Your Turnoffs in the Opposite Sex

-Ugly Feet
-Natural Blondes (I don't know why...) I prefer brunettes....Or dyed blondes lmaooo...
-Fake breasts
-Fake %%%
-Fake Hair/Weaves
-Pretentious/Stuck Up
-Bad teeth
Originally Posted by khmerkicks

Guys who are:
-car less
-education less




Too easy....
Drinks to much
Annoying Voice

You wanna know whats really really really weird? ALL these qualities describe my girlfriend.
-ugly feet
-big feet
-has not respect for herself
-ugly/yellow teeth
-bad hygine
- Bad teeth
- Bad breath
- Boring
- Frail
- Short
- OD hairy

- Clingy
- No job/income/pockets always touchin'
- No ambition/aspirations
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

- Bad teeth
- Bad breath
- Boring
- Frail
- Short
- OD hairy

- Clingy
- No job/income/pockets always touchin'
- No ambition/aspirations

I'm 5'8 does that constitute as short?
Make-up. If you need enhancements, that's an early indication that you have no problem lyin' to me.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

- Bad teeth

- Bad breath

- Boring

- Frail

- Short

- OD hairy

- Clingy

- No job/income/pockets always touchin'

- No ambition/aspirations

I'm 5'8 does that constitute as short?

Naw, I'd say that's average. I'm 5'7 so anything above that is beyond wavy. Shortest I'd ever go is probably 5'6

ugly feet
dirty nails
facial hair
hairy arms


too dependent
no drive/ambition
Girls that flaunt the fact that they are attractive. I don't care if you are a dime; if you are overly pretentious, I'm gonna keep it moving.

Chicks that wear makeup too often.

Girls with no swag. For instance, one of my home girls is mad cute, but she stay rocking sweat pants, a hoodie, and those eskimo boots. Even when she dressesup, she just doesn't seem to know or be confident in her style. Big turn-off.

Chicks that revolve their life around who they are dating, then move on to the next guy in an instant. You know the ones with the FB status - "I thank Godfor giving me the best and most caring boyfriend in the world
,"or "I love (blank) ." Then, two weeks later they brokeup... If I even suspect a chick of displaying such tendencies, it's not going down.

Chicks that talk too much.
I like my quiet time.

On that note, chicks that repeadetley call me out for being
"You never talk!" - there is a reason I don't talk to you.

Chicks that try to bag me, even when I am clearly displaying minimal interest. Like even the cutes ones...I'm not trying to get a message saying"Hey!" everytime I log on Fb or Aim.

Basically, I'm hella picky...
Originally Posted by dashoekid21

-bad breath
-crooked teeth
-yellow teeth
-body odor
-hairy arms and legs
-too much make up
-no sense of humor
-smoke weed or does any other drug
-no sense of style
-a girl who doesnt now where shes going like what she wants to be in the future or doesnt have goals
I'll Co-sigh with this.
-Fat or OD skinny
-Bad hygiene
-Stuck up/ungrateful
-Lame or no personality at all
-Can't cook or clean
-Wears makeup all the time. It's understandable if you feel "prettier" with makeup on, but everyday is O.D.
-TOO hairy. A little hair is fine. But, if you have insulation from head to toe, pass.
-Drawn on eyebrows.

-Fake nails, hair, eye colour, breasts, lips, etc.
-Always touching/holding, especially when there isn't a relationship. Don't be handcuffing me in the halls if I haven't got the box yet.
-Has only one pair of shoes. I don't know why. It's just tacky to me.
-Wears ONLY one type of shoe, no matter the occasion. Like, how you gonna be in Gym with 6 inch heels @#%!%?
-Too skinny/fat. A muffin top is fine, as long as it isn't sagging over the waist line and isht.
-Always wears sunglasses/shutter shades and/or a bandana. Scream jumpoff a little more, please.
-Meaningless tattoos. Tribal tramp stamps especially.
-Artificial tans. It's December and you're two shades darker than yesterday? What part of the game is that?
-Bad breath.
-Horrible kissers.

-Too clingy. Why send the same text 3 times within a five minute window? I'm obviously busy, lady.
-Always depressed. We all have problems. Stop crying.
-Having too much "swag." Especially the ugly ones. They're the worse. "I AIN'T UGLY. MY SWAGS TOO HIGH."
-Thinks it's okay for double standards.
-Always feeling the need to be the center of attention.

-Ignorant $$$ girls. One chick said that oil had nothing to do with Iraq. Come on.

-Refuses to get a job because she thinks "a man should be providing" her with everything. Riiiiight.

-Doesn't get good grades. You gotta have at least a 2.8. Unless you balance a billion things, you have no excuse.
-Doesn't know what they want with their life. This is the worst.
-Makes minimum wage. I don't know why.
My turnoffs are women who aren't true to themselves and also women who seek a false sense of entitlement plus women thinking that just because they havethe supeficial looks, they can't bring anything else to the table.

However, I know people can't help what God has or hasn'nt given them physically given the circumstances, so who am I to judge?---no one on this earthis perfect. But how we think and judge others comes from what is within us mentally and how we think, feel, and percieve about our own selves. And sometimessociety helps influence and aid our thoughts and perceptions about others and more importanlly, ourselves.
Originally Posted by soltheman

-Wears makeup all the time. It's understandable if you feel "prettier" with makeup on, but everyday is O.D.
-TOO hairy. A little hair is fine. But, if you have insulation from head to toe, pass.
-Drawn on eyebrows.

-Fake nails, hair, eye colour, breasts, lips, etc.
-Always touching/holding, especially when there isn't a relationship. Don't be handcuffing me in the halls if I haven't got the box yet.
-Has only one pair of shoes. I don't know why. It's just tacky to me.
-Wears ONLY one type of shoe, no matter the occasion. Like, how you gonna be in Gym with 6 inch heels @#%!%?
-Too skinny/fat. A muffin top is fine, as long as it isn't sagging over the waist line and isht.
-Always wears sunglasses/shutter shades and/or a bandana. Scream jumpoff a little more, please.
-Meaningless tattoos. Tribal tramp stamps especially.
-Artificial tans. It's December and you're two shades darker than yesterday? What part of the game is that?
-Bad breath.
-Horrible kissers.

-Too clingy. Why send the same text 3 times within a five minute window? I'm obviously busy, lady.
-Always depressed. We all have problems. Stop crying.
-Having too much "swag." Especially the ugly ones. They're the worse. "I AIN'T UGLY. MY SWAGS TOO HIGH."
-Thinks it's okay for double standards.
-Always feeling the need to be the center of attention.

-Ignorant $$$ girls. One chick said that oil had nothing to do with Iraq. Come on.

-Refuses to get a job because she thinks "a man should be providing" her with everything. Riiiiight.

-Doesn't get good grades. You gotta have at least a 2.8. Unless you balance a billion things, you have no excuse.
-Doesn't know what they want with their life. This is the worst.
-Makes minimum wage. I don't know why.

and this is why so many people are single nowadays... your standards are WAAAAAAAAAAAY too high
Originally Posted by MrBluPrint

Originally Posted by dashoekid21

-bad breath
-crooked teeth
-yellow teeth
-body odor
-hairy arms and legs
-too much make up
-no sense of humor
-smokes cigs, weed or does any other drug
-no sense of style
-a girl who doesnt now where shes going like what she wants to be in the future or doesnt have goals
-ugly feet (red polish, chipped polish, ash, etc)
I'll Co-sigh with this.
Originally Posted by creamOfDacrops

chicks whos egos are waaaaay too big, biggest turnoff ever
1st thing that came to mind..... and is the 1st thing I go by
After that checkpoint.... then you can move onto the physical appearance turnoffs
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