Your Girl wants to have a baby... But you don't... What next??? (UPDATE PG 5)

It is in your best interest to dead that @*$$ immediately.Your girl is a nut bro, no counselor in the world is going to get through toher.  Look on the bright side,  now is your chance to get away from thatsituation with no strings attached.  No baby mama drama, nothing. RUN!
First, stop having sex with her for the time being.

Second, go to couples therapy or talk to a relationship counselor.

There's no point in going through an unhappy relationship and there's no point in hoping a problem of this size goes away. Clearly talking and trying to reason with her isn't working, so either take a break and maybe end the relationship, or seek professional help because clearly things aren't working.

What do you have to lose by talking to someone?
First, stop having sex with her for the time being.

Second, go to couples therapy or talk to a relationship counselor.

There's no point in going through an unhappy relationship and there's no point in hoping a problem of this size goes away. Clearly talking and trying to reason with her isn't working, so either take a break and maybe end the relationship, or seek professional help because clearly things aren't working.

What do you have to lose by talking to someone?
Originally Posted by throwback1718

A brief little background on this...

I made a post on here in mid to late May of this year about my son passing on. Some may remember.

Since then, she has been feeling to have another baby.
In the first place, when she was first prego I didn't wanna have a kid... I'm more or less thinking about being done with my degree and having a steady job in order before I try to have a kid. Anyhow she got prego. long story short, we lost lil Nas.

And I took it as a sign from a higher power that this wasnt the time. MAYBE I should actually WAIT till I was actually ready to have a kid to go out and make one. I was thinking between 2 and 5 years I would possibly be where I want to be (financially and mentally) when I have my next kid.

She wants one 6 months from now to a year and a half. This is putting a TERRIBLE strain on the relationship and this has come up several times before and even a couple minutes ago. There will NEVER be peace because she is NOT gonna be okay with things going "my way" and not hers.

How would you dudes handle this? Keep in mind, shorty IS the type of chick you wanna have a kid with sometime and you've been with her for 3 years, many ups and downs...

Do you move on to the next one? Try to compromise? Does a deep relationship REALLY have to end due to perceptions of when to have a kid?

Input please

First off, my condolences for your loss.

A lot of the replies in here say things like "dump her" and "do you" and that type of BS. It's easy to say that when you're on the outside and don't have consequences to face. Grow up people. Put yourself in his shoes. It's not that hard to imagine.
My dude, you seem to have a grown man attitude which I can truly respect because most dudes don't think this way. They just look for a selfish way out. Obviously you care about the woman. My opinion on the matter would be for you to talk to her face to face IN DETAIL in order for there not to be any confusion about what each of you wants right now. Without screaming or arguing. In this case, I think it's important that you treat the matter more logically than emotional. Don't completely leave emotions out though. Lay out the plan that you have and let it make perfect sense to her. Tell her it's not just your way but the way that would benefit the both of you in the long run. Reassure her that you will not leave her. Let her know that you need to get your ducks in order before starting something as serious as a family again. Plus, if you're not ready emotionally because of your loss, you shouldn't dare start anything.
It really sounds to me like your girl is doing one of two things. She might be trying to keep you since you might be a good dude in her eyes and she fears losing you. She doesn't want to be "alone". Second, she might be trying to cope with the fact that she lost her son by replacing him with another child. This is a very serious matter and you should persuade her to see a therapist. Maybe even make her feel comfortable by going together. No joke. This type of thing can lead to serious issues like depression. It can even affect health. She might still be in a stage of shock.

To sum it all up..

Do not let someone pressure you to do something that you don't want to do. No matter how much they say they care about you. If they truly care about you, they will respect and see the reasonability in your choices. You get one shot at this life. It's your life, not anyone else's. That's my word homie.
Originally Posted by throwback1718

A brief little background on this...

I made a post on here in mid to late May of this year about my son passing on. Some may remember.

Since then, she has been feeling to have another baby.
In the first place, when she was first prego I didn't wanna have a kid... I'm more or less thinking about being done with my degree and having a steady job in order before I try to have a kid. Anyhow she got prego. long story short, we lost lil Nas.

And I took it as a sign from a higher power that this wasnt the time. MAYBE I should actually WAIT till I was actually ready to have a kid to go out and make one. I was thinking between 2 and 5 years I would possibly be where I want to be (financially and mentally) when I have my next kid.

She wants one 6 months from now to a year and a half. This is putting a TERRIBLE strain on the relationship and this has come up several times before and even a couple minutes ago. There will NEVER be peace because she is NOT gonna be okay with things going "my way" and not hers.

How would you dudes handle this? Keep in mind, shorty IS the type of chick you wanna have a kid with sometime and you've been with her for 3 years, many ups and downs...

Do you move on to the next one? Try to compromise? Does a deep relationship REALLY have to end due to perceptions of when to have a kid?

Input please

First off, my condolences for your loss.

A lot of the replies in here say things like "dump her" and "do you" and that type of BS. It's easy to say that when you're on the outside and don't have consequences to face. Grow up people. Put yourself in his shoes. It's not that hard to imagine.
My dude, you seem to have a grown man attitude which I can truly respect because most dudes don't think this way. They just look for a selfish way out. Obviously you care about the woman. My opinion on the matter would be for you to talk to her face to face IN DETAIL in order for there not to be any confusion about what each of you wants right now. Without screaming or arguing. In this case, I think it's important that you treat the matter more logically than emotional. Don't completely leave emotions out though. Lay out the plan that you have and let it make perfect sense to her. Tell her it's not just your way but the way that would benefit the both of you in the long run. Reassure her that you will not leave her. Let her know that you need to get your ducks in order before starting something as serious as a family again. Plus, if you're not ready emotionally because of your loss, you shouldn't dare start anything.
It really sounds to me like your girl is doing one of two things. She might be trying to keep you since you might be a good dude in her eyes and she fears losing you. She doesn't want to be "alone". Second, she might be trying to cope with the fact that she lost her son by replacing him with another child. This is a very serious matter and you should persuade her to see a therapist. Maybe even make her feel comfortable by going together. No joke. This type of thing can lead to serious issues like depression. It can even affect health. She might still be in a stage of shock.

To sum it all up..

Do not let someone pressure you to do something that you don't want to do. No matter how much they say they care about you. If they truly care about you, they will respect and see the reasonability in your choices. You get one shot at this life. It's your life, not anyone else's. That's my word homie.
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

First off, my condolences for your loss.

A lot of the replies in here say things like "dump her" and "do you" and that type of BS. It's easy to say that when you're on the outside and don't have consequences to face. Grow up people. Put yourself in his shoes. It's not that hard to imagine.
My dude, you seem to have a grown man attitude which I can truly respect because most dudes don't think this way. They just look for a selfish way out. Obviously you care about the woman. My opinion on the matter would be for you to talk to her face to face IN DETAIL in order for there not to be any confusion about what each of you wants right now. Without screaming or arguing. In this case, I think it's important that you treat the matter more logically than emotional. Don't completely leave emotions out though. Lay out the plan that you have and let it make perfect sense to her. Tell her it's not just your way but the way that would benefit the both of you in the long run. Reassure her that you will not leave her. Let her know that you need to get your ducks in order before starting something as serious as a family again. Plus, if you're not ready emotionally because of your loss, you shouldn't dare start anything.
It really sounds to me like your girl is doing one of two things. She might be trying to keep you since you might be a good dude in her eyes and she fears losing you. She doesn't want to be "alone". Second, she might be trying to cope with the fact that she lost her son by replacing him with another child. This is a very serious matter and you should persuade her to see a therapist. Maybe even make her feel comfortable by going together. No joke. This type of thing can lead to serious issues like depression. It can even affect health. She might still be in a stage of shock.

To sum it all up..

Do not let someone pressure you to do something that you don't want to do. No matter how much they say they care about you. If they truly care about you, they will respect and see the reasonability in your choices. You get one shot at this life. It's your life, not anyone else's. That's my word homie.

thanks man, well its still tough, Ive done numerous things that you have suggested such as laying out my future as much as I could possibly explain.

im re-reading this post repeatedly
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Originally Posted by throwback1718

A brief little background on this...

I made a post on here in mid to late May of this year about my son passing on. Some may remember.

Since then, she has been feeling to have another baby.
In the first place, when she was first prego I didn't wanna have a kid... I'm more or less thinking about being done with my degree and having a steady job in order before I try to have a kid. Anyhow she got prego. long story short, we lost lil Nas.

And I took it as a sign from a higher power that this wasnt the time. MAYBE I should actually WAIT till I was actually ready to have a kid to go out and make one. I was thinking between 2 and 5 years I would possibly be where I want to be (financially and mentally) when I have my next kid.

She wants one 6 months from now to a year and a half. This is putting a TERRIBLE strain on the relationship and this has come up several times before and even a couple minutes ago. There will NEVER be peace because she is NOT gonna be okay with things going "my way" and not hers.

How would you dudes handle this? Keep in mind, shorty IS the type of chick you wanna have a kid with sometime and you've been with her for 3 years, many ups and downs...

Do you move on to the next one? Try to compromise? Does a deep relationship REALLY have to end due to perceptions of when to have a kid?

Input please

First off, my condolences for your loss.

A lot of the replies in here say things like "dump her" and "do you" and that type of BS. It's easy to say that when you're on the outside and don't have consequences to face. Grow up people. Put yourself in his shoes. It's not that hard to imagine.
My dude, you seem to have a grown man attitude which I can truly respect because most dudes don't think this way. They just look for a selfish way out. Obviously you care about the woman. My opinion on the matter would be for you to talk to her face to face IN DETAIL in order for there not to be any confusion about what each of you wants right now. Without screaming or arguing. In this case, I think it's important that you treat the matter more logically than emotional. Don't completely leave emotions out though. Lay out the plan that you have and let it make perfect sense to her. Tell her it's not just your way but the way that would benefit the both of you in the long run. Reassure her that you will not leave her. Let her know that you need to get your ducks in order before starting something as serious as a family again. Plus, if you're not ready emotionally because of your loss, you shouldn't dare start anything.
It really sounds to me like your girl is doing one of two things. She might be trying to keep you since you might be a good dude in her eyes and she fears losing you. She doesn't want to be "alone". Second, she might be trying to cope with the fact that she lost her son by replacing him with another child. This is a very serious matter and you should persuade her to see a therapist. Maybe even make her feel comfortable by going together. No joke. This type of thing can lead to serious issues like depression. It can even affect health. She might still be in a stage of shock.

To sum it all up..

Do not let someone pressure you to do something that you don't want to do. No matter how much they say they care about you. If they truly care about you, they will respect and see the reasonability in your choices. You get one shot at this life. It's your life, not anyone else's. That's my word homie.
gotta knows what hes talking about
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

First off, my condolences for your loss.

A lot of the replies in here say things like "dump her" and "do you" and that type of BS. It's easy to say that when you're on the outside and don't have consequences to face. Grow up people. Put yourself in his shoes. It's not that hard to imagine.
My dude, you seem to have a grown man attitude which I can truly respect because most dudes don't think this way. They just look for a selfish way out. Obviously you care about the woman. My opinion on the matter would be for you to talk to her face to face IN DETAIL in order for there not to be any confusion about what each of you wants right now. Without screaming or arguing. In this case, I think it's important that you treat the matter more logically than emotional. Don't completely leave emotions out though. Lay out the plan that you have and let it make perfect sense to her. Tell her it's not just your way but the way that would benefit the both of you in the long run. Reassure her that you will not leave her. Let her know that you need to get your ducks in order before starting something as serious as a family again. Plus, if you're not ready emotionally because of your loss, you shouldn't dare start anything.
It really sounds to me like your girl is doing one of two things. She might be trying to keep you since you might be a good dude in her eyes and she fears losing you. She doesn't want to be "alone". Second, she might be trying to cope with the fact that she lost her son by replacing him with another child. This is a very serious matter and you should persuade her to see a therapist. Maybe even make her feel comfortable by going together. No joke. This type of thing can lead to serious issues like depression. It can even affect health. She might still be in a stage of shock.

To sum it all up..

Do not let someone pressure you to do something that you don't want to do. No matter how much they say they care about you. If they truly care about you, they will respect and see the reasonability in your choices. You get one shot at this life. It's your life, not anyone else's. That's my word homie.

thanks man, well its still tough, Ive done numerous things that you have suggested such as laying out my future as much as I could possibly explain.

im re-reading this post repeatedly
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Originally Posted by throwback1718

A brief little background on this...

I made a post on here in mid to late May of this year about my son passing on. Some may remember.

Since then, she has been feeling to have another baby.
In the first place, when she was first prego I didn't wanna have a kid... I'm more or less thinking about being done with my degree and having a steady job in order before I try to have a kid. Anyhow she got prego. long story short, we lost lil Nas.

And I took it as a sign from a higher power that this wasnt the time. MAYBE I should actually WAIT till I was actually ready to have a kid to go out and make one. I was thinking between 2 and 5 years I would possibly be where I want to be (financially and mentally) when I have my next kid.

She wants one 6 months from now to a year and a half. This is putting a TERRIBLE strain on the relationship and this has come up several times before and even a couple minutes ago. There will NEVER be peace because she is NOT gonna be okay with things going "my way" and not hers.

How would you dudes handle this? Keep in mind, shorty IS the type of chick you wanna have a kid with sometime and you've been with her for 3 years, many ups and downs...

Do you move on to the next one? Try to compromise? Does a deep relationship REALLY have to end due to perceptions of when to have a kid?

Input please

First off, my condolences for your loss.

A lot of the replies in here say things like "dump her" and "do you" and that type of BS. It's easy to say that when you're on the outside and don't have consequences to face. Grow up people. Put yourself in his shoes. It's not that hard to imagine.
My dude, you seem to have a grown man attitude which I can truly respect because most dudes don't think this way. They just look for a selfish way out. Obviously you care about the woman. My opinion on the matter would be for you to talk to her face to face IN DETAIL in order for there not to be any confusion about what each of you wants right now. Without screaming or arguing. In this case, I think it's important that you treat the matter more logically than emotional. Don't completely leave emotions out though. Lay out the plan that you have and let it make perfect sense to her. Tell her it's not just your way but the way that would benefit the both of you in the long run. Reassure her that you will not leave her. Let her know that you need to get your ducks in order before starting something as serious as a family again. Plus, if you're not ready emotionally because of your loss, you shouldn't dare start anything.
It really sounds to me like your girl is doing one of two things. She might be trying to keep you since you might be a good dude in her eyes and she fears losing you. She doesn't want to be "alone". Second, she might be trying to cope with the fact that she lost her son by replacing him with another child. This is a very serious matter and you should persuade her to see a therapist. Maybe even make her feel comfortable by going together. No joke. This type of thing can lead to serious issues like depression. It can even affect health. She might still be in a stage of shock.

To sum it all up..

Do not let someone pressure you to do something that you don't want to do. No matter how much they say they care about you. If they truly care about you, they will respect and see the reasonability in your choices. You get one shot at this life. It's your life, not anyone else's. That's my word homie.
gotta knows what hes talking about
just had a verbal conversation with her...

she is not budging on therapy and is VERY insisting on not taking it. And if im willing to leave her because of not wanting to have a kid right now instead of having a kid, why should she even go to therapy with me.

She saying that I haven't changed since the death of our son because im still taking the same view as I did when she 1st got pregnant
just had a verbal conversation with her...

she is not budging on therapy and is VERY insisting on not taking it. And if im willing to leave her because of not wanting to have a kid right now instead of having a kid, why should she even go to therapy with me.

She saying that I haven't changed since the death of our son because im still taking the same view as I did when she 1st got pregnant
Everyone copes in their own way. There isn't a wrong way to cope with the death of a child. Especially when it's your own. Losing a kid at the dawn of life will never be easy. No matter who you are. You have to tell her that in order to consider starting a family again, you have to start from scratch. That means going to therapy if needed. Sometimes when you bring up the word, people think it's a bad thing. It's not. Everyone needs a little guidance in their lives. Counseling is not beneath anyone because not one of us in this world knows it all. If she won't go with you, tell her that you're going by yourself then. If you've ever convinced her to try or do anything she didn't want to do before, trust me you can do it again. It sounds to me like only a therapist can help your relationship at this point simply because of the tragedy you've gone through together. Try everything you can to not split up so you can better your lives the way you see fit. You have to be able to compromise. If nothing else, then only you can decide from there.
Everyone copes in their own way. There isn't a wrong way to cope with the death of a child. Especially when it's your own. Losing a kid at the dawn of life will never be easy. No matter who you are. You have to tell her that in order to consider starting a family again, you have to start from scratch. That means going to therapy if needed. Sometimes when you bring up the word, people think it's a bad thing. It's not. Everyone needs a little guidance in their lives. Counseling is not beneath anyone because not one of us in this world knows it all. If she won't go with you, tell her that you're going by yourself then. If you've ever convinced her to try or do anything she didn't want to do before, trust me you can do it again. It sounds to me like only a therapist can help your relationship at this point simply because of the tragedy you've gone through together. Try everything you can to not split up so you can better your lives the way you see fit. You have to be able to compromise. If nothing else, then only you can decide from there.
Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

If you want to stay with her:

Take up riding bikes; it reduces sperm count due to the pressure on the testicles, along with heat during strenuous exercise.

Wear tighter underwear; consider switching to briefs.

Frequent the jacuzzi; the hot water will lower sperm production. It doesn't have to be too hot, just over ~98.6 will do.

im sorry but i did chuckle. cuz i have a feeling hes serious. lol
Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

If you want to stay with her:

Take up riding bikes; it reduces sperm count due to the pressure on the testicles, along with heat during strenuous exercise.

Wear tighter underwear; consider switching to briefs.

Frequent the jacuzzi; the hot water will lower sperm production. It doesn't have to be too hot, just over ~98.6 will do.

im sorry but i did chuckle. cuz i have a feeling hes serious. lol
sorry about the loss...this is scary though. If she really is trying to replace your first kid with a new one then that is serious IMO.

smh i never been in a situation like this but i know what its like to try and get your other half to see your side of things.
sorry about the loss...this is scary though. If she really is trying to replace your first kid with a new one then that is serious IMO.

smh i never been in a situation like this but i know what its like to try and get your other half to see your side of things.
well therapy is definitely something that she isn't interested in at all. She states,
"why should we go pay someone to tell me something that wont change my mind anyway? Its a waste of money"

I tried to convince her by saying "If you really want this relationship to work, then you would to couples therapy"

Her response was " I would only go to therapy with someone that I am married to. And why would I go to therapy with someone that was willing to let me walk away from the relationship instead, of just having a baby now?"

I flipped out because that sounded so ridiculous and selfish in my opinion.

I tried ya'll
well therapy is definitely something that she isn't interested in at all. She states,
"why should we go pay someone to tell me something that wont change my mind anyway? Its a waste of money"

I tried to convince her by saying "If you really want this relationship to work, then you would to couples therapy"

Her response was " I would only go to therapy with someone that I am married to. And why would I go to therapy with someone that was willing to let me walk away from the relationship instead, of just having a baby now?"

I flipped out because that sounded so ridiculous and selfish in my opinion.

I tried ya'll
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