You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

Time for this again, Ninjahood.
as long as da UNDERPINNING revolves around consent, well well my good chaps, gay sex shares equal footing with a hooker turning tricks as a career choice. 
i think you're failing to understand why consent is used in the gay marriage argument. it's no coincidence that everyone else thinks that your arguments are awful.
it doesn't MATTER why its used..da fact of da matter is IT IS used, and once that happens, welp..sets a bar da US has to uphold for everything else.

even silly putty acknowledges this.
lol please someone go to sneakertalk, dig up a old quote where i said im black...PLEASE silly ol' silly putty...

blacks were KIDNAPPED AND BROUGHT to da united states AGAINST THEIR WILL, sold and bought like pieces of property and told they are SUB human...

as long as gay homosexuals run da campaign of equalizing their endeavors of that of da struggles of da blacks of da united states, they'll ALWAYS lose
And being gay is illegal in 70+ countries.

Simply being gay. Don't even think about rights.
i hope you're not implying that da black civil rights movement is in anyway connected to gays.

its not like like gay people were ever subjected to things like white slave masters Breeding slaves like cats down south breed pitbulls, make sure they have tons of kids, sell da kids

to others, break up families, sell pregnant women because their considered "good breeding stock" yea...i dont think you're that slow b heh.
"don't mention black civil rights and gay marriage but it's okay to lump gay marriage with all sorts of other unrelated issues."

keep it up.
as long as da UNDERPINNING revolves around consent, well well my good chaps, gay sex shares equal footing with a hooker turning tricks as a career choice. 
And I don't have a problem with that.

You keep using that as a catch-all when its not even the same issue.

Thats like you comparing government subsidies for corn to education reform. 
Ninjahood already forgets that there is already legalized prostitution in many forms. 
 If the industry was regulated, no one would care anyways. 
it doesn't MATTER why its used..da fact of da matter is IT IS used, and once that happens, welp..sets a bar da US has to uphold for everything else.

even silly putty acknowledges this.
because gay marriage involves two consenting adults, you're saying that every issue involving consenting adults should now be lumped together with gay marriage. you're ignoring the fact that each issue is unique and carries its own set of pros and cons. when it comes to black civil rights, you suddenly ignore the similarities and demand the two issues be separate. you're a hypocrite just like others have been in this topic.
lol please someone go to sneakertalk, dig up a old quote where i said im black...PLEASE silly ol' silly putty...

blacks were KIDNAPPED AND BROUGHT to da united states AGAINST THEIR WILL, sold and bought like pieces of property and told they are SUB human...

as long as gay homosexuals run da campaign of equalizing their endeavors of that of da struggles of da blacks of da united states, they'll ALWAYS lose
And being gay is illegal in 70+ countries.

Simply being gay. Don't even think about rights.
we're talking about just da united states though, cuz if you wanna stretch your argument to da entire world well then, women for example dont have NEARLY da rights in other countries as they

do here, and SURELY you're not going to equate da women's movement with that of da homosexuality group are you...
i hope you're not implying that da black civil rights movement is in anyway connected to gays.

its not like like gay people were ever subjected to things like white slave masters Breeding slaves like cats down south breed pitbulls, make sure they have tons of kids, sell da kids

to others, break up families, sell pregnant women because their considered "good breeding stock" yea...i dont think you're that slow b heh.
"don't mention black civil rights and gay marriage but it's okay to lump gay marriage with all sorts of other unrelated issues."

keep it up.
as long as da UNDERPINNING revolves around consent, well well my good chaps, gay sex shares equal footing with a hooker turning tricks as a career choice. 
And I don't have a problem with that.

You keep using that as a catch-all when its not even the same issue.

Thats like you comparing government subsidies for corn to education reform. 
consent makes it all da same issue,
Ninjahood already forgets that there is already legalized prostitution in many forms. 
 If the industry was regulated, no one would care anyways. 
im talkin full scale legalization like it is in London, or da dominican republic..that should eradicate this notion of simping, cuz it damn sure dont exist on da island.
lol please someone go to sneakertalk, dig up a old quote where i said im black...PLEASE silly ol' silly putty...

blacks were KIDNAPPED AND BROUGHT to da united states AGAINST THEIR WILL, sold and bought like pieces of property and told they are SUB human...

as long as gay homosexuals run da campaign of equalizing their endeavors of that of da struggles of da blacks of da united states, they'll ALWAYS lose
And being gay is illegal in 70+ countries.

Simply being gay. Don't even think about rights.
we're talking about just da united states though, cuz if you wanna stretch your argument to da entire world well then, women for example dont have NEARLY da rights in other countries as they

do here, and SURELY you're not going to equate da women's movement with that of da homosexuality group are you...
i hope you're not implying that da black civil rights movement is in anyway connected to gays.

its not like like gay people were ever subjected to things like white slave masters Breeding slaves like cats down south breed pitbulls, make sure they have tons of kids, sell da kids

to others, break up families, sell pregnant women because their considered "good breeding stock" yea...i dont think you're that slow b heh.
"don't mention black civil rights and gay marriage but it's okay to lump gay marriage with all sorts of other unrelated issues."

keep it up.
as long as da UNDERPINNING revolves around consent, well well my good chaps, gay sex shares equal footing with a hooker turning tricks as a career choice. 
And I don't have a problem with that.

You keep using that as a catch-all when its not even the same issue.

Thats like you comparing government subsidies for corn to education reform. 
consent makes it all da same issue,
Ninjahood already forgets that there is already legalized prostitution in many forms. 
 If the industry was regulated, no one would care anyways. 
im talkin full scale legalization like it is in London, or da dominican republic..that should eradicate this notion of simping, cuz it damn sure dont exist on da island.
Congrats ninjahood, you support gay marriage AND the legalization of prostitution.
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It benefits both parties being illegal the same way that abortion benefits both parties by being legal. Charges the base. Roe v Wade will NEVER be overturned, but it will continue to be a boogieman used by both the left and the right to get people to open their checkbooks and give during campaign season just to make sure this isn't the term when they finally get enough votes one way or the other to overturn it. By never making actual strides towards recognizing same sex marriage on a federal level it's always dangled in front of progressives to think that it's within our grasp to get it done, and the right can keep milking it for the "THIS IS GONNA BE IT" factor.

Yeah pretty much. I mean, abortion, gay marriage, ect. are very emotional issues. When Obama changed his mind on gay marriage, the first thing reported was the influx of contributions to his campaign.

the reason i say religion is because naysayers tend to argue that marriage should be between a man and a woman. their source to back this argument is generally the bible. there is no other reasoning given aside from this, which i think is pretty weak. the only general benefit i see from this being legalized is a financial gain. as i said cities/states can get a good economical boost by allowing gay populations to apply for and pay for marriage licenses. other than the morality of it all, there isn't any other reason i can think of to legalize it. Now you say both parties actually benefit from it being illegal...idk how to argue this since im awaiting a deeper explanation from you, but i want to point out if that were the case why would obama come out and say i think it should be legalized? why would the clintons publicly support it? and how can you argue against the economic benefits from legalizing it?

I think the economics of marriage are very discriminatory. For example, people who get married and have kids are giving tax incentives, but what if someone decides on not getting married or have kids, why should they be penalized? Without the financial incentives, does the gay community really care? Not in my opinion. They would argue, "Well, what if my partner gets sick?". That's fine, write a power of attorney. So that argument doesn't hold water.

States and localities don't really make money off of licenses. It's just nickel and dime-ing, like parking tickets. Marriage licenses are just a common practice that has evolved only through the past 140-150 years that started out to prevent Blacks and White from being married. Plus, government isn't in the business to make money so there really isn't any "financial gain", ever. Think of the licenses as a tax with actually being a so called "tax". Governments charge **** to pay peoples pensions. It takes about 3-4 tax payers (sometimes more) to pay 1 pension of a government worker.

well you could look at it as a tax i guess, but if they're willing to pay then whats the big deal? also i guess in the gran scheme of things, the NY debt greatly outweighs the profit made from issuing marriage licenses but its better than nothing i guess.

gov't isn't in the business of making money but a smart gov't is in the business of practicing sound financial responsibility...but im digressing from the main picture by saying this :lol:

i get the argument that the gay marriage issue is fuel for the political machine and the argument makes sense the more i think about it. but at the same time it just add more grime to an already dirty government. issues that are kept at bay for the sake of raking in the most votes at the polls
Talking about tax is incredibly stupid anyways.

Imagine if you were a member of a law-abiding community just trying to get equal access to the law and everyone else was sitting off to the side worrying how they could divvy up your taxes and what they'd charge you.

Its still incredibly insensitive to the reality that those people still have to live with, and all you can talk about is money. 
stop posting ridiculous cartoons dude, you have way too much time on your hands and I wish your service provider would limit the time they allow you on the internet. How can you be a MD and waste all this time to push your points? I agree with some of what you say, and disagree with some- but you will disagree with anybody- even if you DO agree with them :lol:

My man has a laptop, Tablet and phone on him around the clock with multiple flash drives of notes.
stop posting ridiculous cartoons dude, you have way too much time on your hands and I wish your service provider would limit the time they allow you on the internet. How can you be a MD and waste all this time to push your points? I agree with some of what you say, and disagree with some- but you will disagree with anybody- even if you DO agree with them
My man has a laptop, Tablet and phone on him around the clock with multiple flash drives of notes.
 You gonna initiate  private messages to me about how the Aurora, CO shooting was God's Will, again? 

Oh, ok. 
 You gonna initiate private messages to me about how the Aurora, CO shooting was God's Will, again? 

Oh, ok. 

That's a clown statement bro.

Not once have I said or thought that. Not one time dude. Throughout those PMs, I consistently said that guy acted on his own free will. Not God's will. Usual Putty tactics.
 You gonna initiate  private messages to me about how the Aurora, CO shooting was God's Will, again? 

Oh, ok. 
That's a clown statement bro.

Not once have I said or thought that. Not one time dude. Throughout those PMs, I consistently said that guy acted on his own free will. Not God's will. Usual Putty tactics.
Welp, time to go through the inbox. 
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Welp, time to go through the inbox. :rofl:

Go right ahead. I'm looking at it right now.

I'm looking through that entire conversation and I can't find any evidence of myself saying that tragic event was God's will.

Please grasp for straws and twist my words. Or you can post examples of my foolish beliefs. You should do both. Especially the second option considering the cartoons and memes you have to back you up.
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Welp, time to go through the inbox. 
Go right ahead. I'm looking at it right now.

I'm looking through that entire conversation and I can't find any evidence of myself saying that tragic event was God's will.

Please grasp for straws and twist my words. Or you can post examples of my foolish beliefs. You should do both. Especially the second option considering the cartoons and memes you have to back you up.
I love this from you.

It wasn't god's will...but god saved one life while letting 14 others die! Isn't god GREAT?! 

We have free will...but god intervenes to allow us to do things! 

God sends us messages not to kill people...but people still ignore him! 

We have our own power to do what we long as its what god wants! 

I love this from you.

It wasn't god's will...but god saved one life while letting 14 others die! Isn't god GREAT?! :rofl:  :stoneface:

We have free will...but god intervenes to allow us to do things! :rofl:

God sends us messages not to kill people...but people still ignore him! :rofl:

We have our own power to do what we long as its what god wants! :rofl:

As I thought, you did exactly what I thought you would.

You try to spin things into a web of Putty jokes.

Niketalk/The Internet is a stage for your antics. The feeling of belittling and crushing others is like fuel to you. You try so hard to make a fool of others on this stage. Bravo. Good job.

You still failed hard to show where I said that.
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Silly Putty has made me want to kill myself before. He is good at what he does. 

He's kinda like those racists on Xbox Live that just never stop.
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