Yuku's Terrible

look we all know yuku sucks...but like is there a need to make a thread every time it goes down? i mean this one is justified since it was down for half aday...but like every time it messes up, someone makes a thread. everyone already knows that it blows...

@ OhYouMad...seriously brah?
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Suspended. That was beyond OD.

Damn, dude was sniped in the middle of the wizard's flash grenade.
Anybody see what happened?
Damn son .

Being without NT has made me succeed in school .

I just finished an 8 page paper .

If NT was still up ... I'd probably be on page 2 .
There was a problem with the server last night. Without getting technical, they were running using a diminished setup today.

At around 1 AM PST they're planning to move the board to a different server cluster, which will resolve the outages we've been experiencing.Performance should improve a bit once the move has been completed, but it'll require a couple hours of downtime.

Initially I scheduled the downtime off-peak, early morning hours, but my feeling was that I'd rather they just shut the board down completely and get itback ASAP than subject everyone to any more of the chronic instability we've encountered over the last 24 hours or so. So, the maintenance has been movedup.

When you sign back on tomorrow I expect that things should be back to normal.

I appreciate everyone's patience. We're as frustrated as you are - well, save perhaps the real fanatics. I haven't exactly been mashing F5 andposting walls of angry emoticons today.
The Magician said Meth aint payin him enough. @!! didn't even show up for work today .


That's 1 no call no show.
Two more and Jacob gone be poppin up

@+!#%$+ @%%%+#+%, %*++ @+!#%$+ *!% @%$%+ %*++ %@!$ damn @+!#%$+ %*++ %@!$ %*++ %*++ %@!$ *!% @%$%+ %@!$ %*++ damn
Woah there man.



Dude throwing a temper tantrum over here.

On another note, I see the otra site has more recruits. NT's lost is our gain it seems.
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