“Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness" WHO'S US?

along the same lines of that...

heaven was a word that actually meant sky.

and not to go into UFO talk..but many people believe that there are examples in the Bible that could possibly show that UFO's were very much involved. (seeEzekiel and the wheel)
Originally Posted by retrospect90

Hell is mumbo jumbo. Why would a loving god torture someone. A lot of religious leaders just twist things up. A lot of stuff people believe was never mentioned in the bible like christmas.

You must be one of those kids that got put on time out...... cause to me, Hell is not only sensible, but justified,logical, AND practical.
how about Hell being the trials and tribulations of life?

and Heaven being "Nirvana". achieving enlightenment and being free of suffering?
Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by retrospect90

Hell is mumbo jumbo. Why would a loving god torture someone. A lot of religious leaders just twist things up. A lot of stuff people believe was never mentioned in the bible like christmas.

You must be one of those kids that got put on time out...... cause to me, Hell is not only sensible, but justified, logical, AND practical.
So you believe that God would send the mentally challenged, and infants to a burning inferno? What about people who gave to the poor, and helpedthose in need, where kind to their neighbors; basically lead an exemplary life, just didn't accept Jesus as their personal savior. They belong in hell too?

Originally Posted by dgk3188

how about Hell being the trials and tribulations of life?

and Heaven being "Nirvana". achieving enlightenment and being free of suffering?

lol....don't hold you breathe waiting for a response to this
To me its logical for people to die if they don't do what's right, but to be tortured is a little extreme don't you. Even as humans we wouldn'tthink it was right to make people burn and agonize forever over wrong things that they did.
just a couple of comments. based on what i know...(limited knowledge)

Since Vatican II (Second Vatican council) the church (at least roman catholic) has not been (or shying from) the fire and brimstone hell and heaven - and animage of god that's all forgiving..there is no hell etc.,

To me - the bible can't be taken literally; I personally don't understand literalists.The bible should be taken contextually.

who said God had to be a person? If you have a belief in a higher being, it/he/she is a higher being. If God (it/he/she) exists and is a higher being - humanspersonify it's/his/her actions. Humans apply a personification to things we can't understand. The closest thing Catholic teachings get to the divine ora higher being is the holy trinity and even then there are human traits (father, son, holy spirit)
The real "Hell" that is experienced is the separation from the love of God. The fire and brimstone, like someone said up there, is used to make apoint about punishment. After the Revelation occurs and Christ comes back, the non-believers will realize that they missed out on Jesus. Then, for eternity,they will be separated from that love, hence a personal Hell.
Originally Posted by duke4005

The real "Hell" that is experienced is the separation from the love of God. The fire and brimstone, like someone said up there, is used to make a point about punishment. After the Revelation occurs and Christ comes back, the non-believers will realize that they missed out on Jesus. Then, for eternity, they will be separated from that love, hence a personal Hell.
Thats not what I've been taught since I was growing up. Telling a little kid that if he doesn't accept Jesus he is going to crisp in hellfor ever FTL
there were angels in heaven. bible never says god was or is alone. let us make man in our own image. easy.
People take Christianity too seriously. Especially when trying to interpret that tainted book. Define the world in your own terms, it's what separates theprophets from the patrons, the shepherds from the sheep.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by duke4005

The real "Hell" that is experienced is the separation from the love of God. The fire and brimstone, like someone said up there, is used to make a point about punishment. After the Revelation occurs and Christ comes back, the non-believers will realize that they missed out on Jesus. Then, for eternity, they will be separated from that love, hence a personal Hell.
Thats not what I've been taught since I was growing up. Telling a little kid that if he doesn't accept Jesus he is going to crisp in hell for ever FTL
That is the problem with being "taught". You make it soound like a brainwash, which in some cases it is. The Bible is called "TheLiving Word" for a reason: it evolves and adapts to the individual reader. It has the same basic message for everyone (be good, do good works, claim Jesusas Savior), but the parables and stories relate to each reader and believer differently. For some people, physical pain would not be the greatest punishment,that is why I believe from reading that Hell is not all about burning.
I believe in Christ but to me basically i aim to simply try to live a moral good life. I mean really....If you try your best to live lifes basic commandments,no matter what religion in the end of time takes place...what could possibly go wrong for your "after life"

By the way...since i havnt read the bible...anybody know maybe when Jesus is to come back?
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ... if you handle that Jesus was "here" before he was physically here then you're good.

Hope it's not confusing.
Us is the Trinity; God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and post return to Heaven by Jesus, the Holy Spirit.
isn't Jesus Gods' son?

or is Jesus God?

how come Christians' can't ever get their story straight?
I'm Catholic and I think it's funny how some people worship Jesus and totally ignore God. Jesus is God's son, that's all there isto it.
as i say in most of the threads pertaining to "missing pieces" of the bible. i dont think God will fault us for something we have no way of trulyknowing. splitting hairs on the word "us" there could be a many of reasons why the word "us" was chosen or it could merely be a typo,it's about your faith and what YOU BELIEVE or chose not to believe in. Christians are not God you can't expect us to have all the answers, we know asmuch as the rest of you, we just chose to embrace it rather than question it. but to each its own.
Islam > *

I was thinking about that Canibus line the other day in theology class.
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