Therefore, I get steak well done.

So what if it takes the flavor, that is what steak sauce is for
[h1]Rare steak 'is safe to eat'[/h1]

Meat can become contaminated during the butchery process
Eating rare steak will not cause food poisoning if kitchen utensils used to cook it are kept clean, it is claimed.

University of Nottingham scientists spiked steak samples with E.coli bacteria, then cooked them rare.

The bacteria only survived where the steaks were touched by utensilsthat were not cleaned after being used to handle raw meat, researchersfound.

The study dispels the myth that eating rare steak is in itself unsafe, the Meat and Livestock Commission said.

The BBC's Nicola Carslaw


The tests, carried out on behalf ofthe commission, were designed to establish once and for all whetherserving rare steak posed a health risk.

To determine whetherfood poisoning bacteria could survive the cooking process, steaksamples taken from separate fillets were spiked with E.coli.

The bacteria, which are known to die at high temperatures, were still present in the samples even after cooking.

But it was found that the cells' survival was caused by recontaminationof the steaks during cooking, via the tongs used to turn them.

Bacteria such as E.coli can cause food poisoning
Scientists then spiked more steaks and cooked them - but sterilisedthe tongs in ethanol between turns to ensure that the tongs could notrecontaminate the meat.

This time, no E.coli was detected.

The study concluded that rare steak can be produced safely providedthat food poisoning bacteria are not reintroduced by contaminatedutensils.

The Meat and Livestock Commission said there shouldno longer be any doubt over the safety of rare steak - a claimsupported by advice issued by the Food Standards Agency.

Itsguidelines state that whole cuts of meat, such as steaks, cutlets andjoints, are only ever contaminated by bacteria on the outside of themeat, which are destroyed during cooking even if the middle of the meatis pink, or rare.

In the case of minced-meat products such asburgers and sausages, bacteria are spread throughout the product duringmanufacture.

These products should be cooked until they arepiping hot throughout, with no pink meat left and any juices runningclear, it says.
The agency also stresses the importance ofkeeping utensils clean while cooking any type of meat, to ensure thatbacteria are not spread from raw to cooked foods.
Via BBC NEWS. (IMO more credible than any American outlet.)

Ive eaten my steak Rare to Mid Rare probably hundreds of times in my life and ive never been sick from it... I wont eat a steak from a place that has any sort of rep as being "unclean".

Well done steak is DRY, loses flavor, chewy etc... All around wasting a good cut of meat if you ask me.

Like I said, that is what Steak Sauce is for.

My Life>Some uncooked piece of cow

Will continue to eat it well done
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