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  1. latinabarbie23

    Real Talk iv'e become addicted to Text

    Text>Talk fyi guys just don't break up with a girl in a text, horrible.
  2. latinabarbie23

    females playin mind games unappreciation...

    It works both ways guy, there still r good girls out there but thanks to jerks like some of you NT members girls become that way, we can play that game to.
  3. latinabarbie23

    SO ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i got sprint, they suck they always try n get ur money.
  4. latinabarbie23

    Miss my EX.....vol..Should i call?

    go forwards not backwards, move on...
  5. latinabarbie23

    NT 5 Speed/Standard Car Drivers

    Lmao its something new to that foot, you will get used to it, i love driving a stick shift, wouldn't have it any other way!
  6. latinabarbie23

    So, what do girls see in Chad Michael Murray? vol. I don't see it

    He is sexyyyy for a white boy!
  7. latinabarbie23

    NT! I just got dumped vol. bring me lulz

    Im so sorry to hear that, i was seeing this guy for about 9 months n i thought everything was going fine and one day i get a text message and he dumps me, soall i said back was, "k bye" i wanted to make him think just like guys tend to make us do, and a month later he texted me, i just told...
  8. latinabarbie23

    Post your favorite Disney movies!

  9. latinabarbie23

    Do anybody else feels like this? vol. dos menos uno Serious discussion please

    You are not alone, i think we all have felt that way at some point in life, wondering why the hell we are here? But that's just life, life is a journey nota destination, its not always going to go the way you want it, but just make the best of what you have. Things always get better trust me i...
  10. latinabarbie23

    1st official Post: Your fav text message jokes!

    What a girl can't come on here n Post w/out getting bashed on? awww not cool at all but i might be able to send some more pics to show u guys its reallyme, maybbeee
  11. latinabarbie23

    It's 2009, and I STILL use checks....

    Ur not the only one i use them to for some bills i don't want to pay online.
  12. latinabarbie23

    1st official Post: Your fav text message jokes!

    Just thought i'd share some of the text message jokes i have received lately, so if you guys have any post them here... 1.) God saw you hungry & created McDonalds, he saw you thirsty & created CoCaCola, he saw u without a hot friend and created MY FINE $@+ can i get aamen! 2.) Humpy Dumpty...
  13. latinabarbie23

    Clubbin Questions vol. Noob

    I'm a girl and i can tell you most girls won't dance with an ugly guy (i've brushed them off myself) but you said you were not bad looking, itsounds like you just need to be confident in yourself, girls like that...
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