You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

Or if McDonalds had done it, burgers and fries?

Ask yourself this: Why hasn't any other company been as stupid as Chik-Fil-A has been?

I'm not naive enough to think that no other company has executives that are religious fundies or even bigoted views on their own customers, but why is Chik-Fil-A so stupid as to take that stance? 

Why do I say "stupid?" 

I say it because when you're in business with the public, you need them, more than they need you. If you can't appeal to people you've never met, then you're shooting yourself in the foot.

You're free to start selling Nooses at Bucky's Chicken Shack in Biloxi, MS for all I care, but no one has to visit your establishment on the flip side.

Why is CFA's management so stupid? Tell me. 

This is a MASSIVE PR failure. Don't let the lines of christians who think their rights trump all others fool you. Every time you go to a CFA or hear the name, you'll continue to think how they view gays or remember this incident. Even if you don't agree with gay marriage or even homosexuality, CFA is on the wrong side of history as society moves progressively towards a stance that accepts gays to live with equal footing. 

Actually the more I hear about it, the more ridiculous I think the backlash is and the more I want that deluxe spicy chicken sandwich with chick fil-a sauce
Actually the more I hear about it, the more ridiculous I think the backlash is and the more I want that deluxe spicy chicken sandwich with chick fil-a sauce

The backlash isn't really ridiculous at all. People just don't want to support a firm that donates a significant amount of cash to organizations in order to prevent a group from obtaining civil rights >D

Would you keep banking at Chase if they donated money to restrict Asians from getting married? What if Footlocker said they only believe Jews should be allowed to get married and spent millions lobbying and promoting the cause?

Not wanting to allow two human beings to enter a LEGAL government contract is absolutely absurd. If the Church doesn't want to marry two gays, fine...but this is the government discriminating against its own people. Marriage is a legal contract, not some sort of Biblical thing. People seem to forget out Nation was formed by a group of Deists (or closet atheists).
The backlash isn't really ridiculous at all. People just don't want to support a firm that donates a significant amount of cash to organizations in order to prevent a group from obtaining civil rights >D
Would you keep banking at Chase if they donated money to restrict Asians from getting married? What if Footlocker said they only believe Jews should be allowed to get married and spent millions lobbying and promoting the cause?
Not wanting to allow two human beings to enter a LEGAL government contract is absolutely absurd. If the Church doesn't want to marry two gays, fine...but this is the government discriminating against its own people. Marriage is a legal contract, not some sort of Biblical thing. People seem to forget out Nation was formed by a group of Deists (or closet atheists).

A bunch of companies have policies that I may not necessarily agree with.

I'm not gonna punish myself just because Chick Fil-A decided to be more open than others
Seriously, I can't be the only person who finds arguments over human rights on a nike forum HILARIOUS!
This Chik Fi La thing has gotten out of hand. As soon as he said something the spies investigated who they fund ect....

All that equals gay hate?

Did CFA stop serving homosexuals?

Has there been harsh comments towards homosexuals?

Someone school me without worrying about my personal stance.
cats get enraged soon as they started seein da money da end of da day you can't buy this type of publicity.... lol
Maybe i'm just being a negative Nancy in this situation but I never understood the meaning behind a lot of protest. Do people actually believe that if they don't eat at chick-fil-a then it's going to change their views on whether homosexuals should get married? Or that is going to hurt the business and cause them to shut down? As we seen from the pictures it looks like people are split in half on this issue.

Am I wrong for not caring enough to stop eating at chick-fil-a? I mean it's not like it's my favorite place but if I want it then I'm a eat it.

HOWEVER I do agree that chick-fil-a should have just kept their mouth shut about the matter, it was already inferred anyway that they don't support homosexuality anyway.
So the CEO should have just said, "next question?" He would have been under fire for doing that and the assumptions on both sides would have made him answer at some point.
This Chik Fi La thing has gotten out of hand. As soon as he said something the spies investigated who they fund ect....
All that equals gay hate?
Did CFA stop serving homosexuals?
Has there been harsh comments towards homosexuals?
Someone school me without worrying about my personal stance.

Don't agree with Chik-Fil-A's policies? Don't eat there.
This Chik Fi La thing has gotten out of hand. As soon as he said something the spies investigated who they fund ect....
All that equals gay hate?
Did CFA stop serving homosexuals?
Has there been harsh comments towards homosexuals?
Someone school me without worrying about my personal stance.
they actively oppose gay rights. i've said this repeatedly. it's one thing to disagree with a subject. it's another to stand in the way.
Maybe i'm just being a negative Nancy in this situation but I never understood the meaning behind a lot of protest. Do people actually believe that if they don't eat at chick-fil-a then it's going to change their views on whether homosexuals should get married? Or that is going to hurt the business and cause them to shut down? As we seen from the pictures it looks like people are split in half on this issue.
Protests are the beginning of a process of civil disobedience.

Governments allow these because they can be easily controlled, yet the give people a way to "calmly" express their discontent.

Wait till CFAs pockets start hurting in liberal districts. They'll switch their tune.

Am I wrong for not caring enough to stop eating at chick-fil-a? I mean it's not like it's my favorite place but if I want it then I'm a eat it.
No. I can't tell you how you should feel about ultimately sending your money to a company that donates millions to hinder the rights of other citizens.

HOWEVER I do agree that chick-fil-a should have just kept their mouth shut about the matter, it was already inferred anyway that they don't support homosexuality anyway.
Well, being stupid isn't illegal so, I can't blame them. 
So the CEO should have just said, "next question?" He would have been under fire for doing that and the assumptions on both sides would have made him answer at some point.
Its not just the CEO.

Forget the CEO. 

Its the company.

If we're going to start going off of the fact that companies see themselves as A PERSON in the eyes of the law, then their actions will be judged accordingly.

CFA actively donates to organizations that actively hinder and restrict the rights for gays to get married. 

[COLOR=#red]No remorse for people with the gay gene today.

My Chick-Fil-A had a line down the street.[/COLOR]

Is it not possible to substitute the word, "marriage" with another term?
A different word and institution that is unequivocally equivalent to marriage in terms of legal rights and benefits.
Parallel to the manner in which religious institutions receive tax relief no matter if it is called a church, synagogue, temple, etc. Such a case is distinct from the "Separate but Equal" fiasco, because the benefits of their union would be protected equally to opposite sex marriage, unlike the differences experienced in separate schools.
Maybe i'm just being a negative Nancy in this situation but I never understood the meaning behind a lot of protest. Do people actually believe that if they don't eat at chick-fil-a then it's going to change their views on whether homosexuals should get married? Or that is going to hurt the business and cause them to shut down? As we seen from the pictures it looks like people are split in half on this issue.
Protests are the beginning of a process of civil disobedience.

Governments allow these because they can be easily controlled, yet the give people a way to "calmly" express their discontent.

Wait till CFAs pockets start hurting in liberal districts. They'll switch their tune.
If you knew their company culture, you would know that the bottom line is at least 3rd or 4th on their list of priorities. There's a reason why they have a cult like following. They chose to be closed on Sundays not just because it's a part of their religion, but because it's good for their employees as well. CFA has HEAVILY invested in their employees and and store owners and that is why their service is head and shoulders above any other fast food restaurant.

If people REALLY want to get their panties in a bunch, why not protest their headquarters for holding weekly Bible studies & prayer meetings there? They have been an openly Christian organization since Truett Cathy founded the company.
That dude knew what he was doing when he made those remarks. Look at all the publicity his company is getting now. Dudes in NYC who never heard of Chic-fil-a are talking about it. It was a great move for his wallet, bad move because those rights activists aren't going to go away and zoning laws in major cities allow for business discrimination through the use of zoning (i.e. how nyc regulates strip club and sex store locations).
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^So Chic fil a was giving away free food.

Free food > Civil protest any day of the week.
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