You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

I just don't understand the glorification of ignorance and overall negativity.

it's one thing to be proud of your religion, it's another to celebrate the exclusion of someone else.
I just don't understand the glorification of ignorance and overall negativity.

it's one thing to be proud of your religion, it's another to celebrate the exclusion of someone else.
This is one of my main beefs with the whole thing.

This ultimately comes down to religion, but we're always willing to shy away from it because no one wants to talk about that.

People didn't wake up hating gays...most of you all were TAUGHT to feel that way. 

In what other context would so many people feel such a strong opinion against gays if not in religious teachings? Its so easy for you all to ignore the rest of your holy books, why not this?
Going to Chick Fil A right now, hopefully the drive thru isn't to busy
I just don't understand the glorification of ignorance and overall negativity.

it's one thing to be proud of your religion, it's another to celebrate the exclusion of someone else.
This is one of my main beefs with the whole thing.

This ultimately comes down to religion, but we're always willing to shy away from it because no one wants to talk about that.

People didn't wake up hating gays...most of you all were TAUGHT to feel that way. 

In what other context would so many people feel such a strong opinion against gays if not in religious teachings? Its so easy for you all to ignore the rest of your holy books, why not this?
but you know people aren't willing to entertain that.
to some extent, that's like linking most people's xenophobia to their nationalism.
hate to their pride.

it might be true, but they'll always take offense.
LOL. You're killing it right now.

Its funny...I benefit from the advantages of living in a country that "wins" just about every military conflict and has this much power...but I'm weary of the blind patriotism many citizens have.

I'm happy to live here, but I just find such blind and unwavering deference to a nation, by way of patriotism/nationalism/jingoism as just as much of a religion.

Thats why people are flawed in saying well: Mao/Stalin/Pol Pot/Kim Jong-il (Hitler was VERY catholic) were atheists...

Yeah, they didn't believe in "abrahamic gods" but they were deified citizens to whom citizens were forced to essentially treat as superhuman entities. That sort of blind faith and support IS a religion. THEY were the state religion. 

But thats a whole other conversation...

Its the willingness to accept you may be wrong that has to be a prerequisite to have these open convos...

Time for a sig-check: 

I am wiser than this man, for neither of us appears to know anything great and good; but he fancies he knows something, although he knows nothing; whereas I, as I do not know anything, so I do not fancy I do. In this trifling particular, then, I appear to be wiser than he, because I do not fancy I know what I do not know.
Going to Chick Fil A right now, hopefully the drive thru isn't to busy
you've added nothing of value to this dialogue for several pages now. you just keep saying things like this to be obnoxious and these attempts at humorous quips are just failing horribly. Comedy is really not your thing.

what are you trying to accomplish exactly?
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and by going to Chick Fil A, I meant I was going to throw a molatov cocktail through the drive thru window.... 

ok fine, I just wish yall would accept me for who I am 
Either way, I don't see what there is to be ashamed about.

Had some Chick-fil-a imported for me from out of state yesterday.... :wow: :smokin


The chicken actually tastes like fresh white meat and the Polynesian sauce tastes like Caribbean condiments.

This incident is doing nothing but good things for that company. I would have never even thought about this restaurant if it wasn't for this controversy. Now I'm having exquisite chicken sandwiches shipped across state lines for my personal consumption :lol: :pimp:
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Oh and btw, I just ate Chic fil a with a gay person, they are not concerned with any of this so called "controversy".

Silly trollin the BRAKES off this thread.
Chik-Fil-A has donated over $5 million to organizations that have depicted gays as pedophiles, attempted to make 'gay' behavior illegal and have voiced for gays to be 'exported' from our country.

If this who you are want to support, I doubt there is much convincing anyone could do to make you think otherwise. But it's laughable that people are exercising their political opinions by eating fast food.
You know America has an eating problem when the civil rights debate comes down to eating fried chicken. :smh:
we HAVE to support gay rights. it's the American way.

gays aren't asking for the Catholic Church to recognize their union. they're asking for the government to recognize their union. we need separation of state and church. that is the ONLY way we are guaranteed the right to practice our own religion.
we HAVE to support gay rights. it's the American way.

gays aren't asking for the Catholic Church to recognize their union. they're asking for the government to recognize their union. we need separation of state and church. that is the ONLY way we are guaranteed the right to practice our own religion.

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