Your Turnoffs in the Opposite Sex

Originally Posted by Nek32

cosign females not in school or not goal oriented (except j/o's) get no wrap
I just hate stupid chicks that od on the sex. I know it's easy for chcisk to get the pipe on command from any guy...... but have some decency.
When they:

- smell like B.O. ( wet rag )
- Bad teeth/breath
- Bad Attitude
- When they show no personality
- When they not into me ( gimme attention B**** )
- When they got Hair Clogged in drains.
- When they leave their Douchebags in the shower.

I just realized.. i have to many to list.
Girls with anything other than their natural nails, or french tips; I hate color.

Girls who complain more than they converse.

Girls who have stink pus; *%%@ you tombout taste it; do you not smell that thing?
- Ghetto

- Not so intelligent
- Doesnt know how to respect a girl
- Short.. i'm 5'0" so yeah.
- Smokes, uses any kind of substance
- Liar, manipulator
- Dudes who feel themselves TOO much. huge egos are disgusting
- Bad hygiene
girls who walk around a party barefoot knowing there's been various substances/fluids spilled on the floor
girls that are tooo argumentative/opinionated.... i mean challenging or having a comeback to everything that i say doesn't make you my equal, it just makesyou diffucult.
Guys who:
-have no sense of style or don't make an effort to
-can't accept responsibility i.e. jobless
-are content with trophy wives
-bad hygiene
-like drama or guys who like hanging around drama queens
-are any type of pretentious
-hairy (chest, arms, etc.) GROSS
- Big wide back
- stank-rank breath
- controlling females
- lazy females
- females who don't give you space
- Uptight females/ *@$! blockers/ Haters
Originally Posted by brandonb2005

- Big wide back
- stank-rank breath
- controlling females
- lazy females
- females who don't give you space
- Uptight females/ *@$! blockers/ Haters

1st time i heard that one
i hate boys who:

- are overly macho, water you trying to prove? & why are u trying to prove it so hard?
- play the whole woman-hating role .. the ones who think girls are all b***s & h**s who are all out to get you, or take your money or something

- men who count their money in public, acting like they're carrying the cure for AIDS in their pocket
- guys who rev their engine, in a non-racing situation
- meatheads
- "thugs"

- douche bags
- mommas boys (extreme cases)
- men who call me ma & think it's charming
- fake cockiness/fake confidence (guys who were told: "just be a d***k, she'll love it" once & go on to act like they're the s**t but you can clearly see there's no real confidence there, very unattractive)
- men who act like b***s
- one's that complain about everything
- lazy grown men, get a job.
- narrow minded cavemen
- guys that curse too much
- guys that wear makeup
- guys that go tanning

- guys that OVERLY do their eyebrows, if you have bushes on your face & it's necessary it's somewhat understandable but there's a thin linebetween groomed and gay
- ebonics-only-speaking men

- chicken legged men

- guys who don't take care of their kids
- baggy jeans

Originally Posted by bkmac

Girls who..

- smoke.
- have no self-respect for themselves.
- complain about how they think they need to lose weight, when they clearly don't.
- get involved with typical "girl drama".
- are obnoxious (sober or drunk).
Originally Posted by Air Bonilla 23

Originally Posted by soltheman

-Wears makeup all the time. It's understandable if you feel "prettier" with makeup on, but everyday is O.D.
-TOO hairy. A little hair is fine. But, if you have insulation from head to toe, pass.
-Drawn on eyebrows.

-Fake nails, hair, eye colour, breasts, lips, etc.
-Always touching/holding, especially when there isn't a relationship. Don't be handcuffing me in the halls if I haven't got the box yet.
-Has only one pair of shoes. I don't know why. It's just tacky to me.
-Wears ONLY one type of shoe, no matter the occasion. Like, how you gonna be in Gym with 6 inch heels @#%!%?
-Too skinny/fat. A muffin top is fine, as long as it isn't sagging over the waist line and isht.
-Always wears sunglasses/shutter shades and/or a bandana. Scream jumpoff a little more, please.
-Meaningless tattoos. Tribal tramp stamps especially.
-Artificial tans. It's December and you're two shades darker than yesterday? What part of the game is that?
-Bad breath.
-Horrible kissers.

-Too clingy. Why send the same text 3 times within a five minute window? I'm obviously busy, lady.
-Always depressed. We all have problems. Stop crying.
-Having too much "swag." Especially the ugly ones. They're the worse. "I AIN'T UGLY. MY SWAGS TOO HIGH."
-Thinks it's okay for double standards.
-Always feeling the need to be the center of attention.

-Ignorant $$$ girls. One chick said that oil had nothing to do with Iraq. Come on.

-Refuses to get a job because she thinks "a man should be providing" her with everything. Riiiiight.

-Doesn't get good grades. You gotta have at least a 2.8. Unless you balance a billion things, you have no excuse.
-Doesn't know what they want with their life. This is the worst.
-Makes minimum wage. I don't know why.

and this is why so many people are single nowadays... your standards are WAAAAAAAAAAAY too high
You shouldn't have to settle when it comes to your happiness.
boys that are "gangsta"
...stank...breath nd musty or just personal hygiene
...shoe game is wack
...cant keep a fresh cut
...hairy chest!
Originally Posted by JanJan414

boys that are "gangsta"
...stank...breath nd musty or just personal hygiene
...shoe game is wack
...cant keep a fresh cut
...hairy chest!

damn it..
wanna wax my chest? other than that im purrrfeect for you..

IF thats you in the avy...
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