Your Turnoffs in the Opposite Sex

i get turned off ridiculously easy

let's see dudes that....

have bad breath
have no lips
have acne
dont have a constant fresh lineup
dont take care of their facial hair
dont take care of they eyebrows
take care of their eyebrows a little too much.
have chinstraps and other ugly beards
have ugly hands
dont take care of their nails
are skinny
are short
that wear air forces or gr dunks/js
that wear mets fitteds

that are ugly
that wear ed hardy and tru religion or other hyped out crap
that wear too much jewelry
that wear sandals
with ugly tats

turn me off.

that call you too much
that don't call enough
that lie
that are $$%+%%
who don't have their head on straight
who don't have a broad taste in music
who are SLACKERS omg.

that are not funny
that dont get my sense of humor
that can get herbed by other dudes in the street (i needa feel safe ya digggggg)
that are loud

turn me off.

the list goes on but i'm tired
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i get turned off ridiculously easy

let's see dudes that....

have bad breath
have no lips
have acne
dont have a constant fresh lineup
dont take care of their facial hair
dont take care of they eyebrows
take care of their eyebrows a little too much.
have chinstraps and other ugly beards
have ugly hands
dont take care of their nails
are skinny
are short
that wear air forces or gr dunks/js
that wear mets fitteds

that are ugly
that wear ed hardy and tru religion or other hyped out crap
that wear too much jewelry
that wear sandals
with ugly tats

turn me off.

that call you too much
that don't call enough
that lie
that are $$%+%%
who don't have their head on straight
who don't have a broad taste in music
who are SLACKERS omg.

that are not funny
that dont get my sense of humor
that can get herbed by other dudes in the street (i needa feel safe ya digggggg)
that are loud

turn me off.

the list goes on but i'm tired
Have you ever been kissed?
-chicks who wear their boyfriends clothes (ex. shes wearing his big !*@ shirt and it looks weird on her
-when they dont shave their bush
-fake !*@ eyelashes
-$#!%%* up teeth
-girls that are shy
-and most importantly...FLAT BUTTSSS
Originally Posted by ccb302

Originally Posted by TimelessFlight

ones that don't give me knowledge

-large breasts w| small butts


-too many piercings
-partys too much
(i'm a simple kind of guy at times)

"Only thing wrong with ma she'salways on the scene
God damn she's fine but she parties all the time"

smh word
- chicks with red polished nails
- putting on too much make up
- smoking
- complaining about losing weight when they obviously don't need to
- dirty shoes

These are a few, which I would like to change in my gf.
- chicks that smoke
- huge ego
- stuck up
- can't dress
- lazy
- don't keep up with hygeine (ie. shaving, waxing, washing hair)
- bad teeth
- loud
- ghetto (tryna front like you are hood when you grew up in the burbs your entire life)
- complaining and whining about their life (unless you are physically missing something in your life, be thankful for what you got or make the effort to getwhat you want, don't expect no handouts)
- gold-diggers
- drama queens (loves be in some gossip, grow up woman)
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

- chicks that smoke
- huge ego
- stuck up
- can't dress
- lazy
- don't keep up with hygeine (ie. shaving, waxing, washing hair)
- bad teeth
- loud
- ghetto (tryna front like you are hood when you grew up in the burbs your entire life)
- complaining and whining about their life (unless you are physically missing something in your life, be thankful for what you got or make the effort to get what you want, don't expect no handouts)
- gold-diggers
- drama queens (loves be in some gossip, grow up woman)
i hate that #%!@
Originally Posted by sircharles2ol3

-large breasts w| small butts

it's bad when it's a flat small butt, that isjust strange....i mean if she got a small curvy booty, she can get it bigger
, i have no problem with that...but a flat butt with big breast is just weird looking lol

- drugs
- smoking
- negativity
- thinking they know everything when they have no education
- still holds grudges from 10+ years ago towards old friends
- non-social
- no values or morals

And yes, this describes all the qualities of my last girlfriend.
entitlement. in either sex this is the most unattractive thing in our current generation. people think the world owes them something and don't want to workfor it
-too emotional
-when they reply, "whatever's hott" when asked the type of music they like.
letting what others think determine what you think is hot FTL
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