☆☆☆ Official Track&Field Thread ☆☆☆

what a start. fraser tried to catch her but no dice.

Bolt coming out of the tunnel shooting a gun with his fingers
"helooks like hes still on a school trip. wonder if he had mcnuggets for lunch" these commentators..

edit: I need one of those bolt foam arms! wow
Bolt couldve ran that 9.89 with a stroller with a baby in it. he sloweddown with 40 to go and just looked over. this guy is gonna embarass the field in the finals. Gay up next

veronica looked solid in her race. its gonna be a good womens 100 finals.
Usain strolling through again.

Sad to see Edgar get DQ how Rogers didnt go to I dont know the replay showed them moving at exactly the same time.

Now lets see wat Chambers can do against Powell and Gay

Lets go Dwain

Yes Dwain in tha final bad start and still qualified but hes gotta step it up a gear for a medal.

9.93 running flat out this aint even a contest

^ it really isnt. once again he was off to a slow start.

he did catch asafa but powell was shutting it down by that point. If asafa stays relaxed and runs his best race he can take on Gay from the looks of it so far.I wonder how much tyson's injury is really bothering him. he barely has a chance if hes 100% healthy and when hes not I dont see Bolt losing to him at all.

its frustrating to see any DQ, felt bad for Edgar. it was a reaction time of what, 0.094 when ure allowed 0.1? come on man. thats crushing
Michael Johnson just broke down Tysons start and technique here on UK tv.

Hes basicaly said that his arms and hands are way to hi to drive his body out the blocks and through the first 20-30 metres.

Saying John Drumond has been working with him and actualy made his start worse also mentioned Drumond is his friend lol just shot him down in flames on tv niceone Mike.

Gay has no chance bronze at best and thats if Powell bottles it mentally in the final.

Usain gonna set a new world record no doubt.

Final Prediction

yea he started slow...I think he's gonna have alot of Adrenalin in the final and its gonna be a good final

isnt the final in like 2 hrs?
^ Yeah 3:30 PM EST will be LIVE on NBC.

I need one of those Foam Hands.

*checks Ebay.
400m Semi's are messed up, there's 3 Semi's and in the 1st 2 there is at least 4 of the Top Women who should be in the final.

edit: DAMN Williams and Dunn PB's and that 49.50 by Williams is the Fastest Semi-Final in a WC EVER!
Scottie, you got Bailey taking it over Asafa? I think if Gay pushes his best and improves on that start of his, he will take Asafa in the finals. It might beclose I wouldnt be surprised if either won over the other. Comes down to powell's mental game and Gay's start.

Tdot I been all over ebay I didnt find those foam arms. I cant find any websites online that have it either. I wonder if they sell it only at the venue

edit: Sanya dusted christine! she had such a large lead in the home straight she just turned it off and cruised. she better get that gold this time around elseshe can be the asafa of women's 400.
Asafa and Gay could both run perfect races and they still wont be able to see Usain.. He's just in his own league, there's no other way to sugar coatit.. Its TOO EASY.. word to terrell pryor

at the 9.89 run...

[table][tr][th=""]Lane[/th] [th=""]Bib[/th] [th=""]Athlete[/th] [th=""]Country[/th] [th=""]2009[/th] [th=""]PB[/th] [/tr][tr][td]1[/td] [td]492[/td] [td] Dwain Chambers [/td] [td]
GBR[/td] [td]10.04[/td] [td]9.97[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2[/td] [td]1110[/td] [td] Marc Burns [/td] [td]
TRI[/td] [td]10.01[/td] [td]9.96[/td] [/tr][tr][td]3[/td] [td]111[/td] [td] Daniel Bailey [/td] [td]
ANT[/td] [td]9.91[/td] [td]9.91[/td] [/tr][tr][td]4[/td] [td]656[/td] [td] Usain Bolt [/td] [td]
JAM[/td] [td]9.79[/td] [td]9.69[/td] [/tr][tr][td]5[/td] [td]1183[/td] [td] Tyson Gay [/td] [td]
USA[/td] [td]9.77[/td] [td]9.77[/td] [/tr][tr][td]6[/td] [td]665[/td] [td] Asafa Powell [/td] [td]
JAM[/td] [td]9.88[/td] [td]9.72[/td] [/tr][tr][td]7[/td] [td]1215[/td] [td] Darvis Patton [/td] [td]
USA[/td] [td]9.98[/td] [td]9.89[/td] [/tr][tr][td]8[/td] [td]1116[/td] [td] Richard Thompson [/td] [td]
TRI[/td] [td]9.98[/td] [td]9.89[/td] [/tr][/table]
what a starting line up. am getting AMPED just waiting
gonna be a racefor the ages!

bershawn! good run my man good run. its gonna be a good 400 hurdles final too, felix sanchez in vintage form. good to see him make it to the finals.
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