⚽️The Footy Thread: German Super Cup, International Champions Cup, Copa Libertadores

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It's night and day between Barca and Valencia right now. Valencia looked dead at Old Trafford last week and Barca were flying in London. League form is crazy
put in dembele
make a sub valverde...do anything

71st minute after playing midweek with essentially the same squad and valverde still makes no subs
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puts in dembele with 8 minutes left
barca is visibly dragging from the tough totenham game and we still have 2 fresh subs on the bench
valverde is such a *****
he's really more worried about losing the game then going out and winning it
Just seen that Mbappe put up a hatrick from minute 61-69
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all 3 underperforming tbf

Stating the obvious, but RM and Barca both been trash. Sevilla at the top of La Liga.

Wonder whose problems are more fixable.

Barca by playing their guys like Dembele Semedo Lenglet and Malcom

Or Real getting Isco Marcelo Carvajal back, along with Modric regaining his fitness+focus. But unfortunately will still have striker woes. Also need to give Vinicius a shot.
PSG still gonna drag out that sorry *** midfield in the CL, if they can do something in January about it, I could buy in some more
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