You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

simple sir, it creates a precedent.

and da US courts LOVE precedents, makes their job easier...word to abortion rights, word to citizens united, word to da affordable care act, etc.

you legislate gay marriage on da basis of "2 people consenting" and just opened pandora's box...because honestly da only reason its illegal is SO many states is because of

its moral implications on society...if gay marriage gets da green light (which is basically da MAJOR no no on anyone who holds themselves to a high moral standard)

you might as well let ALL da ghouls and ghosts out da black hole...prostitution, incest, polygamy...ill ALL be legal within years of gay marriage.
they are different issues with different implications and therefore should be treated as such. i also don't see what this has to do with morality.
1. What does gay marriage have to do with incest?

2. I don't have a problem with incest legally being permitted as long as they're educated on the genetic reproductive risks

3. What is traditional marriage and where does that concept come originate?

4. If you're being "anti-traditional marriage" then preventing gays from getting that right, then yes you ARE anti-gay marriage. 

1. They both could be redifinitions of what is typically legally recognized as marriage
2. Makes sense
3. When I use the term, I am referring to what is considered legal in all 50 states... man & wife etc..Traditional as in what is traditionally accepted and recognized. Don't see how the origin is relevant, but honestly I don't know
4. True my point was that CFA's stance wasn't specifically anti gay, but on redifining marriage in general...

what defines the "moral fabric of the United States" in your eyes?

and, consequently, how would gay marriage affect it negatively?
simple sir, it creates a precedent.

and da US courts LOVE precedents, makes their job easier...word to abortion rights, word to citizens united, word to da affordable care act, etc.

you legislate gay marriage on da basis of "2 people consenting" and just opened pandora's box...because honestly da only reason its illegal is SO many states is because of

its moral implications on society...if gay marriage gets da green light (which is basically da MAJOR no no on anyone who holds themselves to a high moral standard)

you might as well let ALL da ghouls and ghosts out da black hole...prostitution, incest, polygamy...ill ALL be legal within years of gay marriage.
they are different issues with different implications and therefore should be treated as such. i also don't see what this has to do with morality.
no, they are all stigmatized by da same moral barrier as "gay marriage"..if 2 or more consenting adults agree to_______ its no different then acting 2 homosexuals do w/e they wanna do.

legalize gay marriage and everything else will fall into place...i can promise you that
Redifining marriage does however open the door to say...incest and polygamy marriage (which currently aren't legal) Are those individuals also being deprived of there civil rights? Should a man be able to marry his adult sister, his brother? Should someone be allowed 10 wives or 10 husbands? I believe those are the more realistic "open the door" ideas... .
this argument is geting tired...

why does legalizing gay marriage LEAD TO these things? people who champion incest, polygamy, etc are welcome to take up those causes when and how they see fit. why wait on the legalization of gay marriage?
simple sir, it creates a precedent.

and da US courts LOVE precedents, makes their job easier...word to abortion rights, word to citizens united, word to da affordable care act, etc.
Word to...the voting rights act? Forgot that one? 

you legislate gay marriage on da basis of "2 people consenting" and just opened pandora's box...because honestly da only reason its illegal is SO many states is because of

its moral implications on society...if gay marriage gets da green light (which is basically da MAJOR no no on anyone who holds themselves to a high moral standard)
So being gay is against moral standards?

Ninjahood, have you ever had anal sex with your girlfriend or thought about it?

And what is a "moral" implication? 
you might as well let ALL da ghouls and ghosts out da black hole...prostitution, incest, polygamy...ill ALL be legal within years of gay marriage.

I thought conservatives championed individual freedom...
silly putty sucks at trying to make me look bad...

1. i didn't forget da voting act, i just didn't feel like typing it, adding it basically reinforces my statement about precedent.
Yeah but you DID forget it because it exposes the fact that you wouldn't enjoy the relative freedoms that you do now, without it. 

But you're right. Damn those activist judges!

Its like you don't even know how courts work in the first damn place. 

They INTERPRET the constitutionality of laws...its like the country has been the same place since 1776 or something... 

2. as da great jadakiss said "nah i dont pump on that block" as far as anal sex and duh of COURSE gay is considered immoral and wrong on many levels ...why do you think certain countries would sentence
Why is being gay considered immoral and what illustrates that it is objectively "immoral?" 

What is your basis for adhering to this?

What determines your morality? 
you to DEATH for participating in homosexual activities...why you think that gay kid chucked himself over da good ol' GWB when he found out he was being video taped after a tryst with another man.

da cat felt he was morally unworthy to participate in this thing called life.
Actually the kid committed suicide because he did not feel comfortable in being outed and ridiculed.

Gay people aren't ashamed of themselves, they're scared to face backlash from those who are supposed to be close to them.

Being gay is misunderstood. 

gay sex been around forever....i aint trippin over it b, its gross but hey i can care less.
I'm sure there is a guy out there who hates blowjobs, but I don't see you taking a stance on his sexual desires either.
3. like i said, i would LOVE for gay marriage to pass if it meant that all those other things becomes 100% legal..let's just rip da self proclaim moral fabric of da United States and use it as

lighter fluid for a new era in self regulation in terms of moral and social issues. 


lets just take a giant piss on da moral fabric of da United states.....i'd LOVE to see that lol.
What is the "moral fabric" of the USA? 

The original 3/5th clause?

Women not voting?

Alcohol prohibition?

Testing chemicals on its soldiers? 

Tell me, why are you so concerned about how others live their lives?

Do you lose sleep over the private lives of everyone else?

You're towing party lines and you don't even know it. Ninjahood, you're not an independent're a sycophant. A follower. A lemming. 

Don't believe me?

Ask yourself this. 

Why do you tout the GOP talking points of proclaiming personal responsibility and freedom yet are concerned with the PRIVATE sexual lives of citizens? Why are you a supporter of guns rights but love calling environmentalists "tree huggers" and global warming a hoax. You're against obamacare but live in rent-capped housing.

I mean Its like you're not even aware of the sheer cognitive dissonance in all the positions you hold...but hey, I cant reconcile the lapse in logic for you. 

I haven't see anyone represent an entity more than you...and you're not even that original with anything you're saying. I swear I could predict every tired argument you'd tout. 

Oh, and gay marriage is exclusive from the topic of polygamy which is exclusive from the topic of incest which is exclusive from the menus at the local VA hospital. 
no, they are all stigmatized by da same moral barrier as "gay marriage"..if 2 or more consenting adults agree to_______ its no different then acting 2 homosexuals do w/e they wanna do.

legalize gay marriage and everything else will fall into place...i can promise you that :nthat:
and what moral barrier is that? people have a problem with gay marriage because of religion and ignorance. religion does not dictate morality for the entire country. .
simple sir, it creates a precedent.

and da US courts LOVE precedents, makes their job easier...word to abortion rights, word to citizens united, word to da affordable care act, etc.

you legislate gay marriage on da basis of "2 people consenting" and just opened pandora's box...because honestly da only reason its illegal is SO many states is because of

its moral implications on society...if gay marriage gets da green light (which is basically da MAJOR no no on anyone who holds themselves to a high moral standard)

you might as well let ALL da ghouls and ghosts out da black hole...prostitution, incest, polygamy...ill ALL be legal within years of gay marriage.
they are different issues with different implications and therefore should be treated as such. i also don't see what this has to do with morality.
no, they are all stigmatized by da same moral barrier as "gay marriage"..if 2 or more consenting adults agree to_______ its no different then acting 2 homosexuals do w/e they wanna do.

legalize gay marriage and everything else will fall into place...i can promise you that
Yeah, I can't wait till weed gets legalized so I can get a chance to have sex with my dog and drive without my seatbelt. 
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1. What does gay marriage have to do with incest?

2. I don't have a problem with incest legally being permitted as long as they're educated on the genetic reproductive risks

3. What is traditional marriage and where does that concept come originate?

4. If you're being "anti-traditional marriage" then preventing gays from getting that right, then yes you ARE anti-gay marriage. 
1. They both could be redifinitions of what is typically legally recognized as marriage
2. Makes sense
3. When I use the term, I am referring to what is considered legal in all 50 states... man & wife etc..Traditional as in what is traditionally accepted and recognized. Don't see how the origin is relevant, but honestly I don't know
4. True my point was that CFA's stance wasn't specifically anti gay, but on redifining marriage in general...
1. What. Is. A. Marriage? SURPRISE! Its a sociological ritual that covers up the fact that its merely a business contract.

2. Cool.

3. Traditional as a word is meaningless. It means nothing because if you go back far enough, and keep doing so, you'll find that the definition of marriage changes ALL the time. 

4. Cool. But it still doesn't make it acceptable in the fact of its actions of financing anti-gay legislation.

what defines the "moral fabric of the United States" in your eyes?

and, consequently, how would gay marriage affect it negatively?
moral fabric is basically da country's "swag"..da way da USA looks at itself in da mirror and identifies itself compared to da rest of da world...our beliefs, our way of life, what we are passionate about, etc.

a TON of people look at this country as being founded of judeo-christian beliefs and morals which is da under lying current of da separation of church and state.

if gays are allowed to marry, it puts a BIG GIANT brick into da long traditional history that alot circles hold dear to em. alot of people are straight up SHOOK at letting kids grow up in a world where

homosexuality is potentially looked upon as COMPLETELY NORMAL and 100% equal to heterosexuality with no stigma attached..imagine that reality, thats enough to put CHILLS in da backs of

certain would certainly destroy all kinds of moral character underpinning da US currently subscribe to..prostitution and all other kinds of stuff would certainly pass legalization because

as far as alot of people are concerned "can't close da barn door when all da horses are gone already".
Shout out to NinjaHood.

All about personal liberty...until private sex lives come into play then its all about "morality"
[h2]Of Bedrooms and Boardrooms[/h2]


The 2012 election should be about what’s going on in America’s boardrooms, but Republicans would rather it be about America’s bedrooms.

Mitt Romney says he’s against same-sex marriage; President Obama just announced his support. North Carolina voters have approved a Republican-proposed amendment to the state constitution banning same-sex marriage. Minnesota voters will be considering a similar amendment in November. Republicans in Maryland and Washington State are seeking to overturn legislative approval of same-sex marriage there.

Meanwhile, Republicans have introduced over four hundred bills in state legislatures aimed at limiting womens’ reproductive rights – banning abortions, requiring women seeking abortions to have invasive ultra-sound tests beforehand, and limiting the use of contraceptives.

The Republican bedroom crowd doesn’t want to talk about the nation’s boardrooms because that’s where most of their campaign money comes from. And their candidate for president has made a fortune playing board rooms like checkers.

Yet America’s real problems have nothing to do with what we do in our bedrooms and everything to do with what top executives do in their boardrooms and executive suites.

We’re not in trouble because gays want to marry or women want to have some control over when they have babies. We’re in trouble because CEOs are collecting exorbitant pay while slicing the pay of average workers, because the titans of Wall Street demand short-term results over long-term jobs, and because of a boardroom culture that tolerates financial conflicts of interest, insider trading, and the outright bribery of public officials through unlimited campaign “donations.”

Our crisis has nothing to do with private morality. It’s a crisis of public morality – of abuses of public trust that undermine the integrity of our economy and democracy and have led millions of Americans to conclude the game is rigged.

What’s truly immoral is not what adults choose to do with other consenting adults. It’s what those with great power have chosen to do to the rest of us.

It is immoral that top executives are richly rewarded no matter how badly they screw up while most Americans are screwed no matter how hard they work.

Regressive Republicans have no problem intruding on the most personal and most intimate decisions any of us makes while railing against government intrusions on big business.

They don’t hesitate to hurl the epithets “shameful,” “disgraceful,” and “contemptible” at private moral decisions they disagree with, while staying stone silent in the face of the most contemptible violations of public trust at the highest reaches of the economy.

We must protect and advance private rights of individuals over intimate bedroom decisions. We must also stop the abuses of economic power and privilege that are characterizing so many decisions in the nation’s boardrooms and executive suites
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simple sir, it creates a precedent.

and da US courts LOVE precedents, makes their job easier...word to abortion rights, word to citizens united, word to da affordable care act, etc.

you legislate gay marriage on da basis of "2 people consenting" and just opened pandora's box...because honestly da only reason its illegal is SO many states is because of

its moral implications on society...if gay marriage gets da green light (which is basically da MAJOR no no on anyone who holds themselves to a high moral standard)

you might as well let ALL da ghouls and ghosts out da black hole...prostitution, incest, polygamy...ill ALL be legal within years of gay marriage.
they are different issues with different implications and therefore should be treated as such. i also don't see what this has to do with morality.
no, they are all stigmatized by da same moral barrier as "gay marriage"..if 2 or more consenting adults agree to_______ its no different then acting 2 homosexuals do w/e they wanna do.

legalize gay marriage and everything else will fall into place...i can promise you that
Yeah, I can't wait till weed gets legalized so I can get a chance to have sex with my dog and drive without my seatbelt. 
dogs can't give consent...we're playing by your rules now champ..stick to em'
moral fabric is basically da country's "swag"..da way da USA looks at itself in da mirror and identifies itself compared to da rest of da world...our beliefs, our way of life, what we are passionate about, etc.

a TON of people look at this country as being founded of judeo-christian beliefs and morals which is da under lying current of da separation of church and state.

if gays are allowed to marry, it puts a BIG GIANT brick into da long traditional history that alot circles hold dear to em. alot of people are straight up SHOOK at letting kids grow up in a world where

homosexuality is potentially looked upon as COMPLETELY NORMAL and 100% equal to heterosexuality with no stigma attached..imagine that reality, thats enough to put CHILLS in da backs of

certain would certainly destroy all kinds of moral character underpinning da US currently subscribe to..prostitution and all other kinds of stuff would certainly pass legalization because

as far as alot of people are concerned "can't close da barn door when all da horses are gone already".
i hope you realize that you're not making a valid argument by stating that certain individuals believe that their views govern the entire country. so now we're back to the fact that gay marriage is NOT prostitution, incest, or polygamy.
silly putty sucks at trying to make me look bad... :lol:

1. i didn't forget da voting act, i just didn't feel like typing it, adding it basically reinforces my statement about precedent.

2. as da great jadakiss said "nah i dont pump on that block" as far as anal sex and duh of COURSE gay is considered immoral and wrong on many levels ...why do you think certain countries would sentence you to DEATH for participating in homosexual activities...why you think that gay kid chucked himself over da good ol' GWB when he found out he was being video taped after a tryst with another man.

da cat felt he was morally unworthy to participate in this thing called life.

You do know this country used to sentence black males to death for being caught engaging in relations with a white woman....

So that must be immoral and wrong on many levels because people were sentenced to death for it?

RIYADH, Saudi Arab (AP) — Saudi King Abdullah has overturned a court ruling sentencing a Saudi woman to be lashed 10 times for defying the kingdom's ban on female drivers, a government official said Wednesday.

The official declined to elaborate on the monarch's decision, and spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief the media.

A Saudi court on Tuesday found Shaima Jastaina guilty of violating the driving ban, and sentenced her to 10 lashes. The verdict took Saudi women by surprise, coming just a day after King Abdullah promised to protect women's rights and decreed that women would be allowed to participate in municipal elections in 2015. Abdullah also promised to appoint women to a currently all-male advisory body known as the Shura Council.

The harsh sentence marked the first time a legal punishment had been handed down since female activists began their campaign in June to break the taboo in this ultraconservative Muslim nation.

There are no written laws that restrict women from driving. Rather, the ban is rooted in conservative traditions and religious views that hold giving freedom of movement to women would make them vulnerable to sins.

Normally, police just stop female drivers, question them and let them go after they sign a pledge not to drive again. But dozens of women have continued to take to the roads since June in a campaign to break the taboo.

Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world that bans women — both Saudi and foreign — from driving. The prohibition forces families to hire live-in drivers, and those who cannot afford the $300 to $400 a month for a driver must rely on male relatives to drive them to work, school, shopping or the doctor.

I guess since the Saudi's used to give women 10 lashes for driving, we must be doing something wrong and women should be abused for driving in the US?

Etc. etc. etc.
i should have asked more specifically, "how would gay marriage affect the moral fabric negatively in a tangible way?"....
your definition of moral fabric sounds like something that can and has evolved over time.

i don't think any members of this board would uphold the "moral fabric" that was present in 1776 as desirable in 2012....

what defines the "moral fabric of the United States" in your eyes?

and, consequently, how would gay marriage affect it negatively?
moral fabric is basically da country's "swag".
This should be good. 

da way da USA looks at itself in da mirror and identifies itself compared to da rest of da world...our beliefs, our way of life, what we are passionate about, etc.

a TON of people look at this country as being founded of judeo-christian beliefs and morals which is da under lying current of da separation of church and state.
Yeah, but its not a judeo-christian nation.

In fact the concept of "judeo-christian" is an invention from the 30s and 40s because Jews (if you didn't know) weren't really respected too tough at the turn of the century. Seeing that they could overlook slight religious differences to make some sort of political headway, they chose to come up with this term "judeo christian"

And the separation of church and state is what inspired jefferson to write his infamous letter to the Danbury Baptists. 
if gays are allowed to marry, it puts a BIG GIANT brick into da long traditional history that alot circles hold dear to em. alot of people are straight up SHOOK at letting kids grow up in a world where

homosexuality is potentially looked upon as COMPLETELY NORMAL and 100% equal to heterosexuality with no stigma attached..
Kinda like the descent into the depths of hell that would happen when the negro would mix with the white.

Plus, homosexuality having a stigma attached to it is why we realized it was stupid to kill gays IN THE FIRST PLACE. 

Would you rather we do that?

I have an idea, lets FORCE those  god-hating queers to fall in love with women! That'll teach them to challenge the good ole' USA!
imagine that reality, thats enough to put CHILLS in da backs of certain folks...
Yeah, if they were gay anyways?

If you're not gay, then what are you worried about gay people...having rights for? 

You might as well make it illegal to be gay if you're not going to give them equal access to rights. 

Being gay is ALREADY seen as being normalized, so you've lost on that front
it would certainly destroy all kinds of moral character underpinning da US currently subscribe to..prostitution and all other kinds of stuff would certainly pass legalization because
Do you have proof of this claim of a slippery slope?
as far as alot of people are concerned "can't close da barn door when all da horses are gone already".
And what horses are that?

Allowing people to live with the very concept of "freedom" and "personal responsibility" you champion as a republican towel boy. 
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simple sir, it creates a precedent.

and da US courts LOVE precedents, makes their job easier...word to abortion rights, word to citizens united, word to da affordable care act, etc.

you legislate gay marriage on da basis of "2 people consenting" and just opened pandora's box...because honestly da only reason its illegal is SO many states is because of

its moral implications on society...if gay marriage gets da green light (which is basically da MAJOR no no on anyone who holds themselves to a high moral standard)

you might as well let ALL da ghouls and ghosts out da black hole...prostitution, incest, polygamy...ill ALL be legal within years of gay marriage.
they are different issues with different implications and therefore should be treated as such. i also don't see what this has to do with morality.
no, they are all stigmatized by da same moral barrier as "gay marriage"..if 2 or more consenting adults agree to_______ its no different then acting 2 homosexuals do w/e they wanna do.

legalize gay marriage and everything else will fall into place...i can promise you that
Yeah, I can't wait till weed gets legalized so I can get a chance to have sex with my dog and drive without my seatbelt. 
dogs can't give consent...we're playing by your rules now champ..stick to em'
Oh, you understand THAT argument then.

Gays can give consent, can't they? 
your definition of moral fabric sounds like something that can and has evolved over time.

morals are basically glorified opinions that DO change over i said, PLEASE PASS GAY MARRIAGE if it also means polygamy, prostitution, and incest if da only legal grounds are "consent between adults"

im ALL for that
your definition of moral fabric sounds like something that can and has evolved over time.

morals are basically glorified opinions that DO change over i said, PLEASE PASS GAY MARRIAGE if it also means polygamy, prostitution, and incest if da only legal grounds are "consent between adults"

im ALL for that
Don't "precisely" me. You know DAMN well got exposed for not making any sense.

Why can't we pass laws that say I can beat my wife at my discretion then?

Because I honestly don't see what gay marriage has to do with polygamy, prostitution, or incest? 

Why aren't you linking the raising of the debt ceiling to corn subsidies? 
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morals are basically glorified opinions that DO change over i said, PLEASE PASS GAY MARRIAGE if it also means polygamy, prostitution, and incest if da only legal grounds are "consent between adults"

im ALL for that :lol: :nthat:

So would you say that the moral fabric of this country has evolved into not giving a damn about gay marriage and supporting, just as much as people do care and oppose it?
simple sir, it creates a precedent.

and da US courts LOVE precedents, makes their job easier...word to abortion rights, word to citizens united, word to da affordable care act, etc.

you legislate gay marriage on da basis of "2 people consenting" and just opened pandora's box...because honestly da only reason its illegal is SO many states is because of

its moral implications on society...if gay marriage gets da green light (which is basically da MAJOR no no on anyone who holds themselves to a high moral standard)

you might as well let ALL da ghouls and ghosts out da black hole...prostitution, incest, polygamy...ill ALL be legal within years of gay marriage.
they are different issues with different implications and therefore should be treated as such. i also don't see what this has to do with morality.
no, they are all stigmatized by da same moral barrier as "gay marriage"..if 2 or more consenting adults agree to_______ its no different then acting 2 homosexuals do w/e they wanna do.

legalize gay marriage and everything else will fall into place...i can promise you that
Yeah, I can't wait till weed gets legalized so I can get a chance to have sex with my dog and drive without my seatbelt. 
dogs can't give consent...we're playing by your rules now champ..stick to em'
Oh, you understand THAT argument then.

Gays can give consent, can't they? 
duh, i got no problems with men wanting to duke themselves in da butt for giggles, i got no problem with women carpet you mama, but then you BETTER let women sell their

own ***** on da streets and you BETTER let men marry all da women who agree to marry him and be #______ on da context and strength of freedom of religion and right for 2 people to consent

to do w/e they wanna do with each other or else that gay marriage argument doesn't fly a INCH.
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