Zoom Kobe 8 system NikeID thread ***NO SET DATE (yet) WHEN THESE WILL BE TAKEN DOWN***

:pimp: They came out great. I could see some blue underneath the volt swoosh but not too bad. Get us more angles when you get a chance.
I don't know if this is better .
nah bro your holding the shoe against a lighted background so it makes the object darker hiding the detail... use flash on it or hold the shoe in direct sunlight then snap a pic... if u can. thanks.
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Those sprite inspired look nice but I already have Sprite inspired KD IVs that I made last year. I think my first ID is gonna be some Bruce Lee 8s
After seeing that yellow upper in the pics I think I might order these next:

I'm usually not a huge speckle fan but I think they would look great with this, as always comments/thoughts are welcomed and appreciated!
Might as well make these! :D

... on another note, my ids have been "out for delivery" ALL DAY!!!!!!!!!!! 
Oh wow, gonna have to scratch something off this year's list n get my cowboys inspired one... now to agonize over shades of blue
Nice choice on sprite and yeezy theme
Anybody know if you can make sort of a westchester theme (red and black)
Looking at your pair, I'm thinking I really should've gone with the white swoosh instead of grey. Guess I'll find out tomorrow...

Nice job nealtastic!
Thanks. I like them a lot. I don't have the best camera but tried to capture some of the details of the upper. Very subtle grey. The green on the sole is very vibrant and didn't capture well in photos. These are my new hoops shoes replacing the volts.
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