You ever feel like.... Vol.Quarter life crisis/Another bro vent thread

Sep 24, 2008
You're on a hamster wheel of momotony and mediocrity? Bros I'm stressed. I'm a man of high pride but I need to get some stuff off of my chest. I've been virtually jobless since 2012 outside of a couple of crap internships, left my Master's program because I couldn't afford the hour commute each way/bills were and have caught up and I wasn't passionate about the program like I thought I was. I'm beyond broke, I'm going to be 25 in less than 3 months and I'm nowhere near where I want to be. I'm against a rock and a hard place with no help, no hope and no leads. My days consists of applying to jobs, working out and prayer.

How do you guys deal with stress? I don't take what I DO have for granted, but I'm in a crazy place in life. Every plan I make has fallen apart to point where I'm afraid of making game plans now. I have too many interests and passions for truly focus on one to do for a career. Sorry if I seem all over the place, I just don't normally do this over the Internet.

And I'm not talking about offing myself or anything either. Just need some clarity, hell even some help. I don't like asking for it but God knows I need it.
I've been where you are when it seems like you just can't catch a break. If you have any kicks or electronics you think you can sell, do it. Offer your services doing odd jobs here and there. But don't hold you head down just yet even though it seems like you want to.

Life as an adult is hard and you can't let it get the best of you.
Read some books and acquire new skills daily. Adjust to the changing times.

Build pyramids, don't climb them..

Put everything you have into something of your interest. I am talking about everything you have. Forget your phone, social media, friends, etc. Work toward something you want to achieve 24/7. You will achieve that or some opportunity will come along. Most people are not about this life however.

Most of the successful people become millionaires and billionaires in an age way older than 25, thats how I look at it.

Good luck
All i can say is don't give up.
We aren't given more than we can handle...

Preciate it boss. I know we aren't for sure.

sucks bro. i don't have much advice but hang in there, try some new things, meet some new people and network. smoke a blunt.

:lol: I don't smoke but yeah I love to network for sure.

If you're not doing by age 25 time to be a criminal.

:Rollin lets hope it doesn't come to that.

I've been where you are when it seems like you just can't catch a break. If you have any kicks or electronics you think you can sell, do it. Offer your services doing odd jobs here and there. But don't hold you head down just yet even though it seems like you want to.

Life as an adult is hard and you can't let it get the best of you.

Indeed. I do errands for my grandmother and aunt and they kick me down some change but I need to get these bills paid too. All my spare money goes to Gas to help them out you know?
Read some books and acquire new skills daily. Adjust to the changing times.

Build pyramids, don't climb them..

Put everything you have into something of your interest. I am talking about everything you have. Forget your phone, social media, friends, etc. Work toward something you want to achieve 24/7. You will achieve that or some opportunity will come along. Most people are not about this life however.

Most of the successful people become millionaires and billionaires in an age way older than 25, thats how I look at it.

Good luck

Thanks fam. I want to start a non profit to help inner city kids not end up like me :lol: so I believe I will start seriously working on that.
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i feel the exact same way at this point of my life. i'm 25 and most the jobs i've had have only been temporary or seasonal positions. i haven't worked since 2012. i have some college education no degree. i am taking one class now and my focus just isn't there i am struggling. my days consist of waking up eating going to the gym filling out job applications online, going to games with my girl, and watching netflix until 3am. i don't know what to do with myself. i don't have a passion for anything. i've had interviews and they never work out and i refuse to go back to working retail for $9-$11 an hour. i know times are bad and slow money is better than no money but i feel like my time is worth more than that. i wish i had somebody to talk to regularly but i don't have medical insurance. i have sold off most of my shoes already, i am living with my family rent free but i don't know how much longer i can take it. i don't do drugs i do drink some times maybe 1-3 times a week. i have problems sleeping, i can't fall asleep i tried everything zzzquil works but i don't want to be depended on it. i feel like i am in a definite quarter life crisis.
Turning 25 in July as well OP...
Life can kick you in the ***... If you let it.
Even when youre not working, always have a way to earn money, and thirst for knowledge; it will better you and help you to your goals.
i feel the exact same way at this point of my life. i'm 25 and most the jobs i've had have only been temporary or seasonal positions. i haven't worked since 2012. i have some college education no degree. i am taking one class now and my focus just isn't there i am struggling. my days consist of waking up eating going to the gym filling out job applications online, going to games with my girl, and watching netflix until 3am. i don't know what to do with myself. i don't have a passion for anything. i've had interviews and they never work out and i refuse to go back to working retail for $9-$11 an hour. i know times are bad and slow money is better than no money but i feel like my time is worth more than that. i wish i had somebody to talk to regularly but i don't have medical insurance. i have sold off most of my shoes already, i am living with my family rent free but i don't know how much longer i can take it. i don't do drugs i do drink some times maybe 1-3 times a week. i have problems sleeping, i can't fall asleep i tried everything zzzquil works but i don't want to be depended on it. i feel like i am in a definite quarter life crisis.

Yeah we're definitely in the same boat. Things will get better for sure.

Turning 25 in July as well OP...
Life can kick you in the ***... If you let it.
Even when youre not working, always have a way to earn money, and thirst for knowledge; it will better you and help you to your goals.

Thanks for the advice bro :pimp:
^ man I'm right there with y'all. Around the same age, no real job or career and don't know what to do with myself either. It's sucks bro I already know. Y'all ever think about trade school? That's what I am thinking about..
When I was your age I went through the same thing. I realized that where I needed to be required some hard that right now I'm losing sleep over. But I have faith in the path i've laid out for myself, and I know i'm going to make mistakes on the way....I hunt for them because I want to be at the top of my game. I'm no where near that right now but having this room for improvement both causes frustration and excitement. It's another mountain to climb over and i've climbed over others before.

Read, go run, do something that is constructive. Day by day it will get you to where you need to be but it has to be meaningful and you shouldn't allow your boat to just drift in the water....that time will come later.

i only know few people that are where they "want to be" and life isnt a race. there are no set times for things to happen. **** can go from good to bad to worse to better quicker than you can figure. step one is stop measuring your life compared to others. some have it easier to get some things, the rest have to work for it and part of that is not giving up. 
I feel your pain OP. Struggle is real out here Just keep applying yourself to things you know and something will pop off for you.
yeah but I'm really young and have no time to complain. Im just trying to learn and let all the BS from people I don't really love on that family level go away. I was pent up all the time this past school year with nothing but regret. Now today all I could think about is how anticipated and ready I am to reach that next of level of success. OP you are several years older than me but if I knew you in real life there is a good chance I'd look up to you.

Music and talking to those people I am friendly with around campus has helped me out this year as well as following through with plans with other people (I.e. making sure my group projects are fulfilled, hanging out with certain friends etc). It depends on what you are really passionate about but that's why you and I need to keep trying new things until everything turns out to be okay.

Also humor is beneficial to everything. It makes every tough situation better.
Take advantage of what's around you.

Bust your *** at a job that you are overqualified for and save your money.

Don't be too prideful, it can be a hinderance.
Hey JRA,

My brother was in a somewhat (yet different) situation.  He's 26 right now.  Back when he graduated college, he was having a hard time finding a job as an IS/IT major.  He's a smart kid, got great grades, but can be lazy and scatterbrained at times.  Anyway, I was able to help him get in the door with the company I started out with here in Philly because I had a lot of connections there.  He was happy to have the job, but as the months went on, it became clear the job and maybe office life in general wasn't for him.  He was reviewing US Customs paperwork to have ocean shipments imported and exported from the US.  A few times he was promised more IT related projects and other new roles, but the projects were either extremely short term or really were just managers talking and not delivering.

I know this back story doesn't really relate to your situation, but hopefully the next part may.

Two months ago, he told me and my parents that he was quitting his job and going back to school.  I thought he was going to go for his MBA.  Well, that wasn't the case.  On May 1, he's beginning an 8 month certificate program at the Institute of Culinary Education in New York City.  Like I said, my brother was an IS/IT major in college.  He has no restaurant/hotel/hospitality management skills.  Hell, I didn't even know he was interested in cooking.  The most I've ever seen him cook is putting a Hungry Man in the microwave.  But the main thing here is that my brother, a kid who generally would spend his nights and weekends playing video games and drinking beer instead of looking for ways to further his business career, took the chance and initiative to go into something completely new and foreign to him.  He applied, interviewed, was accepted, got financial aide, and found housing all on his own without really consulting with anyone.  That was the part that shocked me even more than he was going to school to become a chef.

So I guess the moral of the story is, maybe you need to step back and re-evaluate what jobs you are currently looking at.  Is there something else you really want to do?  I know money may make things difficult, but this could be the point where you really have the opportunity to take a chance at something you may end up loving.

Good luck man, and if you ever need any help or advice, just let me know.
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Not sure what your skill set is but if you can, free lance it.

You could either become really successful OR you could build up enough of a resume from freelancing to apply to a stable position within your field.
I know exactly how you feel OP, I'm turning 25 in October and I've been thinking a lot about how life's gonna turn out for me.
I went to vocational school when I was 21 to become an LVN and eventually proceed with my RN but working as a nurse these past couple of years I've grown to realize that nursing is not for me. So I'm starting over this summer and going back to school to try and do something totally different (political science) and it scares the hell out of me. I spend a lot of nights just laying in bed thinking about what am i doing? The main thing that's motivating me is that I'm finally doing something for myself and not for people around me. You feel? And I guess that would be my advice to you, do something for yourself man. Cause in the end you gotta be happy with yourself.
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