Zadehkicks pre orders

fortunately I've gotten every thing I ordered up to and including the cool grey 11. and finally got all my refunds today from the CC company for anything that was pending which were the fire red 3 and Chicago 1/2.
I give it until next week - if I don’t hear anything from PayPal I gotta contact the CC company.

Man. Cool grey numbers were wild, I wonder what Chicago 1 numbers were.
Looking at how things are shaking out, definitely looks like greed took over on everybody's end. Bulk buy resellers started shelling out crazy dough, and Zadeh was happy to accept it. Once he realized he had MULTIPLE folks ready to give him half a mil no questions asked, he decided to shoot for the moon. Just wild.
I really wouldn’t be surprised if he thought he could float millions of dollars, (be in the hole millions), make 10x on crypto or stocks and come out alive… then everything crashed. Just a theory. If not crypto/stocks he had to have had another business idea to 10x his presale $ cuz buying off StockX over retail to fulfill thousands of under retail preorders obviously was a house of cards
Crazy to me how he was accepting way more presales than he could fulfill, and was digging himself so deep in the hole….. yet would still go out and blow so much $$ on LV, fancy watches and cars etc.
It ain't crazy after you realize both Zadeh and Bethany Mockerman are two of the dumbest idiots alive.

They both deserve to rot in prison til they take their last breaths. Sadly, their children are going to live the rest of their lives without their parents but better off so they themselves don't end up being as stupid as mom and dad
Idk how dude could even sleep at night tbh.

Like he had a plan to get out of this. What did he think would happen 😂
He made 170m off one release alone.

In all likelihood he might've run up half a B.

I'm guessing here but homie might do 5 to 10. There is no way feds are recovering all that money. When he gets out bet he gets low, moves to another country and balls out like crazy under a new name.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if he gets another big money ponzi off again in his lifetime.
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Call me crazy but I'm still waiting on legit proof that Zadeh sells fakes.

For the most part I have yet to see solid evidence.

Scammer ✅
Shady businessman ✅
Still kinda waiting on the confirmation of counterfeiter tho.
You REALLY Believe A Man That Took Money For 600K “PreOrdered” CG’s Wasn’t SOMEHOW Dealing In Counterfeit Goods?

Ya’ll Wild

I don’t remember specific items (except the bike, because he posted a video of himself riding through his living room or something). But id just scroll my timeline and be like wtf?! They make that?!
One Of The Jenner’s Got A Crazy Expensive Louis Bike Too If I Remember Correctly So That One’s Not Too Far Fetched I Guess
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