☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

What do you guys think of Barkleys comments last night saying Blake Griffin is overrated and has no offensive game?

I agree with Chuck.
Of course, I think he will improve in a couple of years. He is who he is because of the highlights, not his offensive game. That's how I don't see how people can rank him anywhere in the top 2 or 3 in terms of PF's. Name one thing that he's superior at outside of dunking the basketball?
Actually, I don't know if I see him improving a whole lot. He's going to get spoiled by Chris Paul and not developing his game enough because he'll be getting set-up all the time. I don't exactly know because I didn't watch early Karl Malone, and one could make the same case, but I think Karl was infinitely more talented before he and John ever played together. Blake was known in college as a beast down low, not necessarily because of his offensive skill-set.

I can see Blake relying too heavily on his athleticism and not developing other parts of his game with Chris Paul.

Me? I don't rank him Top 3 PF. He's great for Paul and the Clippers, probably the best fit, but in terms of overall? Love is better, a healthy Dirk is better, Pau is better, Bosh is better.

Blake is absolutely terrible on defense. Worse on defense than he is in the half-court offense.
Originally Posted by laker4lifeman

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Kobe *only* has 150 million? Does that seem really low or is it just me?
I'm pretty sure dude hid some money away.
I know it's not often that it happens, but does anyone think that Dwight maybe ever turns around his FT shooting?

Perkins did it, and there's someone else that's slipping my mind that did it this year too.

I think someday it'll just click. I don't ever think he'll be 80-85%, but 70-75%, I think he can be. I think he has the work ethic to try and do it.
Originally Posted by jville819

Can't wait to actually see Rubio play instead of just highlights

Thissssss.ESPN NBA halftime crew is qual now. Chris Broussard might piss us off around the trade deadline but he's my dude as a commentator. ESPN's crew just seems like a few of the dudes chillin, talking about basketball, TNT's crew is just for entertainment at this point and it's getting corny. I hate to say it but I might like watching them more this year than TNT with Shaq...
It's only Blake's 2nd season and he's already getting criticized this much? Can we at least wait until his 4th or 5th season in the league? He has a long way to go to become a more complete player and I'm sure he knows that himself. One thing that no one can deny is his work ethic. While he might get spoiled playing with CP3, it's hard to think that he won't ever develop any post moves or a mid-range jumper.

Time will tell I guess, but I guess averaging 20/10 off of pure athleticism is not too shabby.
When the TNT crew says outlandish things, it's funny. When Jon Barry puts Ryan Anderson and Paul Millsap in his top 5 PF and leaves out Dirk, I turn the channel.

I also can't stand hearing Broussard pronounces certain player's names.. "LAH-BRAWN JAMES" and "DAH-WHITE HOWARD".. and Magic simply cannot speak. Wilbon is a smug clown as well. So to summarize, I dislike everyone in that crew.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

When the TNT crew says outlandish things, it's funny. When Jon Barry puts Ryan Anderson and Paul Millsap in his top 5 PF and leaves out Dirk, I turn the channel.

I also can't stand hearing Broussard pronounces certain player's names.. "LAH-BRAWN JAMES" and "DAH-WHITE HOWARD".. and Magic simply cannot speak. Wilbon is a smug clown as well. So to summarize, I dislike everyone in that crew.
I can't think of an announcer like Wilbon, cuz he's really good on PTI, but terrible everywhere else, even when he knows what he's talking about.

Tony Kornheiser makes him.
Kevin Durant is looking for extras for his new movie if any of you have nothing else to do Monday and Tuesday. Pay is 7.50 an hr and they need 500. It's just to be Thunder fans for his movie, "Thunderstruck," no acting I don't think.

Here is the “Thunderstruckâ€
Originally Posted by Big J 33

When the TNT crew says outlandish things, it's funny. When Jon Barry puts Ryan Anderson and Paul Millsap in his top 5 PF and leaves out Dirk, I turn the channel.

I also can't stand hearing Broussard pronounces certain player's names.. "LAH-BRAWN JAMES" and "DAH-WHITE HOWARD".. and Magic simply cannot speak. Wilbon is a smug clown as well. So to summarize, I dislike everyone in that crew.
Agree fully.

Broussard is the biggest stan in media. The dude only cares about the superstars and if you ain't, he doesn't care about you. He's almost like CP.

Wilbon I can handle to an extent, but he can slurp just as much as Broussard can. Jon Barry has blatantly hated on the Mavericks a lot, and only gives them due credit when it can't be denied.

And I've only seen an episode or two with Shaq, and I'm not even that big of a fan of Chris Webber, but he needs to come back ASAP.

They already have one dumb dude on the show with Charles, but at least he actually thinks before he talks, he just doesn't talk well. Shaq is just dumb, end of story. Please bring him back, or hell even Reggie Miller. I'm one of the few that actually really love Reggie and his commentating/co-hosting.
i hope the game where josh mcRoberts goes crashing to the floor and is in extreme pain is televised. I don't wish ill will on any1 but son is dirty. If you don't have much skill, work on your game like chuck hayes, don't grab people and smack em like a pathetic goon. He took shots at D.Rose last yr in the playoffs as well
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Kevin Durant is looking for extras for his new movie if any of you have nothing else to do Monday and Tuesday. Pay is 7.50 an hr and they need 500. It's just to be Thunder fans for his movie, "Thunderstruck," no acting I don't think.

Here is the “Thunderstruckâ€
Originally Posted by Div1LBC

It's only Blake's 2nd season and he's already getting criticized this much? Can we at least wait until his 4th or 5th season in the league? He has a long way to go to become a more complete player and I'm sure he knows that himself. One thing that no one can deny is his work ethic. While he might get spoiled playing with CP3, it's hard to think that he won't ever develop any post moves or a mid-range jumper.

Time will tell I guess, but I guess averaging 20/10 off of pure athleticism is not too shabby.
Because we have idiots like Shaq trolling every week with these absurd statements...without shedding any real light as to why he believes what's coming out of his mouth, which leads everyone to analyze Griffin's (and even in Bynum's case) game in reference to them being the best at their position, the world see's this is far from the case. The End.
PS- Love is about to show Griffin how to grind on the block and work from the inside-out tonight
Originally Posted by StrongMind3

Scientific Method said:
Kevin Durant is looking for extras for his new movie if any of you have nothing else to do Monday and Tuesday. Pay is 7.50 an hr and they need 500. It's just to be Thunder fans for his movie, "Thunderstruck," no acting I don't think.

Here is the “Thunderstruckâ€
Maybe Amar'e just isn't at that stage of his career anymore, but I think he's more to blame than Melo. No one on that team can relieve Melo in terms of the load on offense. Chauncey did for a bit in Denver, but then he got old too. Amar'e needs to put up 25+ a night for them to be successful, and it just ain't happening. Amar'e ain't ever had to play with someone that dominates the ball so much like Carmelo, and since they have virtually no back-court (no hate), it's hard for them to both get going. Steve Nash would be a Godsend for both of them. Nash can fill it up, shoot efficiently, and create for his old boy Amar'e.

If the Celtics go ahead and blow it up, how far do they go? All four of the big four? Keep Rondo? Keep Rondo and Pierce?

Pierce's value is probably the lowest of all four of their main guys. He's incredibly out of shape, he's old, and he's not having a great year. KG and Ray at least seem like they're still alive. What could a package of KG/JO/Ray Allen get?

Where would be some good destinations for either guys?

Does Memphis have any TPEs? They could really use KG. I think that's a great fit, but they have no way of absorbing his 21 million dollar contract. They won't give up Rudy or Marc, and they just don't have the pieces to get it done. That's a fantastic fit, I just don't think it's economically possible.

Denver might work if you ask me, but again, it's hard to think where they might come up with the money.

Orlando would be nice too, but for the last time, no assets to get him.

As for Ray Allen, I think he'd be much easier to trade. Teams that could use a hot-shooting SG that could actually use him.... LAL, Memphis, Charlotte, Chicago, and New York off the top of my head.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

That wasn't even tech worthy... !@%!%$$ Refs Should Be Ashamed of Themselves
That tech was for Kobe yelling at the ref before he made the three on the other end.
Originally Posted by PMatic

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

That wasn't even tech worthy... !@%!%$$ Refs Should Be Ashamed of Themselves
That tech was for Kobe yelling at the ref before he made the three on the other end.

That's gay ... Should've called it then
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Big J 33

When the TNT crew says outlandish things, it's funny. When Jon Barry puts Ryan Anderson and Paul Millsap in his top 5 PF and leaves out Dirk, I turn the channel.

I also can't stand hearing Broussard pronounces certain player's names.. "LAH-BRAWN JAMES" and "DAH-WHITE HOWARD".. and Magic simply cannot speak. Wilbon is a smug clown as well. So to summarize, I dislike everyone in that crew.

They already have one dumb dude on the show with Charles, but at least he actually thinks before he talks, he just doesn't talk well. Shaq is just dumb, end of story. Please bring him back, or hell even Reggie Miller. I'm one of the few that actually really love Reggie and his commentating/co-hosting.
I have to back up chuck here, dude is spot on every year with his picks when it comes to playoff time from the jump.
I hated him for years when he ripped on Dirk/The Mavs for years and loved the Spurs but he was always right, obviously he picked us last year from the jump and he was once again right. He has no sympathy/doesn't care how you feel about him and tells you how it is, just like a true analyst should
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