¹ 2008 Spring Football/Summer Workouts (updates) ©

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

I missed it, what did Fowler do/say?
'..And there's the former Gator Chris Carter.'

Kirk let him know w/ the quickness lol

after hours, good shot!

U can see the difference between a player tryin to win a spot, and someone tryin to work things out (1st vid)

ps, After Hours, I need a pair of those NIke super bad II's USC was wearin in the Rose Bowl, U got any contacts ?
Spring Game today was pretty

Obviously didn't get to see anything but the base sets on offense.

We need Newsome/Forcier/Beaver/anyone badly. Atleast 2 QB's in this class, maybe three.

Magee was comical with the language.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

ps, After Hours, I need a pair of those NIke super bad II's USC was wearin in the Rose Bowl, U got any contacts ?

Nah, no contacts. Didn't they wear standard black/white?
Here are some post-game transcripts from RR, I don't think the audio link would work.
On today's scrimmage: "I was pleased we got less than 100 plays, but close to 100 plays which was our goal, let the guys compete a little bit. I've said this is probably the least important of the spring practices, but we wanted to let them compete with the coaches on the sidelines, let them have a little fun. So we got some things accomplished.

"We've got one more practice left then we'll have finals."

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[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Cyle Nunemaker[/td] [/tr][/table]On the defense: "The defense has come along, and I expect that. We've got more experience on that side of the ball and I think they're learning the system. But we've got a long way to go. We're not even close to being ready to go in a real game, but most coaches would tell you that at this stage."

On the speed on defense: "It's hard for me to tell if we're just slow on offense or relatively fast on defense, but we've got to get faster. I think we've emphasized that in the offseason program, and for us to have any success we've got to recruit faster and our players have got to get faster, and they have. I think our players have gotten faster. But we've still got a ways to go. We're not even close to being as fast as we need to be."

On the offense: "I saw a few things on offense. I think we ran the ball hard, [junior receiver] Greg Mathews made some nice catches. We made some progress. There were some mental mistakes today but overall, for a first spring, I think we're kind of on track."

On what he learned about the quarterbacks: "It was about the same. I didn't get answers, but I didn't have anything that discouraged us, either. [Redshirt freshman] Steve Threet and [walk-on] Nick Sheridan are competing for the spot right now. They are smart guys and learning the system. When they make a mistake they know right away, and that's the first sign that they are learning the system.

"We've got some work to do, but they have some skills we can try to enhance, and we'll go from there."

On fullback Vince Helmuth and sophomore linebacker Marell Evans being held out: "They both have been ill. We've had the flu bug going around … we probably had seven or eight guys who were out today that will be back in the fall, but everybody's going through that."

On the Saline High School facilities where they played: "The Saline facility is great; I really appreciate the fine folks here at the school. It was a nice venue. We obviously wanted to have it open to the public, and we'll be able to do that in the future, but this is very convenient. Plus, my house is not far from here so it won't take me long to go and change my clothes. But this is a great atmosphere for our players and we appreciate the hospitality."

On senior defensive tackle Terrance Taylor seeing time on the second team: "If you're looking at first and second team, you're looking at the wrong thing. There is no first and second team. I'll determine that the week before the Utah game. Right now it's just guys going out with one group or another."

On whether he was more pleased with one side of the ball than the other: "No. I'll watch the film, but I saw some good things out of the offense, I saw some good things out of the defense and I thought we did some good things in the kicking game.

"The defense should dominate, and if it doesn't we have issues because we've got more experience and it's easier for them to pick up a new system. But we'll be all right."

On how they are picking up the spread offense "I think we're even ahead mentally where I would hope to be, which is an encouraging sign. They're pretty sharp guys and they pick up our system pretty quick. Again, we don't even have 70 percent of the offense in and we're not running nearly as fast as we'd like, but we've got enough in that we can have a good base to start in August with."

On redshirt junior running back Kevin Grady: "He's had a good spring. He was hobbled a little bit initially, but he's really come along the last couple weeks. He's a very tough, competitive football player. We can do a lot of different things with Kevin Grady, so I've been really pleased with his spring."

On the perception that he needs to have a runner at quarterback: "If you have that guy you can certainly utilize that, but if you have a drop back thrower you can use those skills as well. I've always said we've got to fit our offensive schemes around the talent of our skill players, especially our quarterback. We've done that for 17 years now, so whatever they do well we'll try to enhance and build our offense around that."

On Wednesday's last practice: "Wednesday is going to be a lot of individual work. Basically it's a practice for us to show some things we want them to work on this summer on their own. There will be some group work but it's going to be a lot of individual work to see what we expect them to come back with in the fall."

On whether he had fun: "Yeah, I love practice. Coaches, even though we may be yelling and running around, that's our most enjoyable time. I like seeing the guys compete. I would rather have a regular practice, but it was fun for the guys. It way okay."

On whether they'll have a fan day: "We want to have a fan day in August, and we might have one in the summer, too. We're going to have one in August in conjunction with our picture day sometime mid-August, so we'll make sure to make that announcement is out."

On whether it was good to get them out in the elements Saturday when it was rainy and 45 degrees: "Yeah … well, no. I'd rather have 70 degrees. But the last spring game I was involved in it snowed this time of year, so this is not too bad. It rained a little bit hard - it made it hard for our offensive guys because the ball was wet, and it looked like our defensive guys dropped some interceptions, too, but it was okay. We got through it."

On whether this scrimmage was better than last week's: "Still not completely, but it's gotten better. I think our guys are still learning. Today it didn't seem like we were explosive at times, and maybe they were thinking somewhat. But there were other times we were. There were bits and pieces, but we've got a long way to go."

On the first downs and scores by the offense: "That makes me nervous - is our defense making mistakes? Again, we were being very generic today … we didn't let the defense do too many things and we didn't let the offense do some different things. Why show your hand? I don't know who is here - there might be some folks who snuck in here that we didn't want to see. But you never show a lot in a spring scrimmage anyway.

"We're kind of on track, but our guys understand we have to have a great summer. We lost some of the best players in the country, probably six or seven of our best offensive players and three or four of our top defensive players have moved on to the NFL, so we've got a lot of talent to make up for."

On redshirt freshman Avery Horn: "Avery is getting a lot of reps. He's a young guy; I really like his attitude and he's eager to learn. Obviously he is behind a couple veterans there. But it's going to be interesting to see how these guys do this summer. I think they'll have a great summer - they've got to. But we've also got some talented freshmen coming in. We'll probably play more young guys than I have in a long time, and that's out of necessity, particularly because of the transition in schemes."

On whether there was anything that surprised him today: "No. Today was like a typical practice. This is probably like most of the scrimmages we've had. There are things that make you shake your head and are real ugly, then there are things that give you hope. But as a coach I've learned to be a little more patient with our first spring. Normally a practice like this would make me nuts, but I'm being patient, plus there are people watching, so we'll be nicer.

"I think they guys had some fun this spring. They've come a long way, and I'm proud of them. After twenty-some years I've grown into that. I think our guys are starting to adapt how we do some things, not just coaching style but how we do certain drills, even today, how we did our pregame is different for them. As we go along they'll get faster and faster. That's our goal. We've got to play faster, more physical, and they will."

On Threet's progress this spring: "He did well. He played in every scrimmage better than he played today. Our quarterbacks were sharper in other days than they were today, but they competed. Steve has had a lot better scrimmages and his missed some reps because of injury [thigh bruise], but he'll be okay. Steve practiced Thursday but he didn't run around much. The encouraging part is everyone will be okay by June … there's nothing major. When they get to summer workouts in June, we should have everybody ready to go."
I also read that everytime Threet or Sheridan pitched the ball it ended up on the ground, which w/ Newsome watching could be a good thing cuz thenhe'll see that he has a legit shot at coming in and starting.
I wanted to go to the USC Trojans scrimmage today. It would have been a perfect day to do so too; it was a beautiful day today in Socal.
Originally Posted by IYE2

^Howd the d look though? And Minor or Grady?

Mustain looked good from that vid. Much better than what I thought he would.

And for everybody hatin on me for the Dantzler comment

I thought the D looked fine. It's too hard to tell against this offense, but definitely better than we have ever looked against the spread. I thinkthis D will hold up against the ram it down your throat O that Wisco, tosu (w/ beanie), PSU, etc emply. A lot of big bodies. Everybody is saying that TTisn't really demoted to the second team, but from what I saw I'm pretty sure he is. If Slocum ever looses the needed weight he could easily displacehim. Ferrara doesn't look like a bad option either. Kates quits the team by summer ball IMO.
Secondary looks good. Warren and Trent are gonna be good. I think people are understating Trent's abilities a lil. He's going to be a goodcorner this year. I think safety will eventually work it self out. Chuck and Stevie Brown should take it. Chuck can't cover people for the life of himtho.

Panter looks WAY better than last year. Ezeh and Mouton are flying around too. I think those are our starting backers come Utah. Sam - Panter, Mike - Ezeh,Will - Mouton. Evans, Thompson, Herron as the back-ups + any incoming frosh

I also read that everytime Threet or Sheridan pitched the ball it ended up on the ground
Pretty accurate. I doubt they pitch the ball much during the season. Someone else will be playing QB for that. Carlos, Miner, Feagin

Oh and I don't think Koger ever takes a snap @ TE. I think he redshirts and learns how to play DE. The Tight End depth is sick, especially w/ Masseycoming back.
Originally Posted by Jimmylimmy

I wanted to go to the USC Trojans scrimmage today. It would have been a perfect day to do so too; it was a beautiful day today in Socal.

Yeah, it was a beautiful day today. Weather was just perfect at night. It would have been nice to catch the scrimmage, grab a bite and chill for a while,then head over to McCarthy and watch De La Soul and Lupe Fiasco.
• View from on high: The Irish should benefit from the vantage point of offensive coordinator Mike Haywood, who will be in thepress box on game day calling plays.

"As an offensive coordinator, the worst place in the world to call a game is on the field," Weis said. "Realistically, as anoffensive coordinator, you can see the game so much better upstairs.

"I gave (Haywood) the choice of which place to go. You can lay all your charts out, you've got down-and-distance tendencies, you cansee what they do in different areas, and as the game goes on, you can chart what they're doing and see it in front of you instead of having to memorize itand visualize it in your head."

Weis said the procedure on game day will be Haywood calling the play, telling the play to quarterbacks coach Ron Powlus via headset, and Powlussignaling the play in. Weis, along with the rest of the coaching staff, will be hooked up to Haywood, monitoring the play calling.

• Job security: Senior-to-be Kyle McCarthy, who is replacing veteran Tom Zbikowski at strong safety, has a different demeanorabout him now that he's ascended to the No. 1 role.

"The big difference is the confidence level," Weis said. "It's one thing filling in for Zibby; it's another thing whenit's your job to lose. He's playing like it's his job."

That's allowed for the communication between McCarthy and free safety David Bruton to flow much more freely than even Weis thought itwould.

"Fortunately for us in this camp, he's shown a confidence that is beyond his playing experience, and the confidence is as much mentalas it is physical," Weis said. "He's been here for four years, and he's communicating very well with David. It's made everything flow alot better than I was anticipating."
LeSean McCoy rished for 1,328 yards as a redshirt freshman.

Not only is Pittsburgh tailback LeSeanMcCoy impressive on the ground, he's also impressively grounded.

It would be so easy for a tailback who rushed for 1,328 yards as a true freshman on an offense without an effective passing alternative to proclaim his owngreatness. Yet McCoy isn't ready to accept that adjective even though he's already drawing some comparisons to Pitt legend Tony Dorsett, who rushed for1,686 yards as a freshman in 1973.

Pitt's sports information department has released a chart comparing the players' freshman stats, but McCoy acknowledged there's really nocomparison. "It's kind of cool for that comparison, but I can't compare with him," he's said. "He's a Hall-of-Famer, sothat's crazy. He's a great player."

McCoy appears well on the way to becoming one, though. Last season, he had seven 100-yard games despite facing defenses with eight-man fronts and littleregard for Pitt's passing game, which ranked 104th nationally.

This season, he expects to be better.

"Some games I look back on and I could have made better reads," he said. "It's hard to learn as you're playing. Now I'm older. Asfar as reading blocks, it all comes down to playing much faster and knowing what you're doing."

Pitt coach Dave Wannstedt agrees that knowledge ispower.

"He left a lot of long runs on the field," Wannstedt said. "When he learns our offense better and defenses better, he'll have greateranticipation of what to do.

"But he has to improve on pass blocking and catching the ball. He has a lot of work to do."

Even though Pitt's passing game figures to improve with quarterback Bill Stull and wide receiver Derek Kinder returning from injuries, Wannstedt says he's planning to increaseMcCoy's workload.

Wannstedt worked with Emmitt Smith and Ricky Williams in the NFL, and learned about letting a running back be a workhorse.

"I kid (McCoy) that when I was with the Dolphins, Ricky Williams led the NFL in touches, and when I was in Dallas, Emmitt Smith led in touches,"Wannstedt said. "I remember like yesterday we beat Buffalo and Ricky Williams carried 11 straight times to clinch a win. I tell LeSean I'm not afraidto hand the ball off."

And McCoy isn't afraid to pursue greatness running with it.
McShay said a little bit ago that outside of Moreno, McCoy is the most talented runningback in the country. Hmm.
That injury is nasty. I hope dude recovers from it.

The OL for Michigan looked decent from what I heard. They played their assignment and that is all I am hoping for right now. Not the big mauling type ofOL's we are used to, but with smaller quicker DL I am happy for that. Still some mean guys there.

The scrimmage went decent. Nothing that blew me away from what I heard. Summer is going to be real telling. I hope these guys answer the call because they havea lot of room to improve.
Originally Posted by IYE2

McShay said a little bit ago that outside of Moreno, McCoy is the most talented runningback in the country. Hmm.

Kid looked impressive last season. Kinda reminds me a bit of Reggie, but not as explosive. I think he's definitely a top 5 back heading into theseason.
[size=+1]Step back for the offense?[/size] (By Gene Williams, Warchant.com)

Over the past few spring practice scrimmages, the Seminole offense appeared to be turning a corner but on Saturday it took a U-turn.

Instead of the offense methodically moving the ball down the field and lighting up the scoreboard, which was the case in the last two scrimmages, Jimbo Fisher's unit stumbled their way through Saturday's springfinale. Between the dropped passes, turnovers, botched snaps, penalities and missed blocks, the offense failed to find the endzone or even kick a successfulfield goal until late in evening after the official scoring between the Garnet (offense) and Gold (defense) teams had already ceased.

"I think we struggled a little bit, we definitely didn't really show what we could do," quarterback Christian Ponder said. "These last few weeks we were really getting into the groove. Ithink we came out tonight and everyone was a little nervous and we never really got comfortable."

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[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Bruce Kennedy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Several dropped passes contributed to the offense's inability to move the ball.[/td] [/tr][/table]Fisher puts most of the blame for the sluggish offensive production on the overall youth of his squad and the fact thatthis was the first time many of them played under the lights before a large crowd. It also didn't help that the offense got off to a slow start thanks topenalties and dropped passes.

"In the scrimmages where we had success early we (did well) and the ones were they (defense) got the best of it early (we didn't do well) andthat's how it went today," Fisher said. "You have to become mature and fight your way through those times when everything doesn't go right...Under the lights with new guys out there they got a little jittery and never got in a rhythm. They reverted back like we did early in the spring... I'm notscared of it but it's something you can't tolerate. It's something you have to discuss and hope we can get it out of our system."

Some quick whistles by the officials when a quarterback was touched or nearly touched (non-contact rule) likely contributed the lack of scoring. In fact, onone play 'Vontrey Richardson evaded the pass rush andlaunched a pass into the endzone with Taiwan Easterlingmaking a diving catch for an apparent touchdown. But a quick whistle as the pass was being thrown (even though no defender had touched Richardson yet) negatedthe scoring toss.

But just about everybody on offense was disappointed they couldn't show the approximately 30,000 fans in attendance the improved play they have shown inrecent scrimmages.

In the two previous scrimmages, Ponder completed 16-of-24 (67%) for 264 yards and 4 touchdowns (no interceptions). On Saturday, he was a little less productivehitting 12-of-19 (63%) for 140 yards, 1 touchdown (in red-zone) and 1 interception. Meanwhile, Richardson, playing with the second team offense, went 11-for-25for 130 yards, 1 touchdown and 1 interception. Although neither quarterback put up big numbers, their progress over the last few weeks is apparent.

"They made huge progress," Fisher said. "When I have conversations with them I can see a difference in them and I saw a difference in the 15days in the spring. As they got more reps and got some success they got more confidence in what they are doing, they are asking the right questions and whenthey mess up they understand what is going on. I think they took tremendous strides."

Even though neither quarterback directed a scoring drive during the regular portion of the game/scrimmage, both did find the endzone during red-zone drills.Considering the inability to score near the goal-line was the offense's main Achillies heel last fall, this was a positive that Fisher could hang his haton.

"We emphasized the red-zone during our camp and I think we got much better at it," Fisher said. "We found different ways to get people the ballsto create (good) situations. Red-zone did improve during spring football."

[size=+1]Bradham still catching on to college game[/size] (By Derek Redd, Osceola)

Linebacker Nigel Bradham found out first hand this springthat there isn't just a gap between high school and college football. It's a chasm.

Bradham enrolled early at Florida State to get that extra spring season under his belt. He said it was a wise choice, as he knows he has a lot to learn.

"I really don't know the system that well," he said following Saturday's Garnet and Gold game. "I didn't have a bad game. I was justout there kind of freestyling, just going off the basics of what I know. Hopefully over the summer I'll keep learning and I'll be able tocontribute."

Bradham recorded two tackles, including one for a one-yard loss. Much has been expected of him since he arrived from Wakulla High School, rated thenation's top outside linebacker prospect and 16th-best prospect overall. But he found out there was a lot more to becoming a college linebacker

"In the film room, they point a lot of stuff out," he said. "Every day I just hope I can get better and better. I'm going to keep workinghard in correcting my mistakes."

While he thought he could have done better at points, Bradham said his first spring as a Florida State football player was indispensable.

[size=+1]Thin offensive line gets plenty of action[/size] (By Jamey Givens, Warchant.com)

Most of the first-team offensive line spent some time with the second unit Saturday night. It wasn't because they were playing poorly, or for disciplinaryreasons, though. It was necessary. With only seven scholarship linemen available, Rodney Hudson, Ryan McMahon, Evan Bellamy, and Will Furlong all saw action with the second-team offensive line during the scrimmage.

"It's the best you can do. You would rather for it not to be that way, but that's the best you can do," coach Bobby Bowden said.

The four starters rotated around sophomore center A.J.Ganguzza and walk-on left tackle Josh Tate on the secondteam line. McMahon, a freshman All-American at center, spent time at right tackle. Hudson played left tackle with the first team and right guard with thesecond. Bellamy played left guard with the first team and right tackle with the second, and Furlong played right guard for both.

"Everybody's been rotating because we are real short right now," Hudson said.

Antwane Greenlee filled in for Daron Rose on the first team line. Rose went down last Monday with a chipped transverseprocess bone, and will be out for six-to-eight weeks. Hudson admitted that he and the other linemen got a little winded at times, but he hopes the work willpay off when the Fall rolls around.

"You just have to fight through it," Hudson said. "You know you won't play every play from scrimmage (during the season), and practice isalways harder than games."

[size=+1]Hudson is the Hinesman[/size] (By Jamey Givens, Warchant.com)

Offensive line coach Rick Trickett calls Hudson one of his"winners". He describes Hudson as a guy that comes to work every day. Hudson's work paid off this spring, as he was given the Hinesman Award asthe most dominant player this Spring.

"I'm just honored to get that," he said. "I wasn't expecting it. I just try to work hard everyday and be a better player to help theteam."

[size=+1]Unofficial scrimmage stats[/size] (includes red zone and situational).

Ponder 12-19 140 yds, TD, INT
Richardson 11-25 130 yds, TD, INT
Gilbert 0-1

Smith 9-34 yds TD
Sims 5-27 yds
Paul 2-6 yds
David 2-3 yds
Pierre 1-(-1) yds
Holloway 1-(-2) yds
Richardson 6-(-2) yds
Ponder 11-(-58) yds

Parker 6-76 yds TD
Easterling 5-81 yds
Goodman 5-28 yds
Owens 3-50 yds
Reed 2-25 yds
Carr 1-9 yds
Dunham 1-1 yds TD

Gano 0-1, missed 33-yard field goal

Defense (2 or more tackles)

Rolle, Myron - 5 tackles, 1 PBU, 1 int
Watson, Dekoda - 4 tackles, 1 sack
McClure, Darius - 4 tackles, 1 PBU
Smith, Kendall - 4 tackles, 2 sacks
Robinson, Patrick - 3 tackles, 1 sack, 1 PBU
Parks, Terrance - 3 tackles, 1 FR, 1 FF
Griffin, Paul - 3 tackles,
Wright, Recardo - 3 tackles, 1 sack, 1 TFL
Bradham, Nigel - 2 tackles, 1 TFL
Jenije, Ochucko - 2 tackles
Ingram, Kenny - 2 tackles
Brown, Everette - 2 tackles, 1 sack
Robinson, Jamie - 2 tackles, 1 PBU
Roberts, Rod - 2 tackles, 1 int.
Moffett, Neefy - 2 tackles, 2 sacks
McNeil, Kevin - 2 tackles, 1 sack, 1 TFL
Lampkin, Benjamin - 2 tackles, 1 sack


* Cornerback Dionte Allen did not participate in the springgame because he tore a ligament in his left ankle during last Monday's practice. He will undergo surgery to repair the tear.

* During the spring game, FSU announced that an expanded 100-foot wide video board in the north endzone (where the current video board is) will be done in timefor the 2008 season, and that a new 40-foot board will be added in the south endzone just above the University Center Club. Ribbon boards will also be addedthroughout the stadium

Two years ago Clemson's defense finished 13th in the nation. Last year the Tiger 'D' ended with a No. 9 ranking. With 10 starters from theTigers' Chick-fil-A Bowl defense projected to play in the August 30 season-opener versus Alabama, this year's Clemson defense could be even nastier.

[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Tigerillustrated.com[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Heralded franchise freshman defensive end Da'Quan Bowers is shown here Saturday doing battle with junior offensive tackle Cory Lambert.[/td] [/tr][/table]Asked if this year's defense had the potential to be his best, Clemson Head Coach Tommy Bowden saidSaturday, "Probably. From top to bottom, it probably does."

The Orange defense dominated Saturday, allowing negative nine yards rushing.

"You can say that we have a lot of guys who understand what they're suppose to be doing and where they're suppose to be, what's expected ofthem," Clemson Defensive Coordinator Vic Koenning said Saturday evening.

Koenning said there is an obvious sense of pride with players about where the Clemson defense can be on a national scale.

"To have the number one defense ought to be a special thing. It ought to be a fight to who will be in that group," he said. "There is thatdeveloping pride with being a part of a Clemson defense. Our guys understand it isn't just one-deep."

Koenning stated that it's imperative to further develop depth, particularly at linebacker and safety.

"Our starting defense, we've really got to have 22 guys on that starting defense," he said. "Nowadays you're not going to just be ableto do what we were able to do at safety last year. That was rare. We have to get 22 guys that can fly around and play nasty."

Asked if he were to play Alabama today who would be his starting strongside end, Koenning replied, "We don't play Alabama tonight so I don't haveto answer that."

Super franchise true freshman Da'Quan Bowers began the spring at third-team strongside end, but quickly moved up to No. 2 on the depthchart. Bowers is expected to overtake junior Kevin Alexander on the depth chart this fall, possibly later this off-season.

Koenning said despite the strong showing from the Bamberg native on Saturday, which encompassed seven tackles and two sacks, more could have been accomplished.

"There were a couple of plays where if he stayed low he would have had more tackles for loss," added the Tiger assistant. "He's still gotsome stuff he's got to really learn to do on a consistent basis."
Yeah. McCoy is a beast....

I can't comment on FSU's spring game...Cause I haven't read/seen much about it yet....However...

Instead of the offense methodically moving the ball down the field and lighting up the scoreboard, which was the case in the last two scrimmages, Jimbo Fisher's unit stumbled their way through Saturday's spring finale. Between the dropped passes, turnovers, botched snaps, penalities and missed blocks, the offense failed to find the endzone or even kick a successful field goal until late in evening after the official scoring between the Garnet (offense) and Gold (defense) teams had already ceased.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

Sunday, August 31
Kentucky at Louisville

only football game on a Sunday.
not sure if that will be a goodthing or a bad thing though.

allen must've finally got a rivals account.
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