You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

simple sir, it creates a precedent.

and da US courts LOVE precedents, makes their job easier...word to abortion rights, word to citizens united, word to da affordable care act, etc.

you legislate gay marriage on da basis of "2 people consenting" and just opened pandora's box...because honestly da only reason its illegal is SO many states is because of

its moral implications on society...if gay marriage gets da green light (which is basically da MAJOR no no on anyone who holds themselves to a high moral standard)

you might as well let ALL da ghouls and ghosts out da black hole...prostitution, incest, polygamy...ill ALL be legal within years of gay marriage.
they are different issues with different implications and therefore should be treated as such. i also don't see what this has to do with morality.
no, they are all stigmatized by da same moral barrier as "gay marriage"..if 2 or more consenting adults agree to_______ its no different then acting 2 homosexuals do w/e they wanna do.

legalize gay marriage and everything else will fall into place...i can promise you that
Yeah, I can't wait till weed gets legalized so I can get a chance to have sex with my dog and drive without my seatbelt. 
dogs can't give consent...we're playing by your rules now champ..stick to em'
Oh, you understand THAT argument then.

Gays can give consent, can't they? 
duh, i got no problems with men wanting to duke themselves in da butt for giggles, i got no problem with women carpet you mama, but then you BETTER let women sell their

own ***** on da streets and you BETTER let men marry all da women who agree to marry him and be #______ on da context and strength of freedom of religion and right for 2 people to consent

to do w/e they wanna do with each other or else that gay marriage argument doesn't fly a INCH.
What does gay marriage have to do with prostitution? 

Oh, and your description of homosexuals makes you sound like a petulant immature ignoramus, and not the 30 year old pillar of your community you claim to be. You sound like a goddamn fool. 
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your definition of moral fabric sounds like something that can and has evolved over time.

morals are basically glorified opinions that DO change over i said, PLEASE PASS GAY MARRIAGE if it also means polygamy, prostitution, and incest if da only legal grounds are "consent between adults"

im ALL for that
Why can't we pass laws that say I can beat my wife at my discretion then?
because your wife has to GIVE CONSENT to do that champ
when when she does its called sado masochism..which last time i checked is perfectly legal.
your definition of moral fabric sounds like something that can and has evolved over time.

morals are basically glorified opinions that DO change over i said, PLEASE PASS GAY MARRIAGE if it also means polygamy, prostitution, and incest if da only legal grounds are "consent between adults"

im ALL for that
Why can't we pass laws that say I can beat my wife at my discretion then?
because your wife has to GIVE CONSENT to do that champ
when when she does its called sado masochism..which last time i checked is perfectly legal.
I thought you favored tradition? You know, the one where the man was in charge of his woman?
simple sir, it creates a precedent.

and da US courts LOVE precedents, makes their job easier...word to abortion rights, word to citizens united, word to da affordable care act, etc.

you legislate gay marriage on da basis of "2 people consenting" and just opened pandora's box...because honestly da only reason its illegal is SO many states is because of

its moral implications on society...if gay marriage gets da green light (which is basically da MAJOR no no on anyone who holds themselves to a high moral standard)

you might as well let ALL da ghouls and ghosts out da black hole...prostitution, incest, polygamy...ill ALL be legal within years of gay marriage.
they are different issues with different implications and therefore should be treated as such. i also don't see what this has to do with morality.
no, they are all stigmatized by da same moral barrier as "gay marriage"..if 2 or more consenting adults agree to_______ its no different then acting 2 homosexuals do w/e they wanna do.

legalize gay marriage and everything else will fall into place...i can promise you that
Yeah, I can't wait till weed gets legalized so I can get a chance to have sex with my dog and drive without my seatbelt. 
dogs can't give consent...we're playing by your rules now champ..stick to em'
Oh, you understand THAT argument then.

Gays can give consent, can't they? 
duh, i got no problems with men wanting to duke themselves in da butt for giggles, i got no problem with women carpet you mama, but then you BETTER let women sell their

own ***** on da streets and you BETTER let men marry all da women who agree to marry him and be #______ on da context and strength of freedom of religion and right for 2 people to consent

to do w/e they wanna do with each other or else that gay marriage argument doesn't fly a INCH.
What does gay marriage have to do with prostitution? 

Oh, and your description of homosexuals makes you sound like a petulant immature ignoramus, and not the 30 year old pillar of your community you claim to be. You sound like a goddamn fool. 
simple sir, it creates a precedent.

and da US courts LOVE precedents, makes their job easier...word to abortion rights, word to citizens united, word to da affordable care act, etc.

you legislate gay marriage on da basis of "2 people consenting" and just opened pandora's box...because honestly da only reason its illegal is SO many states is because of

its moral implications on society...if gay marriage gets da green light (which is basically da MAJOR no no on anyone who holds themselves to a high moral standard)

you might as well let ALL da ghouls and ghosts out da black hole...prostitution, incest, polygamy...ill ALL be legal within years of gay marriage.
they are different issues with different implications and therefore should be treated as such. i also don't see what this has to do with morality.
no, they are all stigmatized by da same moral barrier as "gay marriage"..if 2 or more consenting adults agree to_______ its no different then acting 2 homosexuals do w/e they wanna do.

legalize gay marriage and everything else will fall into place...i can promise you that
Yeah, I can't wait till weed gets legalized so I can get a chance to have sex with my dog and drive without my seatbelt. 
dogs can't give consent...we're playing by your rules now champ..stick to em'
Oh, you understand THAT argument then.

Gays can give consent, can't they? 
duh, i got no problems with men wanting to duke themselves in da butt for giggles, i got no problem with women carpet you mama, but then you BETTER let women sell their

own ***** on da streets and you BETTER let men marry all da women who agree to marry him and be #______ on da context and strength of freedom of religion and right for 2 people to consent

to do w/e they wanna do with each other or else that gay marriage argument doesn't fly a INCH.
What does gay marriage have to do with prostitution? 

Oh, and your description of homosexuals makes you sound like a petulant immature ignoramus, and not the 30 year old pillar of your community you claim to be. You sound like a goddamn fool. 
1. consent consent consent.

whats da legal argument that ALLOWS gays to marry since they are 2 consenting adults doing abnormal but otherwise harmless things to eachother and in da same breath prohibit

a grown women from selling her own vagina on da streets at her OWN WILL to another consenting individual?

2. *yawn* thats what homosexuals do, get over it...age has NOTHING to do with da way a person wants to carry themselves..stop trying to IMPOSE your views on how a "30 year old should act"(my 28 thou) your

NO different then people IMPOSING on how people should feel about gay marriage...oh wait
Why can't we pass laws that say I can beat my wife at my discretion then?

Wait a minute. You're married?

Do you debate your wife into giving you the goods? Do you have a folder with pictures and argument points?
[table][tr][td]rhetorical question
A question to which no answer is expected, often used for rhetorical effect.
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simple sir, it creates a precedent.

and da US courts LOVE precedents, makes their job easier...word to abortion rights, word to citizens united, word to da affordable care act, etc.

you legislate gay marriage on da basis of "2 people consenting" and just opened pandora's box...because honestly da only reason its illegal is SO many states is because of

its moral implications on society...if gay marriage gets da green light (which is basically da MAJOR no no on anyone who holds themselves to a high moral standard)

you might as well let ALL da ghouls and ghosts out da black hole...prostitution, incest, polygamy...ill ALL be legal within years of gay marriage.
they are different issues with different implications and therefore should be treated as such. i also don't see what this has to do with morality.
no, they are all stigmatized by da same moral barrier as "gay marriage"..if 2 or more consenting adults agree to_______ its no different then acting 2 homosexuals do w/e they wanna do.

legalize gay marriage and everything else will fall into place...i can promise you that
Yeah, I can't wait till weed gets legalized so I can get a chance to have sex with my dog and drive without my seatbelt. 
dogs can't give consent...we're playing by your rules now champ..stick to em'
Oh, you understand THAT argument then.

Gays can give consent, can't they? 
duh, i got no problems with men wanting to duke themselves in da butt for giggles, i got no problem with women carpet you mama, but then you BETTER let women sell their

own ***** on da streets and you BETTER let men marry all da women who agree to marry him and be #______ on da context and strength of freedom of religion and right for 2 people to consent

to do w/e they wanna do with each other or else that gay marriage argument doesn't fly a INCH.
What does gay marriage have to do with prostitution? 

Oh, and your description of homosexuals makes you sound like a petulant immature ignoramus, and not the 30 year old pillar of your community you claim to be. You sound like a goddamn fool. 
simple sir, it creates a precedent.

and da US courts LOVE precedents, makes their job easier...word to abortion rights, word to citizens united, word to da affordable care act, etc.

you legislate gay marriage on da basis of "2 people consenting" and just opened pandora's box...because honestly da only reason its illegal is SO many states is because of

its moral implications on society...if gay marriage gets da green light (which is basically da MAJOR no no on anyone who holds themselves to a high moral standard)

you might as well let ALL da ghouls and ghosts out da black hole...prostitution, incest, polygamy...ill ALL be legal within years of gay marriage.
they are different issues with different implications and therefore should be treated as such. i also don't see what this has to do with morality.
no, they are all stigmatized by da same moral barrier as "gay marriage"..if 2 or more consenting adults agree to_______ its no different then acting 2 homosexuals do w/e they wanna do.

legalize gay marriage and everything else will fall into place...i can promise you that
Yeah, I can't wait till weed gets legalized so I can get a chance to have sex with my dog and drive without my seatbelt. 
dogs can't give consent...we're playing by your rules now champ..stick to em'
Oh, you understand THAT argument then.

Gays can give consent, can't they? 
duh, i got no problems with men wanting to duke themselves in da butt for giggles, i got no problem with women carpet you mama, but then you BETTER let women sell their

own ***** on da streets and you BETTER let men marry all da women who agree to marry him and be #______ on da context and strength of freedom of religion and right for 2 people to consent

to do w/e they wanna do with each other or else that gay marriage argument doesn't fly a INCH.
What does gay marriage have to do with prostitution? 

Oh, and your description of homosexuals makes you sound like a petulant immature ignoramus, and not the 30 year old pillar of your community you claim to be. You sound like a goddamn fool. 
1. consent consent consent.

whats da legal argument that ALLOWS gays to marry since they are 2 consenting adults doing abnormal but otherwise harmless things to eachother and in da same breath prohibit

a grown women from selling her own vagina on da streets at her OWN WILL to another consenting individual?

2. *yawn* thats what homosexuals do, get over it...age has NOTHING to do with da way a person wants to carry themselves..stop trying to IMPOSE your views on how a "30 year old should act"(my 28 thou) your

NO different then people IMPOSING on how people should feel about gay marriage...oh wait
The argument for gay marriage is not the same argument for prostitution.

BUT, I support the movement to legalize prostitution for the same reason of consent.
your definition of moral fabric sounds like something that can and has evolved over time.

morals are basically glorified opinions that DO change over i said, PLEASE PASS GAY MARRIAGE if it also means polygamy, prostitution, and incest if da only legal grounds are "consent between adults"

im ALL for that
Why can't we pass laws that say I can beat my wife at my discretion then?
because your wife has to GIVE CONSENT to do that champ
when when she does its called sado masochism..which last time i checked is perfectly legal.
I thought you favored tradition? You know, the one where the man was in charge of his woman?
silly putty, making ASSumptions isn't one of your strong suits b

tradition is WAAY out gunned when it comes to da right of consent...let da gays do da gay stuff....that way da hookers, polygamist, and proponents of incests can rock out too
your definition of moral fabric sounds like something that can and has evolved over time.

morals are basically glorified opinions that DO change over i said, PLEASE PASS GAY MARRIAGE if it also means polygamy, prostitution, and incest if da only legal grounds are "consent between adults"

im ALL for that
Why can't we pass laws that say I can beat my wife at my discretion then?
because your wife has to GIVE CONSENT to do that champ
when when she does its called sado masochism..which last time i checked is perfectly legal.
I thought you favored tradition? You know, the one where the man was in charge of his woman?
silly putty, making ASSumptions isn't one of your strong suits b

tradition is WAAY out gunned when it comes to da right of consent...let da gays do da gay stuff....that way da hookers, polygamist, and proponents of incests can rock out too
I don't have a problem with that in the eyes of the law, its you thats all of a sudden worried about "moral" fabric.

Whatever the hell that means. 
moral fabric is basically da country's "swag"
I'm sorry, I couldn't take you seriously after this.

look up "moral fabric" it'll tell you a whole bunch of things that basically boils down to swag. you just mad i made it so ridiculously simple that it sounds stupid..but im still right though, which is

what i care about.

The general societal consensus concerning the meaning of morality and its defining characteristics

is what you'll find aka for da slow folks....swag.
moral fabric is basically da country's "swag"
I'm sorry, I couldn't take you seriously after this.

look up "moral fabric" it'll tell you a whole bunch of things that basically boils down to swag. you just mad i made it so ridiculously simple that it sounds stupid..but im still right though, which is

what i care about.

The general societal consensus concerning the meaning of morality and its defining characteristics

is what you'll find aka for da slow folks....swag.
Who needs integration when you've got...

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your definition of moral fabric sounds like something that can and has evolved over time.

morals are basically glorified opinions that DO change over i said, PLEASE PASS GAY MARRIAGE if it also means polygamy, prostitution, and incest if da only legal grounds are "consent between adults"

im ALL for that
Why can't we pass laws that say I can beat my wife at my discretion then?
because your wife has to GIVE CONSENT to do that champ
when when she does its called sado masochism..which last time i checked is perfectly legal.
I thought you favored tradition? You know, the one where the man was in charge of his woman?
silly putty, making ASSumptions isn't one of your strong suits b

tradition is WAAY out gunned when it comes to da right of consent...let da gays do da gay stuff....that way da hookers, polygamist, and proponents of incests can rock out too
I don't have a problem with that in the eyes of the law, its you thats all of a sudden worried about "moral" fabric.

Whatever the hell that means. 
whoever said i "cared about da moral fabric" of da united states sir? i was merely describing what WOULD happen if gay marriage what enacted in all 50 states by virtue of consent.

and if thats da case welp might as well rip da band-aid off that old tattered moral fabric and begin to sew da fabric of a NEW normal in da United States, that which grants liberties over

da consent of parties involved in w/e da hell they wanna do.

let gays consent to being gay, that way girls can consent on selling they booties till da cows come home...that should put a NICE DENT into this self empowered movement of "just cuz

i have a vagina i can act like_____ cuz simps gonna be over me" psshhh good riddens to that

and if i ever win it big, i wanna be able to marry as many wives as i WANT.
its all consensual after all.
your definition of moral fabric sounds like something that can and has evolved over time.

morals are basically glorified opinions that DO change over i said, PLEASE PASS GAY MARRIAGE if it also means polygamy, prostitution, and incest if da only legal grounds are "consent between adults"

im ALL for that
Why can't we pass laws that say I can beat my wife at my discretion then?
because your wife has to GIVE CONSENT to do that champ
when when she does its called sado masochism..which last time i checked is perfectly legal.
I thought you favored tradition? You know, the one where the man was in charge of his woman?
silly putty, making ASSumptions isn't one of your strong suits b

tradition is WAAY out gunned when it comes to da right of consent...let da gays do da gay stuff....that way da hookers, polygamist, and proponents of incests can rock out too
I don't have a problem with that in the eyes of the law, its you thats all of a sudden worried about "moral" fabric.

Whatever the hell that means. 
whoever said i "cared about da moral fabric" of da united states sir? i was merely describing what WOULD happen if gay marriage what enacted in all 50 states by virtue of consent.

and if thats da case welp might as well rip da band-aid off that old tattered moral fabric and begin to sew da fabric of a NEW normal in da United States, that which grants liberties over

da consent of parties involved in w/e da hell they wanna do.

let gays consent to being gay, that way girls can consent on selling they booties till da cows come home...that should put a NICE DENT into this self empowered movement of "just cuz

i have a vagina i can act like_____ cuz simps gonna be over me" psshhh good riddens to that

and if i ever win it big, i wanna be able to marry as many wives as i WANT.
its all consensual after all.
I don't see your point here.

I'm for the legalization and legitimization of all of that. I don't see any of that as a bad thing as long as they're done between consenting and voluntarily of-age parties. 
moral fabric is basically da country's "swag"
I'm sorry, I couldn't take you seriously after this.

look up "moral fabric" it'll tell you a whole bunch of things that basically boils down to swag. you just mad i made it so ridiculously simple that it sounds stupid..but im still right though, which is

what i care about.

The general societal consensus concerning the meaning of morality and its defining characteristics

is what you'll find aka for da slow folks....swag.
Who needs integration when you've got...

i hope you're not implying that da black civil rights movement is in anyway connected to gays.

its not like like gay people were ever subjected to things like white slave masters Breeding slaves like cats down south breed pitbulls, make sure they have tons of kids, sell da kids

to others, break up families, sell pregnant women because their considered "good breeding stock" yea...i dont think you're that slow b heh.
moral fabric is basically da country's "swag"
I'm sorry, I couldn't take you seriously after this.

look up "moral fabric" it'll tell you a whole bunch of things that basically boils down to swag. you just mad i made it so ridiculously simple that it sounds stupid..but im still right though, which is

what i care about.

The general societal consensus concerning the meaning of morality and its defining characteristics

is what you'll find aka for da slow folks....swag.
Who needs integration when you've got...

i hope you're not implying that da black civil rights movement is in anyway connected to gays.

its not like like gay people were ever subjected to things like white slave masters Breeding slaves like cats down south breed pitbulls, make sure they have tons of kids, sell da kids

to others, break up families, sell pregnant women because their considered "good breeding stock" yea...i dont think you're that slow b heh.
In the 1950s Alan Turing was chemically castrated for being gay in the UK because it was illegal.

Its not like you've never heard of gay kids getting the ever loving **** beat out of them either, have you? Matthew Shepard as just a liberal conspiracy to tempt you into craving man ***, right? 

First of all, you're ignorant AND wrong. Again. 

It wasn't the "black" civil rights was just the CIVIL rights movement. 


Second of all if it takes for people to be subjected to the SAME systematic oppression that you went through (funny how now you like to claim to be black when it suits you instead of dominican)  then you can't relate, can you?

Its about equality and protection under the law to have the same rights and access to the law that you enjoy. 

Mexicans don't have to be rounded up in the streets and have hoses turned on them for me to know that the ultimate outcome is the same across the board. 
i hope you're not implying that da black civil rights movement is in anyway connected to gays.

its not like like gay people were ever subjected to things like white slave masters Breeding slaves like cats down south breed pitbulls, make sure they have tons of kids, sell da kids

to others, break up families, sell pregnant women because their considered "good breeding stock" yea...i dont think you're that slow b heh.
"don't mention black civil rights and gay marriage but it's okay to lump gay marriage with all sorts of other unrelated issues."

keep it up.
i hope you're not implying that da black civil rights movement is in anyway connected to gays.

its not like like gay people were ever subjected to things like white slave masters Breeding slaves like cats down south breed pitbulls, make sure they have tons of kids, sell da kids

to others, break up families, sell pregnant women because their considered "good breeding stock" yea...i dont think you're that slow b heh.
"don't mention black civil rights and gay marriage but it's okay to lump gay marriage with all sorts of other unrelated issues."

keep it up.
Exactly...he finds no faults in linking gay marriage to WW3, but comparing struggles for the same legal protections? Not even close. 

Don't let NinjaHood fool ya'll, he'll claim being "black" anytime he feels he can relate them go back to saying how much more "latin" he is on his dominican side. Dude doesn't even have the intellectual consistency to reconcile his arguments BEFORE he posts them or correct them after he's been exposed either. 
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lol please someone go to sneakertalk, dig up a old quote where i said im black...PLEASE silly ol' silly putty...

blacks were KIDNAPPED AND BROUGHT to da united states AGAINST THEIR WILL, sold and bought like pieces of property and told they are SUB human...

as long as gay homosexuals run da campaign of equalizing their endeavors of that of da struggles of da blacks of da united states, they'll ALWAYS lose
i hope you're not implying that da black civil rights movement is in anyway connected to gays.

its not like like gay people were ever subjected to things like white slave masters Breeding slaves like cats down south breed pitbulls, make sure they have tons of kids, sell da kids

to others, break up families, sell pregnant women because their considered "good breeding stock" yea...i dont think you're that slow b heh.
"don't mention black civil rights and gay marriage but it's okay to lump gay marriage with all sorts of other unrelated issues."

keep it up.
as long as da UNDERPINNING revolves around consent, well well my good chaps, gay sex shares equal footing with a hooker turning tricks as a career choice. 
as long as da UNDERPINNING revolves around consent, well well my good chaps, gay sex shares equal footing with a hooker turning tricks as a career choice.  :smile:
i think you're failing to understand why consent is used in the gay marriage argument. it's no coincidence that everyone else thinks that your arguments are awful.
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