☆☆☆ Official Track&Field Thread ☆☆☆

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by brrraptors

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Tyson has more potential than Bolt.
how do you figure that?
Physical build.

Since the 100m sprint relies heavily on a sprinters ability to be explosive from the starting position, Tyson build has more potential.

Bolt is beastly but with Tyson Gay almost equaling his numbers in a few meets I think he can beat him by tweaking some of his training.
Tysons build has more potential....ehh??

Bolts younger, has run faster and has worse race execution.... right now Bolt has more potential easily.

sayin that, dont mean he cant get beat in 2 weeks. Tyson lookin good considering his injury problems
Man did VCB look terrible few days ago...

(can't embed no link)

Yup, she did, I saw this on the NBC site a few days ago.
Shelly Ann gonna have problems beatin Carmelita. Has Carmelita taken her tests yet?
but seriously
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Yup, she did, I saw this on the NBC site a few days ago.
Shelly Ann gonna have problems beatin Carmelita Kerron.


Jeter hasn't looked good since Nationals IMO.
Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

Don't think people were laughing at the fact of Bolt doing the 400 he has that talent, but I remember people talking outlandish like if he did the 400 this season he'd break the WR of 43.18. That's where it was getting ridiculous.

BTW Jamaica's 4 x 100 Women's Team better break that WR in Berlin with the possible lineup they have. Some of these old 1980's suspect German Doping WR's need to go dammit.

You really think that if bolt trains for three years, he can't break Johnsons record? You really think that is ridiculous, he started a 400 runner.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

Don't think people were laughing at the fact of Bolt doing the 400 he has that talent, but I remember people talking outlandish like if he did the 400 this season he'd break the WR of 43.18. That's where it was getting ridiculous.

BTW Jamaica's 4 x 100 Women's Team better break that WR in Berlin with the possible lineup they have. Some of these old 1980's suspect German Doping WR's need to go dammit.

You really think that if bolt trains for three years, he can't break Johnsons record? You really think that is ridiculous, he started a 400 runner.

Another case of someone not reading what was posted.

Check the bolded, underlined and increased text size part for reference.
Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

Don't think people were laughing at the fact of Bolt doing the 400 he has that talent, but I remember people talking outlandish like if he did the 400 this season he'd break the WR of 43.18. That's where it was getting ridiculous.

BTW Jamaica's 4 x 100 Women's Team better break that WR in Berlin with the possible lineup they have. Some of these old 1980's suspect German Doping WR's need to go dammit.

You really think that if bolt trains for three years, he can't break Johnsons record? You really think that is ridiculous, he started a 400 runner.

Another case of someone not reading what was posted.

Check the bolded, underlined and increased text size part for reference.

I never said this season....ever.

You can go back and check Lol @ you not reading right, oh the irony.
No but u made it seem like it. I remember it. U said hes got 3 world records. and I said show me 3. and u replied with 400. am I right?
For the 1st 2 days of the World Championships will everything be shown LIVE?
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

No but u made it seem like it. I remember it. U said hes got 3 world records. and I said show me 3. and u replied with 400. am I right?

I NEVER said that
I said he could have 3 records by next olympics. I said he could get one in the four. Yes I said that. I never said he had threerecords.

If you don't think he can beat MJ's record then so be it, but dudes were laughing at me like it was outlandish. I doubt he will do it though ( whowants to do 400 training when they can do 2/1 training)
.....If he did it successfully he would be the GOAT.
Title of this thread should be changed to "Official Track & Field Thread: World Championships Aug 15th-23rd (BOLT vs. GAY)".
2 More days....

I just want to know what the LIVE Coverage will be like online or on TV (I know the NBC and CBC Schedules already). I don't even think the WorldChampionships Event Schedule is up yet
im workin all day sat and sunday
...+$$@ is $!*!#+ up

be lucky to see any of the 100's.....missed the final in beijing aswel
Both 100 Finals will be around 3:30 PM EST time on Sat & Sun.

There's a possibility that Asafa and Shelly Ann Fraser won't be there, they reported late to the Pre-World Camps (along with Shericka Williams &Bridgette-Foster Hylton).


edit: BBC is confirming Asafa has been pulled off the World team by JAA.

dude probably turned up late on purpose. save himself the embarrassment of taking another L
.....considering dude is the 2nd fastest all-time, son is weak. Done $@!%%+ up the relay team aswel...considering he's track record on the worldstage, i have to say he could always run a mean anchor leg

an i got the 100 finals being last event on sunday/monday (official site).......hopefully thats right, i should be able to catch that @*+%
I'm interested to see how Kerron Clement does in the 400h

I remember when he was running for UF and was murking +@%#%% in EVERYTHING.
I should have been more elaborate in my post it's his whole MVP Camp that has now been withdrawn from the World Championships from the JAA. So that'sAsafa, Yohan Blake, Shelly-Ann Fraser, Melaine Walker, Shericka Williams & Bridgette-Foster Hylton.

Williams already posted on her Facebook that she's apparently been taken out from the WC's.

All were medal threats, 2 of them Olympic Champions...what a big hit and terrible time to have all this going on the media is going to go IN on Jamaica withthis I just hope it doesn't distract Usain in any way.



Training camp snub disqualifies athletes

By HG HELPS Editor-at-Large

Monday, August 10, 2009

It appears unlikely that some of Jamaica's top athletes will represent the island at the World Championships in Athletics, which starts thisweekend in the historic German city of Berlin.

Four of the big names, Olympic 100 metres champion Shelly-Ann Fraser, former world 100 metres record-holder Asafa Powell, 400 metres runnerSherika Williams and sprint hurdler Brigitte Foster Hylton, all members of the Maximising Velocity Power (MVP) Track Club have not shown up at the mandatorypre-World Championships training camp in Nuremberg, Germany, making them ineligible to compete at the championships.
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Asafa Powell and Shelly-Ann Fraser[/td] [/tr][/table]
Reports have been surfacing - even more so since Williams posted a message on her social network website, Facebook, stating that: "Oh, well,the JAAA say we can't run at World Championships, because we did not attend the training camp," - that the four were automatically axed from thesquad.

Inside athletics sources told the Observer late last night that the International Association of Athletic Federations (IAAF) to which the JAAAreports, had insisted that all athletes selected should attend the camp for, among other things, providing urine and blood samples for drug testing.

"It is the same foolishness some of these athletes did in China last year when they said they did not know what was taking place," anathletics source told the Observer.

President of the JAAA Howard Aris, who is due to leave for Berlin today, said that he was not aware that the Jamaica team's management inGermany had taken the decision to clean house.
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Sherika Williams and Brigitte Foster Hylton[/td] [/tr][/table]
"I have not been informed of this," Aris said. "The IAAF had contacted the JAAA seeking information on whether or not we weregoing to have a camp, where the camp would be, where the team would be staying etc.

"I wrote to (athletes agent) Paul Doyle telling him what the IAAF wanted to do. When we (the JAAA) called to find out where the athleteswere going to be staying, we were told that they would be going straight to Berlin. I told Doyle that the camp was mandatory, and if they don't go to thecamp, they could not compete," Aris said.

Doyle, who is the agent for Powell, Williams and Foster Hylton, had told the Observer on Friday that he did not know that the camp was arequirement.

He said that the athletes would not be attending the six-day camp, which started last Thursday.

"The JAAA has never once sent a message to me that the camp was mandatory. Only the media has been telling me that it's mandatory."Doyle said.

There was controversy associated with Jamaica's participation at last year's Olympic Games in Beijing, China, when athletes from the MVPclub arrived late for a pre-Olympic training camp in Tianjin, China, exposing more of the bad blood that has existed between members of the MVP executive andthe JAAA.

Last night, second vice-president of the JAAA Dr Warren Blake joined his president in underlining the importance of attending the camp.

"It was not a secret that if they don't turn up at the camp, they would automatically be disqualified," Blake said.

It was not clear about the status of another MVP athlete, Olympic champion hurdler Melaine Walker, who had also not attended the camp up toyesterday.

President of the MVP club Bruce James could not be reached for a comment at press time.
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