♚ Sacramento Kings ♚ Off-Season Thread

Oh and Jimmer was extremely gun shy tonight. Can't blame him though. It's only his first real NBA game and its against the Lakers at that. 
jimmer looked nervous, but there were some points where he looked fine (couple of pick and rolls with DMC, drive and kick to salmons for a 3). he'll be fine.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Does anyone else feel kinda bad for Donte and JT

I kinda feel you on that one. 
Anyone got the authentic alt jersey yet? How do those revs fit? 
Well I feel bad for Donte cuz the dude seems tight. Like he really cares about the fans and the city.
Not really for either. One isn't efficient and the other plays out of control. Both drive me nuts at times.
They 100% drive me nuts

Both just seem like good dudes and are "veterans" of the team
Looks like Francisco has been reduced to a bench warmer. Should have been that way last year...
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