You ever feel like there is something bigger than God out there?

The only times I've felt apart of something bigger than myself and felt it's true power

Being out in nature
Dem good intoxicants
Other ppl (that love/connection)

Combine all three and I guess you get... Avatar? Yup. Sounds about right. Soooo I guess that makes Mr. Cameron the Most High
I'm not religious, spiritual is a more apt term.

I've sometimes felt that God is a force that is all around us and that God is neither he nor she but an it.  It is an ever present invisible force in the same way that earth's magnetic field is a force.

This force doesn't change behavior nor does it dictate behavior.  It's a connecting force that links all living things.

Other times I hold a Deistic world view.

Most times I'm simply Agnostic.
Ain't gonna lie, I'm a very spiritual person and have been religious my whole life but Neil Degrasse makes me think about things some time.
Nah, The Creator of the universe is The Highest Power. Praise be to The Most High!
Ain't gonna lie, I'm a very spiritual person and have been religious my whole life but Neil Degrasse makes me think about things some time.

What do you mean ndt makes you think? What are you referring to specifically. Love listening to him talk astrophysics etc.

When people say they aren't religious they are spiritual what's that mean? What's the difference exactly? Usually they are used differently but you just said you're both spiritual and religious
I'm assuming you mean that the good parts of NYC were made in the image of GOD, right? Not the projects, right? The areas filled w/ rape, violence, gangs, kids on drugs, hookers: those areas don't count, I'm assuming.

And GOD made 'us' in his image? Again, I'm just assuming here, but I'm sure the GOOD people are who you're talking about, right? People like MLK, Jr and Mother Teresa, THEEEEY were made in GOD's image, right? But ol' Timothy McVeigh, Osama bin Laden, and your local pedophile, they don't count when you say 'He made us in his image', right?

I mean, right?

There needs to be bad with good. Makes an even balance.

Honestly idk, good question though
Sometimes I be out in nature and I just feel something. Like there's something bigger than God out here, but I have no idea what it is or in what form it is.

Makes me feel so miniscule in the universe. We all just take up space here like free renters and then we die but a big *** tree is around for hundreds of years. How could any human create that?

People think that agnostics/atheists lack a belief but I feel like I believe in MORE. I can't even corral it all. You know?
Yeah, my man D.
Sometimes I be out in nature and I just feel something. Like there's something bigger than God out here, but I have no idea what it is or in what form it is.

Makes me feel so miniscule in the universe. We all just take up space here like free renters and then we die but a big *** tree is around for hundreds of years. How could any human create that?

People think that agnostics/atheists lack a belief but I feel like I believe in MORE. I can't even corral it all. You know?
Yeah, my man D.

maybe "god" is what man refers to as the highest energy/density in our universe, and what you feel is the subconscious desire to unite and rise to a higher energy/density...if thats not it, then

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There needs to be bad with good. Makes an even balance.

Honestly idk, good question though
But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear Isiah 59:2
The bad parts of NYC was made into God's image but when He's pushed away in those parts by the people, then he will be non-existent​
Just trying to make a point.​
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Start from 15:00 until the end.

I'm not saying I believe everything NDT says, I'm just A little conflicted when it comes to the sciences.

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