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  1. jay5

    How long until Smartphones are standard?

    Will companies start expanding their selection from like 100 phones to choose from? Cause if theres a new Droid 2, then 3, then HTC Touch 5 etc, companies like Verizon aren't gonna turn that down to keep a flip phone. You get what im saying? Im kinda confused, i think itll have to happen...
  2. jay5

    How long until Smartphones are standard?

    Not trying to make just another phone thread as i see there are many. But thats part of the reason i feel the question is necessary. Every single phone i see thats coming out is a smart phone. Someone trying to out do another, or be the "iPhone Killer" How long do you think it will be until...
  3. jay5

    Shaq messing w/ Gilberts Fiance VOL. Damnnn homie

    Even more beef between these two teams Lulz.
  4. jay5

    Official Bulls VS. Cavs Post...

    He isnt doing anything with Lebron on him. Someone else will need to do something.
  5. jay5

    Need 10 people for a fantasy league...

    Im down.
  6. jay5

    Is there a funnier picture then this?

    Dam, idk why theres only a few who thinks its funny cause i laugh everytime i look at it. Still a bunch of funny pics in here, keep it coming.
  7. jay5

    Is there a funnier picture then this?

    Those pictures have me rolling too, but seriously this pig. I dont know what it is, His left eye, his right eye brow, this snout, or his ears that have megeeking. I laugh even harder when im thinking that the pig is laughing. To me notthing tops it although the Ant eater is hilarious too.
  8. jay5

    when am i gonna learn to do my work, smh

    How cant you procrastinate when we have this do black people have breathing problems thread on here. I cant help it either.
  9. jay5

    Black people, do yall have problems breathing through your nose?

    I was planning on going to bed early and get some good needed sleep. This thread just hadd to come up and now im gonna beall night.
  10. jay5

    Is there a funnier picture then this?

    I cant help but toeverytime i look at it.
  11. jay5

    So I cut my head open... How long is the healing process? (New Pic)

    Sunday? What does it look like now.
  12. jay5

    The Situation Where A Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Appeared In Blackface For Halloween Wont End Well

    She got fired for dressing up as Lil Wayne at a halloween party? *deletes facebook* SMH
  13. jay5

    NFL Week 8 In Review...

    I forgot about Cinci. I remember we got hammered with criticism for losing to them. youngmoney, i said a while ago the Vikings are better. Im just saying down 5 points in the 4th qaurter is a close game.
  14. jay5

    NFL Week 8 In Review...

    True, but your the only qaulity team we have played. Both times we played you we were within a TD in the 4th qaurter both games. Thats why i say that.
  15. jay5

    NFL Week 8 In Review...

    Dude, yea the Vikings are better i know that. We lost by 12, with like 6 minutes to go we were down 4. You defiantly man handled us for most of the game. But there was a good portion of the game where youcouldnt stop us. It took us a while to get going. Many little things killed us. The...
  16. jay5

    Communism isn't such a bad idea if you think about it

    OP are you saything this because ud rather get paid like everyone else by doing nothing? Cause same here, id be lazy as hell. Then id go tell the doctors that i make the same as them picking up trash. Lulz Communism will never work ever. And to the dudes above, Hitler was a smart dude with...
  17. jay5

    This is why NBA > NCAA

    This question is very debatable i dont see this thread gaining any ground. Its really to ones own. You of course of alot of talent in the NBA but its very one man orientated. Plus you cant help to always think the game is rigged, after reading Donaghys statements from his book. Like lets make...
  18. jay5

    NFL Week 8 In Review...

    Yea dudes terrible, i was wrong. I figured hed play alot better coming in healthy and what not cause he beasted so hard in 2007. I was just as wrong as people hyping up Forte. And Lilstar i never said we were 2 pieces away from the Superbowl. I saw that too, wasnt me though. I do think we are...
  19. jay5

    This is why NBA > NCAA

    I think the point hes trying to make is that the top players in college this year arent close to being as talented as the top dogs in previous years. I agree. Luke Harangody and Kyle Singler would not be close to top 5 in previous years First team.
  20. jay5

    NFL Week 8 In Review...

    Hmm..whatever "Screwww you guysss im goin home"
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