☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

Howard to the Clips won't happen. That's an attempt to boost the other teams offers who are interested.

Unless of course the Magic are willing to take scraps for Howard.
Kyrie Irving (Dr.K?
) is looking real good, i see alot of AI/marbury in him. 
Edit-Whats the NBA record for most assists avg/gm by a rookie? 
Lakers should be going after Deron, we all saw how when Kobe goes in that 'mode' it can bear down on his teammates, they need a PG to take the pressure off Kobe so he doesn't shotjack so much, and also to create something out of nothing be it for himself or his teammates.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Kobe's defenders will point out that he shot 50 percent against the Clippers and helped drag his teammates back into the game. But anyone who watched how Kobe got to 42 tonight must have had flashbacks to 2006, when some of the greatest individual excellence ever seen in professional basketball netted 45 wins and a first-round playoff exit
Since the NBA-ABA merger, there has never been a season in which a team with a player with a usage percentage of 35 percent or higher has won the championship. After last night, Kobe clocked in at 39.97 percent, which, if sustained, would easily be the highest rate of all time. To give some context, the difference between Kobe's rate this season and Michael Jordan's rate of 33.74 percent in 1997-1998 (his highest in any championship season) is roughly equivalent to the difference between Michael Jordan in 1997-1998 and Sam Cassell's rate in that same year. 

This guy has been reading my posts! Good read on Kobe.
You're kidding, right?  You aren't really serious with this post are you? 


anyone watching tnt right now?!?

what is this crazy talk about griffin being the best PF on the planet?

did some people die today or something?
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

anyone watching tnt right now?!?

what is this crazy talk about griffin being the best PF on the planet?

did some people die today or something?
Let me guess, Shaq said it.
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

anyone watching tnt right now?!?

what is this crazy talk about griffin being the best PF on the planet?

did some people die today or something?
Shaq said he was the best Foward.
$%@% Howard and his list. The perfect place for him to go is Miami. Howard for #6 straight up. No equal trade is left in the league but that trade. And all the you can't trade #6 argument is garbage. He ain't Kobe, Mike, Bird, Hakeem, or Magic. Dude is tradable to me because of his disappearing acts in big moments.

Kyrie Irving is a beast, but man, we winning too many games. We need to trade Jamison and Sessions. Kyrie>Rubio, it's close though.
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

$%@% Howard and his list. The perfect place for him to go is Miami. Howard for #6 straight up. No equal trade is left in the league but that trade. And all the you can't trade #6 argument is garbage. He ain't Kobe, Mike, Bird, Hakeem, or Magic. Dude is tradable to me because of his disappearing acts in big moments.
Consider this another complaint post about Shaq.

"Time to put my 2 degrees to work, babeeeeeee."

Shut up. You got a couple degrees back when you were in your prime and sitting on top of the world and people were handing you whatever you wanted left and right, including cop uniforms.

He mentions his 2 degrees all the time; makes me feel like he's insecure about them and knows it's not the same as if one of us was proud of our 2 degrees, and he knows it'll never be the same.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Kobe's defenders will point out that he shot 50 percent against the Clippers and helped drag his teammates back into the game. But anyone who watched how Kobe got to 42 tonight must have had flashbacks to 2006, when some of the greatest individual excellence ever seen in professional basketball netted 45 wins and a first-round playoff exit
Since the NBA-ABA merger, there has never been a season in which a team with a player with a usage percentage of 35 percent or higher has won the championship. After last night, Kobe clocked in at 39.97 percent, which, if sustained, would easily be the highest rate of all time. To give some context, the difference between Kobe's rate this season and Michael Jordan's rate of 33.74 percent in 1997-1998 (his highest in any championship season) is roughly equivalent to the difference between Michael Jordan in 1997-1998 and Sam Cassell's rate in that same year. 

This guy has been reading my posts! Good read on Kobe. That one goes out to CP. This one too: http://wagesofwins.com/20...ty-in-basketball-fandom/\
Another good read: http://wagesofwins.com/20...he-2011-2012-nba-season/
Wages of Wins Journal is great.

Are you being serious? You obviously don't like the guy and it's blatant. Not saying he's perfect, but seriously? Bringing up the 2005-2007 seasons. Once again I ask have you been watching these games lately? 
I get so nervous when the Thunder play national tv, which IMO still isn't enough. But I'm sure every fan can relate, you just want them to do well both for there sake and to validate your own fanhood of them. I want the W obviously, but also for Westbrook to play well in terms of his turnovers. He doesn't have any yet, took 2 dumb shots though. And I want him to dunk on someone. Ibaka had 4 blocks in the first 4 minutes (think they gave that one against Ray Allen to Thabo though) so that's good, and KD hopefully goes for 30. There is also some "history" with KG talking !%%! about KD and his ability to get to the ft line last season.

I too wish they would have showed Perk's reception from the crowd. I'm sure they'll get back to it at some point.
And Ska, Shaq actually has 3 degrees, despite the fact he couldn't do the math in his head that 18 of 39 is less than 50%

He got them from University of Phoenix too
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Consider this another complaint post about Shaq.

"Time to put my 2 degrees to work, babeeeeeee."

Shut up. You got a couple degrees back when you were in your prime and sitting on top of the world and people were handing you whatever you wanted left and right, including cop uniforms.

He mentions his 2 degrees all the time; makes me feel like he's insecure about them and knows it's not the same as if one of us was proud of our 2 degrees, and he knows it'll never be the same.
I'd hate to ask what his degrees are in.

Average community college student with an AA > Shaq's 16/39=50%.

Dude acts like he has an astrophysics degree.
Originally Posted by Wilroc

How was Perks reception in Boston?

I can't believe that instead of showing this they showed us the fat black dude, Rick Kamla and Brent #*%!!%! Barry talking. Not even Jon but his wack pothead brother. I really wanted to see his introduction, I heard they had a special video for him and everything.
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