☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Originally Posted by gaseousfashion

JaeEvolution wrote:

Can someone please embed...Kobe really doesn't give a damn this season.�

Kobe is that dude. LOL. �

I will watch later..
Originally Posted by show time 96

i'm not surprised by eric gordon top 3-5 SG talk but wanted to know when did he make this jump ( didn't watch many clippers games last yr) 

EG game right now is really ahead of guy's like james harden,  demar derozan,  tyreke evans that much 

Right from the beginning of last season he just turned his game up to another level.  Everyone knew he could shoot, but last season he solidified himself as serious threat to score in so many other ways than the three-pointer.  He also showed that clutchness and the ability to create for others.
Originally Posted by StroShow4

Originally Posted by show time 96

i'm not surprised by eric gordon top 3-5 SG talk but wanted to know when did he make this jump ( didn't watch many clippers games last yr) 

EG game right now is really ahead of guy's like james harden,  demar derozan,  tyreke evans that much 

Right from the beginning of last season he just turned his game up to another level.  Everyone knew he could shoot, but last season he solidified himself as serious threat to score in so many other ways than the three-pointer.  He also showed that clutchness and the ability to create for others.

Sad part is without Paul they wont be better this year. The win total will go up if they stay healthy, but it wont tell the whole story.
Griffin is gone be the same or a little better, Gordon the same or a little better, and healthier. Who else? Caron Butler shooting after holding the ball for 20 seconds? Aminu? Bledsoe with healthy? Mo Williams? Vinny having brain farts?

I get it. You think Affalo is a good defender, you think he is more of a fit in personality, and you think that his size is a legit difference.
You just think he is one of those gritty players that are essential to winning championships. I'm saying he really isnt...
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Originally Posted by StroShow4

Originally Posted by show time 96

i'm not surprised by eric gordon top 3-5 SG talk but wanted to know when did he make this jump ( didn't watch many clippers games last yr) 

EG game right now is really ahead of guy's like james harden,  demar derozan,  tyreke evans that much 

Right from the beginning of last season he just turned his game up to another level.  Everyone knew he could shoot, but last season he solidified himself as serious threat to score in so many other ways than the three-pointer.  He also showed that clutchness and the ability to create for others.

Sad part is without Paul they wont be better this year. The win total will go up if they stay healthy, but it wont tell the whole story.
Griffin is gone be the same or a little better, Gordon the same or a little better, and healthier. Who else? Caron Butler shooting after holding the ball for 20 seconds? Aminu? Bledsoe with healthy? Mo Williams? Vinny having brain farts?
You may end up being correct here.  I think as long as Griffin and Gordon stay healthy they are at worst just over .500, though.  That's the kind of ball they were playing last season during that stretch that came between the awful start and Gordon's most serious injury.  I'm assuming they'll get rid of Kaveman and free DeAndre... that will help. 

I don't like the Butler move... with you on that for sure.
I get it. You think Affalo is a good defender, you think he is more of a fit in personality, and you think that his size is a legit difference.
You just think he is one of those gritty players that are essential to winning championships. I'm saying he really isnt...

Yeah and you also said that the Mavericks pick was going to be valuable...
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Originally Posted by StillAtIt

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

What exactly does that prove? Al3xis said it best. The SG position is one of the easiest to fill in the league. If you have CP3/Griffin and right pieces, they can be in the hunt. Gordon is not better than Manu either. When Gordon can take over games like Manu and carry a team on his back, then you put him over him. Gordon still isn't on Brandon Roy's level pre-injury. As of now, Gordon and Martin are in the same boat. Martin is a career 45% shooter and is capable of lighting it up any given game. You don't hear people raving about him do you? 
You saw what OJ did when he was the 2nd option on the Grizzlies during his rookie season? Same thing. Even in OJ's 2nd year when he was the 3rd option, he put up better numbers than EG while shooting slightly better from the field. I'll wait to see what Gordon does when he's playing meaningful games and how well he performs. Like I said, he's a good player and even admitted to him being a possible all-star this year, but he's not "special". Just a guy in the right situation as a 2nd option when he should be a 3rd option at best.
I guess if you put OJ in Cleveland, Washington or any non-playoff team and he averages 22, 5 and 5 that he will be an untradeable piece as well? Y'all hyping this cat up like some of you hyped up Kevin Love last season who is another 3rd option on an contending team.
Brandon Roy pre-injury was the 3rd best SG in the league. Behind Prime Kobe and Prime Wade who are 2 of the best SGs EVER. Nobody is saying Eric Gordon is on that level yet.
Kevin Martin does not know what the word defense is. Kevin Martin is 29 going on 30. Kevin Martin does not create for anyone but himself.

As far as OJ, he was the option 1A with Rudy his rookie year on a non-playoff team. He only put up 19, 4 and 3. His 2nd season as option 2b he put up 18, 4 and 3. He hasn't touched that level of play since. I don't think you want to talk about OJ's 2010-2011 season. If OJ Mayo ever puts up 22, 5 and 5 it'll be because he played 40 minutes a game and chucked 20+ shots.

Eric Gordon last year: 22 ,3 and 4. And he's actually improved from year to year instead of declining like OJ has.
OJ didn't decline every year. He declined this past season due to his coach not being in favor of him playing SG beside Conley.
OJ improved his 2nd season by shooting fewer shots with a better percentage. Then, you highlight non-playoff team like Gordon is or was on a playoff team....Also, OJ wasn't option 2b. He was the 3rd option in his 2nd year behind Zbo and Gay. I think anybody who watched Memphis then would know that. He still put up 18, 4 and 3 on a 40-win team with fewer shots. Clippers have yet to reach the 40-win plateau since Gordon has been drafted. Grizz did it with OJ as their 3rd option putting up better numbers than EG pretty much had no one else on his team.

This is about to turn into an OJ/EG debate and I'll just stop my argument here. 
 No need to get into a debate about those two because people will only point out ONE out of 3 seasons OJ had last year and act like the guy has completely fell off. 

Yep, QFT.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

I get it. You think Affalo is a good defender, you think he is more of a fit in personality, and you think that his size is a legit difference.
You just think he is one of those gritty players that are essential to winning championships. I'm saying he really isnt...

Yeah and you also said that the Mavericks pick was going to be valuable...

I also said it was a bad trade...
Does a first round pick have value? Yes, is the difference between those 2 picks enough to pass on the potential of Bynum? No.
You misquoted me, and misunderstood what I was trying to say the entire time.

If you think Aaron Affalo makes a team like the Chicago Bulls, or the Knicks significantly better your a fool.
Affalo on either of those teams last year they do not win 2 more regular season games, nor ANY additional playoff games. He will get his 50 million, but if its a contender, its money wasted.
He wouldn't make Dallas better. And If you decided to play Kobe with him, you would be sitting here sad.
EJ is a top 5 SG in the league right now easily.. I've been following him since high school and he is the reason the Clips are my 2nd favorite team right now... Clips shouldn't give him up..
Originally Posted by THE SAUNA

EJ is a top 5 SG in the league right now easily.. I've been following him since high school and he is the reason the Clips are my 2nd favorite team right now... Clips shouldn't give him up..



#%!% CP3!!!
Originally Posted by What up

Originally Posted by StroShow4

Eric Gordon is the 3rd best SG in the NBA.  People will figure it out this season.

thats not a stretch. the dude can defend and hes wet from everywhere. he can also get to the hoop whenever.
niketalk just dont know...
I don't know if he's the 3rd best based off last season. He's certainly climbing up the ladder though. I still rate Kevin Martin SLIGHTLY ahead of Eric Gordon.

Kevin Martin: 32MPG, 23.5PPG, 2.5APG, 1.0SPG, 44% FG, 38% 3PFG, 88% FT, 60% TS, 21.46PER.
Eric Gordon: 37MPG, 22.3PPG, 4.4APG, 1.3SPG, 45% FG, 36% 3PFG, 83% FT, 57% TS, 18.56PER.
Why are some of yall calling Eric Gordon EJ? Got me confused as $%#%.
Question, why the hell are teams amnestying guys like Charlie Bell and James Posey? These guys are one-year deals, and they could just do what Detroit did and just buy out and waive their men, but instead they waste their amnesty clause.
Anyone who rates him third best based off of last season is pushing it. My stance is that he's well on his way to being third best in the league.
Woj reporting the Clips deal is dead for now as of 10 minutes ago.

EG certainly has the tools and the game to be a top SG. I'd project him to be top 5 next year, perhaps even third. James Harden is on the come up as well.

The first pre-season game is this Friday.

Aaaaand guess who has to play that night?

The New Orleans Hornets.

That team with five guys under contract, one of which has been in more trade talks than anyone ever.

Think he'll suit up? What if he's traded Thursday night, and those guys can't play Friday?

They're literally going to have to cancel that game,

Unless they maybe wanna play 3v3.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Joe Johnson.

I definitely take those guys over EG any day.
Is this considering age and contract status?

What do those 2 things have to do with who the better player is tho? I'm with Allen and bhz on this.. Scoring guards are so easy to find.Honest question why couldn't Jamal Crawford or nick young replace Gordon's role/production on the clippers?
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Why are some of yall calling Eric Gordon EJ? Got me confused as $%#%.

bc he is Eric Gordon Jr aka EJ to Eric Gordon Sr(father).

His family calls him this and so does Clipper Nation ever since we drafted him.

btw EJ plays better D than Crawford and Young. I'd rate him over both them dudes based on that alone not to mention his stroke from 3 and ability to d-wade his way to the rim.
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