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  1. ny41101

    OFFICIAL: Nike Flight One Holiday 2012 (New Holiday 2012 colors on the way)

    Copped the Mints I already had the Orlando's.
  2. ny41101

    Wrestling Thread Feb 27-Mar 4 | 3/4 ROH 10th Anniversary Show iPPV - Briscoes vs Young Bucks (p36)

    Are you guys seriously saying that the Rock is getting Cena over by delivering these wack twitter promos on purpose? I think you guys have to start giving Cena some credit cause for the last year all you heard from the WWE is Rock/Cena at Wrestlemania with no sort of build up whatsoever, what he...
  3. ny41101

    Official Air Jordan IV white/cement release thread 2/18/12:::NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING:::

    Here in NY mom and pop shops sell these from $260-280 and as high as $320.   
  4. ny41101

    Air Jordan III True Blue's releasing June 2011?

    @Dballin34 Order as quick as possible or someone else is going to get your pair. Hope this was helpful enough!!!
  5. ny41101

    Air Jordan III True Blue's releasing June 2011?

    @Dballin34 Order as quick as possible or someone else is going to get your pair. Hope this was helpful enough!!!
  6. ny41101

    will i win this ebay case?

    I sold a pair of deadstock Red/White XII's in December and buyer filed a chargeback in March said someone stoled his credit card information. I won the case cause I shipped the item the same day she purchased it so I was protected by Ebay seller protection. Ebay caters to buyers hopefully she...
  7. ny41101

    will i win this ebay case?

    I sold a pair of deadstock Red/White XII's in December and buyer filed a chargeback in March said someone stoled his credit card information. I won the case cause I shipped the item the same day she purchased it so I was protected by Ebay seller protection. Ebay caters to buyers hopefully she...
  8. ny41101

    Your Favorite Super NES/Sega Genesis Games

    Contra was my favorite game when I was growing up.
  9. ny41101

    Your Favorite Super NES/Sega Genesis Games

    Contra was my favorite game when I was growing up.
  10. ny41101

    Air Jordan III True Blue's releasing June 2011?

    Just got my Finishline shipping confirmation my size 9 gets here tomorrow.
  11. ny41101

    Air Jordan III True Blue's releasing June 2011?

    Just got my Finishline shipping confirmation my size 9 gets here tomorrow.
  12. ny41101

    X-Men:First Class Thread (First leaked Pic)

    I thought the movie was great!!! Everyone that is on the fence about watching this film because it lacks star power should give it a chance.
  13. ny41101

    X-Men:First Class Thread (First leaked Pic)

    I thought the movie was great!!! Everyone that is on the fence about watching this film because it lacks star power should give it a chance.
  14. ny41101

    Air Jordan III True Blue's releasing June 2011?

    Just cancelled 3 pairs of size 9 on Finishline I didnt even know my orders had gone thru cause thats when their site crashed I kept pressing submit order cause it wouldnt go on to the page that confirms your purchase, when I checked my spam folder I got 4 seperate orders of the True Blue 3's all...
  15. ny41101

    Air Jordan III True Blue's releasing June 2011?

    Just cancelled 3 pairs of size 9 on Finishline I didnt even know my orders had gone thru cause thats when their site crashed I kept pressing submit order cause it wouldnt go on to the page that confirms your purchase, when I checked my spam folder I got 4 seperate orders of the True Blue 3's all...
  16. ny41101

    Just broke up with girl friend, first weekend single, *pics*

    Bro how the hell don't you want to motor boat those breast for the rest of your life?
  17. ny41101

    Just broke up with girl friend, first weekend single, *pics*

    Bro how the hell don't you want to motor boat those breast for the rest of your life?
  18. ny41101

    World Ending May 21 2011??!!!! Judgement Day?!!!!

    Man could we pleases stop with all this nonsense no man will predict the 2nd coming of Christ the Bible states that he will come like a thief in the night, everyone has a method to their madness and this guy is doing all this for publicity and money.
  19. ny41101

    World Ending May 21 2011??!!!! Judgement Day?!!!!

    Man could we pleases stop with all this nonsense no man will predict the 2nd coming of Christ the Bible states that he will come like a thief in the night, everyone has a method to their madness and this guy is doing all this for publicity and money.
  20. ny41101

    maryland govenor signs bill that extends in-state tuition breaks to illegal immigrants

    +1. Do you know how much extra money Schools would get if illegal immigrants were allowed to pay the same tuition US Citizen do? Trust me a lot of those people are brilliant students who cant afford to pay $1000+ per class depending on the class they take at CUNY school (Tuition for a citizen at...
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