∞True Detective Season 1 Thread ***CLOSED***∞

I mean if they can get somebody at the pay-grade of Pitt, then they could realistically afford anyone who doesn't have a conflict
Which is why I'm not stoked, because of course I'd prefer Bale, or Hardy, or someone more along those lines
Can't wait for season two, but no way it's out before like summer '15 so-- longgg wait
If Brad Pitt doesnt have a partner like the article suggests I wonder if that means the "elusive criminal" will be the big name actor this time around. Three guys that I think would be perfect for the show and would make me poo my pants are, Joaquin Pheonix, Michael Shannon, Tom Hardy. All 3 are unlikely, but its fun to think about. I firmly believe Pheonix could repeat a McCaunaghey like performance though.
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If true I expect Pitt's best. He knows how to do become a quirky character. Some mix of what's in the box!, Durden, and Rusty would be great.

Probably gonna have to pair him with another great so he doesn't just outshine everybody.

If Brad Pitt doesnt have a partner like the article suggests I wonder if that means the "elusive criminal" will be the big name actor this time around. Three guys that I think would be perfect for the show and would make me poo my pants are, Joaquin Pheonix, Michael Shannon, Tom Hardy. All 3 are unlikely, but its fun to think about. I firmly believe Pheonix could repeat a McCaunaghey like performance though.
Shannon is likely. He's already on Boardwalk Empire and HBO loves to reuse their actors for other shows.

Shannon would be amazing as the criminal.
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^ Naw Shannon hasn't been on Boardwalk since season 2 and got kicked off cuz he was difficult to work with, showed up late to set, and was overall just an *******.  Everyone hated him. Doubtful he's ever on an HBO show again. They wouldn't be willing to risk it/pay him.
^ Naw Shannon hasn't been on Boardwalk since season 2 and got kicked off cuz he was difficult to work with, showed up late to set, and was overall just an *******.  Everyone hated him. Doubtful he's ever on an HBO show again. They wouldn't be willing to risk it/pay him.

You mean Michael Pitt (the Jimmy character).

Michael Shannon would be a great fit for TD, especially with Boardwalk final season coming this fall.
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^ Naw Shannon hasn't been on Boardwalk since season 2 and got kicked off cuz he was difficult to work with, showed up late to set, and was overall just an *******.  Everyone hated him. Doubtful he's ever on an HBO show again. They wouldn't be willing to risk it/pay him.
What? This is false on many levels :lol:

Shannon has been on every season of Boardwalk Empire.



If we talking Michael Pitt well then I haven't heard anything about him being hard to work with or everybody hating him. W/e though. Son doing his thing on Hannibal now anyway.
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What? This is false on many levels :lol:

Shannon has been on every season of Boardwalk Empire.



If we talking Michael Pitt well then I haven't heard anything about him being hard to work with or everybody hating him. W/e though. Son doing his thing on Hannibal now anyway.

Pitt is on Hannibal? Was wondering if he had gotten any work since Boardwalk.

I also heard (from a real close source to the show runner) that was exactly why Jimmy was killed off. He would come to set late and slack off, even when cameras were about to roll.
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^ Naw Shannon hasn't been on Boardwalk since season 2 and got kicked off cuz he was difficult to work with, showed up late to set, and was overall just an *******.  Everyone hated him. Doubtful he's ever on an HBO show again. They wouldn't be willing to risk it/pay him.
What? This is false on many levels

Shannon has been on every season of Boardwalk Empire.



If we talking Michael Pitt well then I haven't heard anything about him being hard to work with or everybody hating him. W/e though. Son doing his thing on Hannibal now anyway.
Yeah my bad guys, I meant Michael Pitt, not Shannon. Another friend of mine was talking to me about his work on Hannibal as I was reading this thread and just Freudian'd up.

But yeah, Pitt was booted from Boardwalk for being a jerk.


Also an actor dude I met through a friend that was a recurring background extra told us about how people would ***** about Pitt all the time.


For the record, I actually think Pitt would be great for a role like True Detective. Not so much the over the top stuff he's doing now on Hannibal, but his Jimmy Darmody type character would have worked pretty well. He's a good dramatic actor when he isn't being a douche bag (allegedly.)
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Any truth to that Jessica Chastain rumor? Apparently she's been offered a lead role for season 2. I would not be mad one bit,great actress 
Guess it was true,sounds like an interesting choice. I'm sure that she'd do the show justice,she's a really good actress. It looks like she has a McConaughey type year lined up with Interstellar,Eleanor Rigby and TD coming up for her. I wonder if they're still thinking about adding Bale/Norton/Pitt. 
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honestly, i'm concerned a bale/pitt/norton would be too strong a screen presence/big a name. i'm nervous it'd distract me from the story in a way woody and mcconaughey did in ep 1-2 but not any time after.

i'd be happier with a casey affleck.
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I'm not gonna be happy if they let a female be a lead role so quickly but I'll keep my mind open and see how it plays out
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