☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

Shuttlesworth with black/gold XII's
I hate watching the whole Eastern conference, save for a few teams. It had gotten better, but generally since the early 00s, they always find ways to make games slow, low scoring, and unwatchable. You routinly get 80pt finals from them out there, and I think the extent to which "well they play defense out there," is overrated as they just play slow AND have lots of guys who are non offensive entities.
Every night the NBA is on TNT, I am forced to hear Shaq's terrible analysis and outlandish statements. 
Blake Griffin the best PF in the league, is he on drugs?!?!?! So you can jump over a car in a meaningless dunk contest, put up "solid"....not spectacular numbers on a terrible team last year/half decent team this year and all of a sudden you're the best now?

I can't wait until Griffin and/or K. Love make it to the playoffs where you have to work 3x as hard for everything and I'm pretty sure they won't produce near the numbers they're now due to you being forced to improvise a lot more when a team gets to key on all your strengths for a full 7 game series.
Originally Posted by Pump Fake

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Kobe's defenders will point out that he shot 50 percent against the Clippers and helped drag his teammates back into the game. But anyone who watched how Kobe got to 42 tonight must have had flashbacks to 2006, when some of the greatest individual excellence ever seen in professional basketball netted 45 wins and a first-round playoff exit
Since the NBA-ABA merger, there has never been a season in which a team with a player with a usage percentage of 35 percent or higher has won the championship. After last night, Kobe clocked in at 39.97 percent, which, if sustained, would easily be the highest rate of all time. To give some context, the difference between Kobe's rate this season and Michael Jordan's rate of 33.74 percent in 1997-1998 (his highest in any championship season) is roughly equivalent to the difference between Michael Jordan in 1997-1998 and Sam Cassell's rate in that same year. 
Another good read: http://wagesofwins.com/20...he-2011-2012-nba-season/
Wages of Wins Journal is great.

Are you being serious? You obviously don't like the guy and it's blatant. Not saying he's perfect, but seriously? Bringing up the 2005-2007 seasons. Once again I ask have you been watching these games lately? 

I don't like the guy?
Is that all you have? How lame could you be? I and the author bring up evidence that Kobe can't shoot his way to success. The only way the Lakers succeed long-term is if the offense runs through Bynum and Pau and Kobe plays off that. And watch the games? Even if I hadn't, the author goes in-depth of 2games in the article. But to answer your question, yes, I've witnessed my fair share of Kome in the past week. Kobe is the best offensive player of his generation. That doesn't mean it's the best way for his team to win. Lakers have to get Pau and Bynum more involved. The triangle forced that happen but now it's Mike Brown's team. Why the hell are people so defensive to data and evidence? Your eyes aren't the end all, be all. Nor are mine. Read the article and come up with a better counter argument. To ask of I watch the games is idiotic. State what you have to say. I can disprove you faster that way.
Originally Posted by DallasSneakerHead08

Every night the NBA is on TNT, I am forced to hear Shaq's terrible analysis and outlandish statements. 
Blake Griffin the best PF in the league, is he on drugs?!?!?! So you can jump over a car in a meaningless dunk contest, put up "solid"....not spectacular numbers on a terrible team last year/half decent team this year and all of a sudden you're the best now?

I can't wait until Griffin and/or K. Love make it to the playoffs where you have to work 3x as hard for everything and I'm pretty sure they won't produce near the numbers they're now due to you being forced to improvise a lot more when a team gets to key on all your strengths for a full 7 game series.
They will find out soon that the playoffs is a different kinda beast. I do think Love would still produce in a playoff setting though. Griffin on the other hand......

Its amazing to people that people would rank this guy so high. What exactly does he do well other than give you amazing highlight plays? He rebounds and that's about it. The national media gives this guy a little too much love, but I guess thats expected from them.
Does Pietrus just dog it in practice and not show much effort everywhere he goes as times passes? 
Because to me.... dude is pretty nice, and definitely shouldn't be journey man status....although he does need to go to the hoop from time to time and not rely on his shot as much but that's a different story.
Pietrus has always hit big shots. He especially hits bad big shots, like contested 3s or early in the clock. He also has a tendency to step out of bounds if he pump fakes the 3 but more importantly his knees now. If Phx training staff isn't convinced about your level of health, then you aren't healthy most likely
If the bottom 5 of the East (+ Cleveland) all weren't horrifically bad it'd be interesting to see how close the Celtics would cut it just to get in the playoffs this year.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

I get so nervous when the Thunder play national tv, which IMO still isn't enough. 
You do know the league puts a cap on the number of times a team can be shown on national TV, right? The top teams get around 23-26 games schedule for national TV this season. OKC is right up there at the top. Don't see any reason to complain.
Now that's how you close a damn game! Boston 4-8!! I know it's early, but keep in mind it's equivalent to playing 28 games in a normal schedule. Boston needs to get things together... Can't wait for the Laker game ... Hope the Mamba gets 40 again.
Swag from RW0 with the remix on his post 3 gun holsters taunt. He added the Dougie to it then explosion and he did it with a Gorilla walk/ wood statue walk. And this isn't the first time in his career he has come into Boston and outmatched Rondo who most people consider better than him.

*#&*$ da haters
And the Westbrook haters wait another game to say "I told you so".

OKC lacking an offensive big man is a bigger concern to me than Russ vs. Durant. We'll see come playoffs time.
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