You know you are a Jordan collector when...

Originally Posted by SidneyXX3

Originally Posted by MortalMonkey

...You stick your penis in your J's just to see how it feels.
I tried that
i did not try that and will not but that right there is mad funny(classic)

AND you know when your a collector when people say ''i had those''and you can say ''i still own those.''
Originally Posted by MortalMonkey

...You stick your penis in your J's just to see how it feels.


you know you a jordanhead when people come up to you asking if you copped those jays everytime a new one realease
^^^ man i know right?
i decide three days out what one's i might wear, got backups, then backups for the backups!
When peeps you haven't talked to in ages get back in touch to e-mail you an online news clip about the XX3
50 ways to tell if you're a SNEAKER FREAK

1. The first thing you notice on everyone is their shoes.
2. When you walk into class people occasionally say Another Pair?!?
3. The teachers even notice when you get new shoes.
4. Instead of taking the shortcut with your friends in the grass or dirt you walk all the way around the cement.
5. Your parents get really mad when you get another pair of shoes.
6. When somebody insults your shoes, you stuck up for them like they are your children.
7. You constantly look at peoples shoes when you walk by them.
8. Before you go out, you think for a good 10 15 minutes about which sneakers you should wear.
9. You do not wear certain sneakers to parties/clubs because you are afraid someone is going to step on them.
10. You do not wear White/Clear sole shoes in the rain.
11. You keep every single pair of shoes in the box stuffed.
12. When people you know (or even strangers) who always see you, look at you, and then look directly down to your feet to see what your shoe you are wearing.
13. Most of the time your shoes are the main center attraction.
14. You feel insulted when someone says Theyre JUST shoes!
15. You want multiple pairs of the same shoe.
16. You browse eBay daily to find that HG (Holy Grail).
17. You are willing to spend good money on your HG in NDS (Near Dead stock) condition.
18. You know at least 2 people in every shoe store you go to.
19. Your paintings are shoe themed.
20. You could have bought a small car for the amount you spent on your collection.
21. You get really defensive about any damage to your shoes.
22. You save up your lunch money over a month to buy a new pair.
23. You look down at your shoes every 5 minutes.
24. Your drawer is full of shoe cleaners.
25. You skip appointments to go to the mall because new pair of Jordans are being released.
26. You know what NT and ISS stands for.
27. You sit and keep turning your foot to the side to look at your shoes.
28. You know a fake shoe when you see it.
29. Your background in your computer is a Jordan.
30. You think that girls that have wear Air Jordans are hot even without looking at their face.
31. You go to the mall for silica packs and tell the lady that its for a school project because they wont give you any otherwise.
32. You check the weather before you go out so you know what shoe you should wear.
33. You put an extra insole in your Jordans to not rub off the Jumpman in the insole.
34. You take a traveling cleaning kit when you are on the road.
35. You limp when you walk to prevent creasing.
36. You clean your shoes after every wear.
37. You learned the roman numerals from the Air Jordan series.
38. 23 is one of your favorite numbers.
39. When you are bored in class and someone says something about shoes you listen.
40. You never try to get any of your shoes dirty.
41. You take your shoes off and walk when it suddenly starts raining in school to walk to your car.
42. You have a whole frame of Jordan retro cards.
43. You carry an Eastbay, Brand Jordan, or Sole Collector magazine in your backpack.
44. You know all the release dates for Jordans.
45. You get mad when people say Jordans are a waste of money.
46. When you buy a new pair of shoes you take pictures of them.
47. You write poems of your shoes.
48. You visit ISS and NT Forums.
49. You know what DS, OG, SMH, & MJ stands for.
50. You know when Michael Jordans birthday is.
damn carolinasmiley! that is the perfect list, every single thing down to the last letter is how my life is w/ my J's!
When everybody, including their mom, tells you that you need to stop buying shoes!

When you go to your usual store to buy the new Js and when they open the box to show you the shoes and you see something wrong with them, you immediately got afrown on your face and you make the sales person go get a another one from the back.
when the girl you are dating starts to know the numbers and colorways of shoes simply because it's how you kill your time. you also know you are acollector when seeing a pair of fakes infuriates you
Originally Posted by Ineed23s

OKAY OKAY OKAY... I know I know... no need for immature responses.. just thought we would have some fun.. and get some funny responses.. I was granted permission (
) To go ahead with the thread.. anyway....
You know you are a Jordan collector when...

You look at future release dates and match them up with your pay days...

LOL....that first post hit the nail on the head...
Nevermind my last comment! lol

But anyone actually take the time to stare at the box, i mean literally stare at the box to see if its in good condition before you buy them?? i Dont i justhappen to see a person do it!
when you spend all your money to your name on your grails... or cash out all your coins!!!
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