Wrestling Thread Feb 27-Mar 4 | 3/4 ROH 10th Anniversary Show iPPV - Briscoes vs Young Bucks (p36)

Gonna have to agree with lobo on that one. Only because that's something WWE would try to do.
even if lobo is right...I still don't think this is the way to go about building the hype...

The Rock has a reputation, he use to cut the vicious promo's...ether dudes left and right.

This was so poorly done. Why did he keep laughing...your an actor..stay in character, this is nothing new to you. That pissed me off the most, it felt like he couldn't keep it together and be serious...then he covered it up by saying "this is what we do, we have fun"

Sure he is showing that the crowd is his, it forever will be, and that Cena wishes he had the power Rocky had...but he could have been more serious about it.

Rock had some great lines tonight, he dropped some mild ether...but when Cena came out, he did it so effortlessly and really stood out. Impressive by Cena 2 weeks in a row.

But now it goes back to what Hombre said...is this really all Rock's doing? If it is, then what can be said about Cena, why couldn't he cut these type of promos before The Rock came by. It doesn't take a person to be serious and cut genuine promos that get people excited...

This is certainly going to be interesting as WM nears, I'm stoked for the match
If this is all a work I'm going to hate seeing The Rock "trending twitter promos" all the way up to WM. Atleast drop the ether once Rock.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

You have all been played. The Rock is getting Cena over with the IWC and the Smarks. He's doing what nobody, including Cena could do. He's making you guys like him. Interesting. Real interesting.  
Wow.  This is like discovering plutonium, by accident.
I think the point was to leave Rocky tongue tied. He's an actor, don't forget. He knows exactly what he's doing out there.

I, for one, believe he's doing this WM for the boys in the back. Not the audience, like he said. I've always said him putting Cena over = more money for all the boys. Rock knows this, which is why he was probably pissed about the boys in the back not seeing the bigger picture.

Anyways.. I'm very interested in seeing how this entire angle plays out.
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

You have all been played. The Rock is getting Cena over with the IWC and the Smarks. He's doing what nobody, including Cena could do. He's making you guys like him. Interesting. Real interesting.

I fell asleep.

I need to check it out when they post it on youtube in the am.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

You have all been played. The Rock is getting Cena over with the IWC and the Smarks. He's doing what nobody, including Cena could do. He's making you guys like him. Interesting. Real interesting.  
Wow.  This is like discovering plutonium, by accident.
Everytime this gif is posted, it is executed PERFECTLY.
Are you guys seriously saying that the Rock is getting Cena over by delivering these wack twitter promos on purpose? I think you guys have to start giving Cena some credit cause for the last year all you heard from the WWE is Rock/Cena at Wrestlemania with no sort of build up whatsoever, what he did last week was what had to be done to give some credibility to their feud.
I dead %%# didn't see Lobo's post when I typed mine but I'm glad someone else noticed what WWE is attempting to do. They DESPERATELY want him to NOT get crapped on the biggest stage of their business. Their goal is a 50/50 crowd split when the match happens. Hence all this underhanded %!%% with Cena constantly breaking kayfabe, pandering to "us".

The problem is...none of this will work.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

I think the point was to leave Rocky tongue tied. He's an actor, don't forget. He knows exactly what he's doing out there.

I, for one, believe he's doing this WM for the boys in the back. Not the audience, like he said. I've always said him putting Cena over = more money for all the boys. Rock knows this, which is why he was probably pissed about the boys in the back not seeing the bigger picture.

Anyways.. I'm very interested in seeing how this entire angle plays out.
I said this when the match was being made last year, but there is no other outcome but Cena winning. I know some people think since it's the Rock's comeback,
and it's in Miami. but Cena is winning regardless, and that's the right outcome anyway. It's not like it's a Rock/Hogan situation where the Rock sticks around

for more matches like Hogan to get revenge on Cena down the road.
The Rock is pure gold on the Mic. Decent promo, hes right about cena being shoved down our throats. I think its seriously impossible to get cena over.. not even the rock can do it, cena is just that bad.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

You have all been played. The Rock is getting Cena over with the IWC and the Smarks. He's doing what nobody, including Cena could do. He's making you guys like him. Interesting. Real interesting.
Genius move on the WWE/Rock's part. What better way to stick it to everyone who's wanted the Cena heel turn than by mind f'ing them into cheering for him versus the true heel in the Rock. The Rock has full crowd control and what better way to capitalize on that by allowing Cena to capitalize on his missteps. The Rock has swayed back and forth from top heel to top face effortlessly throughout his career. No doubt in my mind that they're gonna have the him turn heel and get Cena over once and for all. I'm impressed. Unbelievable. 

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

I think the point was to leave Rocky tongue tied. He's an actor, don't forget. He knows exactly what he's doing out there.

I, for one, believe he's doing this WM for the boys in the back. Not the audience, like he said. I've always said him putting Cena over = more money for all the boys. Rock knows this, which is why he was probably pissed about the boys in the back not seeing the bigger picture.

Anyways.. I'm very interested in seeing how this entire angle plays out.
If he was "acting" the last 2 minutes then bruh should've won an Oscar on Sunday. Scripted or not, you could tell that *$%@ cut deep...he's said in the past it bothers him when people make the same distinction Cena made sure to make a point of (you're not the same as us, you're Dwayne, you're an actor, etc.). I would NOT be surprised if he wasn't told beforehand that Cena was going to interrupt him and cut a promo. Par for the course for good ol' Vincent K. McMahon.
The Rock is pure gold on the Mic. Decent promo, hes right about cena being shoved down our throats. I think its seriously impossible to get cena over.. not even the rock can do it, cena is just that bad.
I really can't see where all the praise for Cena's promos last week and this week come from?  I mean Rock toyed with Cena before and after he came out.  I feel like there is SOO much expectation for Rock's promos and little to none for Cena's promos, and ya'll are impressed if Cena delivers on anything.
Even though Cena cut some good promos the past two weeks, my opinion of him hasn't change and I doubt it ever will.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

I dead %%# didn't see Lobo's post when I typed mine but I'm glad someone else noticed what WWE is attempting to do. They DESPERATELY want him to NOT get crapped on the biggest stage of their business. Their goal is a 50/50 crowd split when the match happens. Hence all this underhanded %!%% with Cena constantly breaking kayfabe, pandering to "us".

The problem is...none of this will work.
I kinda think it already has... When "The Rock" was trending a while ago I read some of the tweets before I came in here and it was pretty much the same reaction that I and some of you had. I can't believe that Cena out-Rocked the Rock. He had him flustered and red faced. When's the last time any wrestler made the Rock stumble over his words and botch his lines that have always flowed like water? I mean it's almost too good to be true. As much as we hate Cena we can't knock what he's saying because it's all true. When people tell you they stopped watching years ago, it's usually because the Rock and Stone Cold left. And the twist that they're putting on it is perfect. This is setting up for Hollywood Heel Rock pt. 2.. and personally, I can't wait. It's just too bad that there's a little less than 5 weeks till Wrestlemania and we probably won't get any time afterwards for this to continue.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by hombrelobo
If he was "acting" the last 2 minutes then bruh should've won an Oscar on Sunday. Scripted or not, you could tell that *$%@ cut deep...he's said in the past it bothers him when people make the same distinction Cena made sure to make a point of (you're not the same as us, you're Dwayne, you're an actor, etc.). I would NOT be surprised if he wasn't told beforehand that Cena was going to interrupt him and cut a promo. Par for the course for good ol' Vincent K. McMahon.
I'm going to re-watch the segment sometime tonight. You're right about something, though. Something wasn't scripted that John threw out. Did Rock know Cena was going to come out? Absolutely. Did John push the boundaries on his side? He very well may have.

Interesting stuff.
I mean seriously, the Rock has been spewing classic lines off the top of his head since forever. They named their secondary TV program based off something he said. They even named a PPV based off of something he said. Dude's job that keeps him away from wrestling revolves around the memorization of tons of lines. You mean to tell me he has to write down bullet points on his wrist about John Cena and Wrestlemania?? *People's Eyebrow*
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