You ever feel like.... Vol.Quarter life crisis/Another bro vent thread

Starting to feel that way about college and im only a freshman.

Im not dropping out though.
Come on man, these should be the best times of your life up this point....

Freshman year especially you can afford to be a little off track in your life planning, hell it's probably a good thing as a matter of fact.

Sometimes we get too focused on where we want to be that we stop living and just start thinking too much for our own good.

Get buns, hit the gym, read a few good books, and make some real friends now.....worry about all the other bull**** life is about to throw at you during junior year and be prepared to make some important decisions.
Antidope that same attitude and my Temper got me fired from one of my part time jobs yesterday..straight up loser ****:smh: but I went out after looking for another one they said they will give me a call next week...after I pick my car up out the shop today I plan on spending my Saturday looking for a another job
Jay patt I used to whine about my freshmen yr till I realized how much fun it was and how fast it went by...seriously to me it seems like college is just one big year...besides college isn't hard as all..I can't wait to go back in august
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Dat struggle....

I feel ya famb...

23 and pissed cuz my success is currently determined by someone else giving me the chance...

I'm changing that
Dat struggle....

I feel ya famb...

23 and pissed cuz my success is currently determined by someone else giving me the chance...

I'm changing that

You still waiting to hear back about that Senior Analyst position? Get me in the door with AT&T fame :nerd: :lol:
I hate my job and everyone here. I havent spoken to anyone without being spoken to first since Monday. I just want them to leave me the hell alone and they refuse to do so. I just wanna do my work and go home, I dont want to be anyones friend.

Damn, what's been happening?
I just don't like the work that I'm doing. It's really intended to be a feeder into a better job at the company provided that I get the necessary licenses but I haven't been studying enough which is my own fault but I'm just ready to be out of here which can only happen if I've been here a year... Its been 8 months and im going crazy. Reason I stopped speaking is mainly cause I'm trying to focus on my work and do better so when it's time for me to leave I can and wasting time talking to them isn't helping.

My coworkers are awful people. Today one of them said that the reason those kids bombed the marathon is because they are Muslim and that America should close the borders, and other people agreed with him.... I was the only person appalled by this. They all do other things that annoy me but I may just be over reacting cause I'm mad.
Yeah I'd be hella mad if I had to work with ignorant *** people. Keep grinding, you'll be in a better place soon enough.
You're on a hamster wheel of momotony and mediocrity? Bros I'm stressed. I'm a man of high pride but I need to get some stuff off of my chest. I've been virtually jobless since 2012 outside of a couple of crap internships, left my Master's program because I couldn't afford the hour commute each way/bills were and have caught up and I wasn't passionate about the program like I thought I was. I'm beyond broke, I'm going to be 25 in less than 3 months and I'm nowhere near where I want to be. I'm against a rock and a hard place with no help, no hope and no leads. My days consists of applying to jobs, working out and prayer.

How do you guys deal with stress? I don't take what I DO have for granted, but I'm in a crazy place in life. Every plan I make has fallen apart to point where I'm afraid of making game plans now. I have too many interests and passions for truly focus on one to do for a career. Sorry if I seem all over the place, I just don't normally do this over the Internet.

And I'm not talking about offing myself or anything either. Just need some clarity, hell even some help. I don't like asking for it but God knows I need it.

Sounds like a great day to me.
Just like what the majority of people here are saying.... just keep on going!

Anyways, I'm going to be 26 soon and I definitely see where the people here are coming from. I'm definitely not satisfied at where I am at this point in my life and I need a change. I work full time but I know that I have to back to school to get a better opportunity for myself. 

Here's a nice little story for those struggling.

Just keep on fighting the struggle.... you will catch a break at some point.

Good luck to all of you and God bless!
i mean, you have a bachelors, you will find a job/career eventually

maybe you need to start going to job fairs at your old school


reconnect with old friends who have what you have
You still waiting to hear back about that Senior Analyst position? Get me in the door with AT&T fame :nerd: :lol:
Still in the interview process bro... These big companies be running folks thru the ringer...

Been on 3 already....

Where are you located? I could see if I could find the hiring manager in your region and try to tell them to look out for your application...

Plus, if you get on, I get like... $100 or something on my check.
Still in the interview process bro... These big companies be running folks thru the ringer...

Been on 3 already....

Where are you located? I could see if I could find the hiring manager in your region and try to tell them to look out for your application...

Plus, if you get on, I get like... $100 or something on my check.

I'm in Southern California...Los Angeles to be specific.

See where networking gets us? :lol:
Sounds like you're stressed bc, you're thinking too much and worrying so much to the point of holding yourself back.

You gotta completely purge your mind of all the BS that society has been feeding into your head over the past 25 years and just say "**** everybody in this mother ******, I'm gonna do what makes me happy from now on".

Because what's the point of living if you aren't enjoying every moment? I would rather die than allow myself to be stressed over this life ****.

Someone mentioned working on breathing.. that + yoga or any sort of exercise, when done conscientiously, will help you get more grounded with yourself as a human being and give you a greater sense of inner freedom. Check out the youtube channel Elliot Hulse:
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Sounds like you're stressed bc, you're thinking too much and worrying so much to the point of holding yourself back.

You gotta completely purge your mind of all the BS that society has been feeding into your head over the past 25 years and just say "**** everybody in this mother ******, I'm gonna do what makes me happy from now on".

Because what's the point of living if you aren't enjoying every moment? I would rather die than allow myself to be stressed over this life ****.

Someone mentioned working on breathing.. that + yoga or any sort of exercise, when done conscientiously, will help you get more grounded with yourself as a human being and give you a greater sense of inner freedom. Check out the youtube channel Elliot Hulse:
yoga and meditating can change your life....seriously 

i took it, thinking i wanted to improve flexabilty and stability. turns out, it changes your whole mindset. when you focus your mind, anything is in reach. been doing about two years now 
yoga and meditating can change your life....seriously 

i took it, thinking i wanted to improve flexabilty and stability. turns out, it changes your whole mindset. when you focus your mind, anything is in reach. been doing about two years now 

I actually do DDP Yoga every night. I'm starting to work it in once in the morning and once at night. I love it. I've actually lost some weight since I started that and changed my eating habits. I'm hella big so I'm working on my weight so I can change my lifestyle and look good for my 25th in July.
Anyone else feel like the military is the easy way out, and they would feel less of a man if they joined.. Its like you give up...
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